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导语: Guide language:年末与年初相遇,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的"向教育提问"搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月22日北京光华路五号会展中心5号大厅盛大举行,我们将发起一场属于教育的跨年思考。盘点全年,我们抛出了六大问题:"问策-教育公平"从最原始的起点发问,关注上学累、上学难、上学贵;"问计-异地高考"讲述普通人的故事,解读概念中的深意;"问道-创新的逻各斯"带着发现的心,将教育改革先行者的勇气和成果传播扩散;"问鼎-金砖之智"在喧嚣时代以一份难得的执著虔诚守望,付诸行动用榜样案例照亮来时的路;"问君-高朋满座"对话行业掌门人,探知产业命脉;"问卷-白皮书"延续对行业的深入观察,提供专业的调查报告…… The end of the year and meet at the beginning,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual festival will be on January 22, 2013 Beijing GuangHuaLu 5th exhibition center 5 hall held grand,We will launch a belongs to the education across the years thinking.Inventory throughout the year,We raise the six big problem:"Ask policy - education fair"From the most primitive start asking questions,Attention to school tired/School difficult/School your;"Advice - different college entrance examination"Tells the story of ordinary people,Interpretation of the concept of depth;"Asked - innovative logos"With found heart,The education reform pioneer courage and achievements spread diffusion;"Shot - nuggets of wisdom"In The Times with a rare rigid religious watch,Action with an example case light up the passage back;"Ask jun - honour"Dialogue palm industry,Discovery industry lifeblood;"Questionnaire - white paper"Continue to look deeply into the industry,Provide professional report……


]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


A children's charity relief by the foundation/CCTV famous host cui always dollar/Sohu jointly sponsored,In China's poor areas to help young children's healthy growth --"Give children add a dish"Love public welfare project on May 17, officially launched in Beijing.The son of kindness will WeiJiuMing,CCTV famous host JingYiDan/ZhangYue,Sohu company vice President/Sohu web editor in chief in power and media/On behalf of the enterprise/Zhongguancun four teachers participated in the launching ceremony,Jointly open"Add a food for their children"Public welfare project love journey.


On March 27,,Famous talk-show host cui always dollar in the sohu micro Po mentioned:Guangxi DouAnXian 16025 school boarder button"Soybean steamed rice"Eat for nine years,You think about what is the way for the children add a dish?"The micro evoke the numerous sohu micro bo users to quickly response,We advise in succession,Canned donation/Donate ham and egg/On-the-spot investigation and so on,And the,Cui always dollar and in its micro bo announced:"I hope that tonight will find volunteers,The night on the day after tomorrow!"3 month and day,Through the micro bo produced for the volunteer team --"Don't zhan guo"Love journey began,Volunteers to guangxi on-the-spot investigation.


After nearly more than a week of field work,April 10,Cui always dollar in its micro blog"report:Guangxi poverty for the school built dining room has been set,May is expected to begin to carry out.At the appointed time inform you pull together."


then,Five years ago to participate in the documentary[My long march]Volunteer team members began to response,Gathering together,And sohu network connection.Volunteer team representatives and sohu public representative May 4, the son to goodness will be introduced"Give children add a dish"Public welfare project plan,In less than forty-eight hours of May 6,The son kindness will/His representatives and sohu company is signed"Give children add a dish"Public welfare project agreement,Then cui always dollar in the sohu micro bo published the donation account and update daily donation situation.


Sohu network as one of the sponsors activities,Set up specifically for activities"Give children add a dish"'s official website(http://gongyi.sohu.com/s2011/jiacai/),As a campaign/interaction/management/Supervision platform.Internet users can through the entrance,Detailed understanding of project operation and social activity.At the same time,Sohu public open love XinWei bo platform,As donors and activities FaQiFang public interaction between the special channel,Enthusiastic about public welfare and net communication and communication between the convenient tool.


The son kindness will be on January 12, 2010 established a national public offering foundation,Adhering to the"Kindness is a bosom to/merging/Care for the future/Promote harmonious"Purposes and"fair/public/Fair and effective"Salvage principle.The son kindness will use their advanced online subscription system('s official website www.ccafc.org.cn),Synchronous transparent display the whole activities implementation.The public can through this system,Realize online donation/Inquires the donation to carry out the situation/Understand students' information recipients, and a series of content.


On May 6, since,Three parties signed smoothly"Give children add a dish"Public welfare project agreement and publish the charitable contribution since the way,Until May 17,,The son kindness will"Add a food for their children"Public welfare projects were received from the public through the postal remittance/Bank transfer/Network donations were 168716.36 yuan,Participate in donation love people have reached more than 350 people.


To participate in the"Give children add a dish"The launching ceremony of public welfare activities of the central television host JingYiDan said,"Small cui launch it,Let me think of 1994 years,I have been to DouAnXian in guangxi,In the valley,People tell me,Here in the past have never been to reporters.When poverty and to what degree?Is not only in necessity,But the people didn't look,Especially children,Eyes empty lets the person love dearly.The child is the hope of the society,Is the beams of tomorrow,We hope that the activity can widely launch social forces,Let the children in the poor areas are also like urban children grow up happily and healthily!."


The son of Mr. WeiJiuMing goodness will be that the young children's charity relief foundation is a national public offering foundation.We walked folk type of road,Support and promote the society any individual/Enterprise and the organization carries out the public welfare charity activities,Those who are willing to rescue difficult children's charity organization,Are our partners.We hope that all of you"Kindness is a bosom to,merging.Care for the future,Promote harmonious",Mobilize social the general public,Involved in the"Give children add a dish"Activities to.


Sohu company vice President/Chief editor in wei lady in the address mentioned,It is micro bo strong propagation force brought volunteer team quick establishment and action,At the same time micro bo also provides a everyone can participate in the information disclosure and supervision platform.Can say,Micro bo's presence will we introduced from media/Private media/Everyone is the era of reporters,The combination of micro Po and public are of utmost to promote public participation/Keep information openness,Let the public welfare project is no longer dominated by a few people,Everyone can for public welfare project provides useful information/All can become protagonist.It is also based on this,We hope that users can through the micro bo issued by your side need help school information,Together participate in making"Give children add a dish"Public welfare project development plan.


It is reported,"Give children add a dish"For the first phase of the action decided to take in guangxi DouAnXian three sheep XiangShang far elementary school.Late April,"My long march"Two volunteers put down the job at hand,The primary school to far,In the earlier investigation activities,They through the investigation,Work out the serious and detailed action plan,Will gradually implement"Give children add a dish"Every link of the,For in this year's"6. A children's day"Let the children can eat dinner first"Side dish"!.


The public welfare activities posted on the Internet a week later,Cui always dollar on May 12 that,DouAnXian decided to fiscal appropriation by the government,Unified the school lunch to solve problems.


Cui always dollar in micro bo will inform the news net friend and says"If counties have such consciousness and ability,Our four two donation is really shocked one thousand jins."


"Give children add a dish"Public welfare project team said,The future will be according to the actual situation and needs,Gradually enlarged and promotion"Give children add a dish"Public welfare project scope,Let the poor areas more children will be able to get the aim is to help!"My long march"On behalf of the team will organize volunteers to visit schools recipients,Supervision of donations to carry out the situation,And in between aid-receiving students interactive activities.


"Give children add a dish!Also for our mind and a dish!"Look forward to and thank you for your support and participation,Let us together for the children in the poor areas are dedicated a love!

  “为孩子加个菜” 公益项目捐款方式——

"Add a food for their children" Public welfare project donation way --

  (1)邮政汇款:中华少年儿童慈善救助基金会 地址:中国北京市海淀区万寿路甲12号 万寿宾馆贵宾1号楼2层 邮编:100036 一定要备注:给孩子加个菜。

(1)Postal remittance:The young children's charity relief foundation address:Wanshou road haidian district, Beijing China a 12 obtained hotel VIP 1 floor layer 2 zip code:100036 must note:Give children add a dish.

  (2)银行汇款:基金会银行账号 户名:中华少年儿童慈善救助基金会 开户银行: 中国银行北京分行西翠路支行 账号:813223279608094001 捐款人一定要备注:“给孩子加个菜”项目。

(2)Bank transfer:Foundation bank account account:The young children's charity relief fund bank: The bank of China, Beijing branch west cui road subbranch of a bank account:813223279608094001 subscribers must note:"Give children add a dish"project.


(3)Website donation:www.ccafc.org.cn,The donation message must be marked:Give children add a dish.


(4)Donated hotline:010-62364018

  备注:2011年6月1日起,因中华儿慈会迁到地海淀区万寿路乙十五号院办公,邮局汇款请寄到北京市海淀区万寿路乙十五号院A座七层,中华少年儿童慈善救助基金会 邮编:100036。

note:2011 June 1,For the son will be moved to the kindness wanshou road haidian district b 15th school office,The post office remittance please send to the haidian district of Beijing, PRC b 15 yuan A seat seven layer,The young children's charity relief foundation zip code:100036.
