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导语: Guide language:年末与年初相遇,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的"向教育提问"搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月22日北京光华路五号会展中心5号大厅盛大举行,我们将发起一场属于教育的跨年思考。盘点全年,我们抛出了六大问题:"问策-教育公平"从最原始的起点发问,关注上学累、上学难、上学贵;"问计-异地高考"讲述普通人的故事,解读概念中的深意;"问道-创新的逻各斯"带着发现的心,将教育改革先行者的勇气和成果传播扩散;"问鼎-金砖之智"在喧嚣时代以一份难得的执著虔诚守望,付诸行动用榜样案例照亮来时的路;"问君-高朋满座"对话行业掌门人,探知产业命脉;"问卷-白皮书"延续对行业的深入观察,提供专业的调查报告…… The end of the year and meet at the beginning,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual festival will be on January 22, 2013 Beijing GuangHuaLu 5th exhibition center 5 hall held grand,We will launch a belongs to the education across the years thinking.Inventory throughout the year,We raise the six big problem:"Ask policy - education fair"From the most primitive start asking questions,Attention to school tired/School difficult/School your;"Advice - different college entrance examination"Tells the story of ordinary people,Interpretation of the concept of depth;"Asked - innovative logos"With found heart,The education reform pioneer courage and achievements spread diffusion;"Shot - nuggets of wisdom"In The Times with a rare rigid religious watch,Action with an example case light up the passage back;"Ask jun - honour"Dialogue palm industry,Discovery industry lifeblood;"Questionnaire - white paper"Continue to look deeply into the industry,Provide professional report……


从“理”到“理” 兴趣使然 from"reason"to"reason" Interest due to


geophysical,Business management,Although the two major are"reason",But the fields and content is very different.One is dealing with all day to,Another is constantly and contact.To JiTieJun speaking,They have one thing in common - had contact are all out of their interests.


The youth of the world JiTieJun macro was interested in,His mouth often talking about the space/polar/Primitive forest/Tropical desert noun, etc,Filled with yearning for future work in the wild adventure.The interest,He later admitted to the northwest industry university geophysical professional.


Out of the school gate,JiTieJun was assigned to the nanjing institute of geophysics,Stay all day in the laboratory is engaged in the geophysical equipment research and development.It is inherent natural be fond of adventure character,He found the job with their own ideal vary greatly,Neither to desert adventure,And didn't have a chance to polar investigation.


so,The restless began to initiation.soon,JiTieJun was promoted to the team leader,Began to design some products,Including organization sales network/Responsible for the after-sale service and technical support.JiTieJun said,His interest in business is the start then.


"And present different,When resource kind professional,Especially with the relevant professional and is not very popular.Bachelor degree after graduation,I also in nanjing measurement and geophysical research institute to work for four years,But it was countries in geological mining and geological research is supply exceeds demand situation.so,When to give up geophysical this major,There are two reasons,One is the employment situation,The other is in the 90 s, China's economy is a period of rapid development,Commercial or more opportunity,The main talent demand is also focused on commercial terms."JiTieJun said.It is for this reason,JiTieJun decided to give up the earth physics major,Investment in commercial fields.


In 1991,,JiTieJun planning to pursue business graduate student,But then there are many restrictions on one's deceased father grind,Generally are not allowed to cross major to enter oneself for an examination.Helpless under,He finally enter oneself for an examination the line - the earth physics major.but,He chose the minor in management courses.this,Three years later,JiTieJun took two professional master's degree.


"People each has his strong point.Some people for a scholar,In scientific research institutions or institutions the achievement;Some people for business when the boss.Also some people for make management,When the professional manager is the best choice."JiTieJun think belong to the third person.


从中到西 人生转折 To the west from life turning point


When asked to go to England to study abroad,Is a major turning point in your life,JiTieJun give very sure answer.


"British study of my life is absolutely a major turning point.The most obvious is the ascension of the salary.Before going abroad in the boundary dragon industrial work,Salary is only 2000 yuan a month,This had been is very good.And after the study in Britain,I work in the British g tile nano(China)Oil and gas company,Wages have gone up to 1500 dollars(When amount to RMB 12000 yuan),It is almost six times before going abroad."


But for JiTieJun speaking,Study abroad for him,Is a change from the inside out.In addition to his salary growth,The ability to ascend is also cannot be ignored."British education is the education ability,This makes my various aspects ability are improved.The first is the ability to communicate,The second is to analyze problems/The ability to solve problems,The third is the team cooperation ability,The fourth is the ability of management.And these,For my future development to play good foundation,Built the framework."JiTieJun said.


Wages and the ability to improve is visible,But to go abroad to study abroad JiTieJun influence,There are many is leaven."The foreign,We are aware that the gap between home and abroad,Especially in the citizen consciousness/The social order, etc.Of course,Now our national consciousness is more and more high.Take for Shanghai,Cross the road the traffic lights,On the left right made,Orderly queue, etc,Has become a habit.But these in the 90 s is almost invisible.When the foreign,Foreigners will feel very clean,The environment is also very clean,Keep order,Very social morality."


Mentioned in the law/Rules and regulations, the strengthening of the concept,JiTieJun give the author cited a vivid example.In a foreign country,The laboratory has its own rules and regulations.Came to laboratory,Foreign student's first reaction is to read the rules and regulations,Then do the experiment.And Chinese students are waiting for the teacher said to do,And you are not used to his own initiative to read.If the teacher does not require,They will go directly to do the experiment."It is due to two aspects of the causes,One is Chinese students are not first reflection do this consciousness,The second is the domestic regulations do not like foreign that detailed feasible."


Whether the inner,Or external,Whether visible,Or leaven,The experience of overseas study to JiTieJun life into a needle cardiotonic,For his future development laid a solid foundation.


从繁到简 厚积薄发 From numerous to Jane constructs


In 1994,,Tiejun quarter got a master's degree in business administration,When getting out of school again,He will be aiming to Shanghai.When many students will be foreign enterprise as a preferred goal,JiTieJun opted for a boundary dragon industry - was unknown a township enterprise.As the company's business development manager,JiTieJun duty is to use the funds raised for business growth,The project feasibility study/project,Finally into production.


"At that time because it just listed,Have a lot of money,And the market competition is relatively weak,So boundary dragon was expansion is faster,From printing to shipping,To shipping/food.so,It is our hope that this project department,The opportunity to prove which suitable for it,What chance is not suitable for it.In the process,You can come into contact with all kinds of people,At the same time,You can also see the potential threat,These abilities for my future development to have the help very much."JiTieJun describe him in this world dragon industry work experience.


When it comes to g tile nano oil company,JiTieJun is described as follows:"G tile's business covers the shipbuilding/building/Space, etc,And oil and gas but it's a small branch.I am in the company,Mainly responsible for the oil and gas equipment sales,We come in contact with all is a large multinational company.When equipment provider global no more than three,G tile nano is one,And the buyer is the global only twenty or thirty home,Such as oil in/Bohai oil and other.In addition to the job with the big company in technology/Sales department contact,And in all parts of the country on the run."


This line there is a jargon:"Three years don't open,Opening eat three years".For JiTieJun for them,Even the smallest a deal,Also at least $10 million.If a big deal,Such as an oil drilling platform project,Transaction amount can reach 1 billion dollars."so,Generally speaking,One of our project,May a with will for many years."


however,The oil industry downturn,Crude oil in the international market fell to ten dollars/barrel below,Lead to customer demand for related products output.In addition,G tile accept the company's internal management problems,In addition to the investment decision-making mistakes,Management also has many problems.


Confidence from one hundred times to extremely disappointed,JiTieJun experienced disappointment pangs and Huang alongside.He wanted to move to the competition there,But think oil industry downturn,Do not have to transfer.Hesitate between,It suddenly occurred to him to study abroad in the UK,There have been a university President suggested that he make education consultation,So he returned to England"units",Didn't think,From now on the road to a shall not take"More walk more far".


In addition to patience/careful/Careful way of doing things,JiTieJun in g tile nano have learned and big company whole frame/Rules and regulations and large enterprise company culture/The method of making use of.When the applied to relatively simple study abroad consulting up,A JiTieJun it works.


now,Many English schools have become"Gold vector education"customers.Advert to in the,JiTieJun not satisfiedly say:"The current market,Almost no our competitors."


从无到有 开拓创新 From innovation


Tiejun quarter from g tile nano,Build the company's time,But the other hand the two 5000 yuan,Others go abroad formalities charge him with the commission.Also is to use the ten thousand yuan,JiTieJun in fellowship building rented a room to office.In the purchase of the basic office supplies after,He in the newspaper for an advertisement,And this advertising has had an immediate effect,Due to the price of similar advisory body low more than half,His telephone immediately ringing.One of the more than twenty customers choose the JiTieJun,It also earned him on their own after the first bucket of gold.


From at the beginning of ten thousand,In 2009 to ten thousand,JiTieJun only ten years of time.Sitting in the industry only their headquarters in the building JiTieJun,Did not meet.He not only in study abroad industry first"Zero charge"service,Also started the traditional study abroad consulting and electronic business combination of the new model.


"We are now actively introduce electronic business concept,Strive to create a large free online study platform,This is our‘Study abroad treasure’."


Today's gold vector group and almost all of the English school,Australia all of the university and many popular high school/TAFE of,Nearly American/Canada's university and middle school,After more than ten years of cooperation,To establish a rapid/efficient/advanced/The huge application channel.This passage that study abroad treasure self-help study platform strong resources and first-hand information courses,Also make the study abroad treasure be the unique the school authority information sources and the school application channel.


"Study abroad treasure"Study the development of the platform,If only the electronic commerce technology and high efficiency application channel support is not enough."Universal application"/A large number of recommendation form/24 hours free consultation,"Study abroad treasure"With the development of the innovative service are inseparable.


"If only the innovation of technology innovation,It is the lack of imagination!It should be more is the innovation of the operation mode,The innovation of product design,The innovation of the customer experience,The innovation of the product added value!Innovators will dare to create consumer needs and the needs of the expression does not come out.If you can do it as any,You will lead your peers;If you can do some sample,You will change your in industries,If you are all done,You will change the world!Study abroad treasure is such a product,Designed for change and study in industry design!"


JiTieJun very kind the traditional metaphor study consulting into gold vector first son,the"Study abroad treasure"Compared to gold vector second son.For the two son's growth,JiTieJun are full of confidence:"Study in China industry in the future five to ten years will be to the low charge even zero charge,And our company's goal is to seize such an opportunity,Strive to create‘Study abroad treasure’This platform,will‘Study abroad treasure’To create a study of the industry‘taobao’!"
