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湖南衡东福利院2名弃残儿病死 该院曾贩卖婴儿--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


两名弃残儿为何在福利院死亡?湖南衡东县福利院采访见闻 Two abandon CanEr why in welfare home death?Hunan hengdong county welfare home interview knowledge


Hengdong county of hunan province has the report says,The two children welfare homes abandoned residue were ill in the welfare home.Reporter then to welfare hengdong county survey,Find true death events,The survey also found some basic medical health welfare homes in primitive conditions/Management is not too standard and a series of problems.


两名弃残儿接连死亡 Two CanEr abandoned after death


Welfare homes in hengdong county,Reporter to verify:The welfare home adopted abandon residual children f force often/F lishui,Respectively on December 31, 2012, and January 1, in the court death.


Last December 31, the nurse on duty late ZhouHua show told reporters,The day at 6 PM forty minutes or found f force often shortness of breath/pale,Give the welfare home ChenFeiHong call report,Ten minutes later,The doctor arrived at the welfare home to rescue,Night at about 7,F force often death.January 1, the nurse on duty LuJianHua is introduced,In the morning at about 10,Heard the crying of water,Find the pale/Shortness of breath,Give the doctor telephone report,Save more than ten minutes after death.


Welfare homes ChenFeiHong hengdong county doctor told reporters,The two children have residual disease are very suddenly,He received a phone call out the past time,Two children are shock,Although after heart pressure/Artificial respiration are rescue measures,But has no use.Two children in welfare home after death,ChenFeiHong issued a death certificate,Will be sent to the funeral home remains to be cremated.


“正常死亡”背后的疑云 "Normal death"Behind the clouds


Reporter in the interview to understand,Death in children,F force often for men,In August 2007, is currently in foster care hengdong county,Unknown age;F lishui of baby girls,3 years old,In January 2010 to adopt.


This question,Welfare hengdong county officials think,Two children belong to"Normal death":They all kinds of diseased,F force often suffer from acute renal disease such as cerebral palsy and,Blessed with congenital heart disease and lishui no anal/Cerebral palsy/Cleft lip and palate/Rectal vaginal walls of the perineum and disease,Has repeatedly sent to hunan province people's hospital treatment and surgery,This belongs to the normal death due to illness.


but,Reporter in the survey found,The two children"Normal death"There are still some behind the clouds for solution:One is although hengdong county county people's hospital of welfare distance only more than a kilometre/Only through the road,But the two children when dying,Welfare hengdong county from beginning to ending no call county people's hospital emergency telephone,Also have no in time to the hospital.this,The explanation is welfare"We want to save his first try";The second is welfare homes don't have rescue conditions.Reporter discovery,Making medical institute only thermometer/sphygmomanometer/Syringe and simple medical equipment,The doctor said ChenFeiHong:"Although I am general practitioners,But the primary title,From the township hospital and adjustment,The welfare home I be a doctor.Clinic condition even some village clinic medical conditions are not."


For two of the death of the child,Welfare homes exactly have negative treat cause negligence liability,It remains to be the investigating to the public after a statement.


基层福利院急需加强监管和保障 Basic welfare homes are in urgent need of strengthening the supervision and guarantee


Reporter interview to understand,Welfare homes have hengdong county in 2006 due to illegal trafficking and babies are over,The original order of hengdong county welfare homes by the shall be investigated for criminal responsibility.Before and after 2005,Court adopted the baby it amounted to more than people.The case after exposure,The hospital adoption babies are greatly reduced,Welfare homes now register put on record 15 in the abandoned baby,Nine people in the family foster,Two people to study,Adopted in only four people,Are cerebral palsy son,The life cannot provide for oneself.


Welfare homes in hengdong county on the second floor of a small house,Abandon residual children is the nurse management and help watching TV.There are two or baby,Need to feed milk powder,Constantly change diaper.Oldest abandon residual children f li the 14 years old,No language ability,Intelligence quotient (IQ) low.The nurse ZhuHuiYuan is introduced,Four children in addition to other than cerebral palsy,The body has a variety of diseases,Need to 24 hours general nursing,Stressful work,Very hard.


According to some workers and the masses reflects in private,Welfare homes in henan is LanKao event after coming out to cause attention recently,And for a long time is not many people into,The government to ensure the child's life/Medical security if you can put in place all by the institution's personnel's conscience.


Hengdong county civil affairs bureau deputy director Sue have autumn is introduced,Welfare hengdong county has 29 formal establishment,But now organization only into the 15 people,The other 13 a line the nurse is"temporary",This phenomenon has maintain for many years.Because the official into people need through the county unified recruitment,Relatively complicated formalities.Now the county finance and by 15 prepare to HeBo welfare funds of personnel.At present,Welfare hengdong county remained in operation working funds have full guarantee,And the employment personnel salary from the work out of funds.

  业内一些人士说,在缺乏利益驱动的情况下,作为社会福利机构,要加强监管、公开透明,多方调动工作人员积极性和荣誉感,让每一个孩子尽量得到较好的照料。(明星 丁文杰)

Some people said in the industry,In the absence of interest under the condition of the driver,As a social welfare institutions,To strengthen the supervision/transparent,Many mobilize staff enthusiasm and sense of honor,Let every child try to get good care.(Star DingWenJie)
