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郑州一高校女生宿舍发生凶杀案 3女生死亡(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

微博截屏 Micro bo screenshots
郑州一高校女生宿舍发生凶杀案 3女生死亡(图)


Henan vocational technology court case of police and police dog(Net friend"With a grass"For map)

郑州一高校女生宿舍发生凶杀案 3女生死亡(图)
Girl's dormitory has been blocked
  事件回顾:河南高校凶杀案系青年男子持单刃短刀行凶(图) Event review:Henan university department of murder young men the single blade knife the loose(diagram)


最新进展:郑州高校女生宿舍凶杀案犯罪嫌疑人被捕 The latest progress:Zhengzhou university girl's dormitory murder crime suspects were arrested

郑州一高校宿舍发生凶案 3女生死亡 Zhengzhou university dormitory a murder happened three girls death? ?? ?


Today at 2 PM,Our reporter from henan professional technology institute to know,Allegedly killed three girls in a man in a long distance bus was zhengzhou police arrested.The suspect is not henan vocational and technical college students,He and the dormitory which a girl for the net friend relationship.[detailed](China JingJiWang)

  大河报官方微博消息,郑州一高校发生凶案,3女生死亡。 河南省教育厅相关负责人赶至现场,介入此事调查。现场已被警方戒严。

The river to the official micro bo news,Zhengzhou university happened a murder,Three girls death. The relevant person in charge of henan provincial rushed to the scene,Intervened survey.Field has been the police martial law.


The river news reporter scene,The school henan professional technology institute building no. 7 has been police martial law,Students can only out cannot enter into,The police take police dog into the search,At the same time a large number of police around the school also search suspect.

  扩展阅读: Extended reading:

  编者按: Editor's note:本案件最新进展显示,嫌犯不是河南职业技术学院学生,他和事发宿舍其中1名女生为网友关系。大学生如何“防骗”?如何保护自己?面对危险和伤害该如何自卫,应该是大学生入学最该上的“一堂课”。

This case shows the latest progress,The suspect is not henan vocational and technical college students,He and the dormitory which a girl for the net friend relationship.College students how to"FangPian"?How to protect themselves?In the face of danger and harm how to defend youself,Should be the most college students admission on the"class".

  北大学生为新生编"防骗指南" 小心9种骗术 Peking University students as the new knitting"FangPian guide" Be careful and kind of deception


"Imitation 100 sent 100 phone card,Seemingly cheap but many customers,Be careful for good","Away from the tricycle QieGao,Away from the black car"……Near September,The universities have welcomed the new report.The first away from parents began to live an independent life,Plus experience,Many freshmen have cheated experience.recently,A Beijing university graduate student compiled a"New FangPian guide"Posted on the Internet,By many freshmen's welcome.[detailed]


南航学子自编"四类防骗"传授大一新生 China southern students designed"Four kinds of FangPian"Impart freshmen

  “亲!欢迎成为‘南航’一分子,在开学报到前,学长为你们精心编写了四类防骗守则,请详细阅读,谨防上当受骗!”20岁的李建明是南京航空航天大学人文社科学院公共事业管理专业的一名大二学生。整个攻略分四个篇幅,“火车站篇”、“校园报到篇”、“寝室推销篇”和“新生家长篇”。“火车站篇” 重点是防骗防扒,不要轻易搭理前来搭讪的陌生人。【详细】

"close!Welcome to the‘China southern’A molecular,Before the registration in,Senior for you carefully write the four categories of FangPian code,Please read,Beware of cheated!"At the age of 20 LiJianMing is nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics institute of humanities social sciences of the specialty of public enterprises management a sophomore.The whole strategy points four pages,"Railway station article"/"Report article campus"/"Bedroom selling article"and"New home long"."Railway station article" Emphasis is FangPian anti steak,Don't respond to accost stranger.[detailed]

  北大研究生写防骗指南:远离切糕商贩和讨饭党 Peking University graduate student write FangPian guide:Far from QieGao vendors and begging the party


Peking University graduate student write for freshmen"Prevention guide","guide"Summary 9 May encounter legerdemain,Remind new pay attention to the prevention;Yan yuan police station police say have a certain reference value.


Freshmen in the,recently,A titled[Those north surrounding the cheats]Post popular network,Net post said"Pku campus near many cheats",lists"Sell cheap phone card"/"Sell QieGao"/"Begging party"9 types may be cheat situation.yesterday,People post Peking University research two students XiaoZou says,"Prevention guide"Is based on him in the north of the six years experience written,Aims to remind the new pay attention to the prevention.[detailed]


除此之外,我们还想问问,学校做了什么?学校是否有门卫,为何会让持刀社会人士进入校园甚至进入宿舍,学校在如何保障学生的安全! In addition,We also want to ask,The school do?The school if there is a guard,Why did they let a social people enter the campus and even into the dormitory,School on how to guarantee the safety of the students!

  同类案件: Similar cases:


醉酒男闯女生宿舍动粗 学校管理不力被责令整改 Drunken man rushed girl's dormitory rough lack of school management is ordered to rectification


Several came to visit villagers man into a drunken girl's dormitory look"Pretty girl",Threat the open the door,And because of the words out will be the girl field so-and-so, beating the injury.11,From shanxi taiyuan police to spread the news,The seven participants were the police administrative detention,And things in school because of poor management has been ordered to rectification.[detailed]

  请别让制度形同虚设! Please don't let system exist in name only!

  中国将完善校内管理制度 保护学生安全

China will improve the management system to protect students' safety


ZhuYongXin:Actively promote residential school management standardization construction


