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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.The following is the grand ceremony for guests interview memoir.

]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您如何理解教育领军品牌?今天瑞思学科英语可能会获得我们少儿英语方面的领军品牌。您认为具备什么样的素质才能成为这个领域的领军品牌?

How do you understand education leading brand?Today he thought subject English may get our children's English leader of the brand.Do you think what kind of quality has to be the leader in the field of brand?


王兰柱(瑞思学科英语创始人): Wang lanzhu(He thought the founder of the discipline of English):今天这个论坛非常好。从基础教育到留守儿童到大学教育,到高考。大家真是难得有一个机会去深入的从各个层面剖析教育面临的问题。在我们解决了基本温饱和物质丰富了之后,教育变得更加重要。而且教育的时间又非常长。因为你从开始做一些改变,到真正看到效果,十年树木、百年树人,这个影响是非常深远的。所以我们现在面临的很多问题其实是被我们应该高速成长掩盖下来的本质上已经拖延了很多年的问题。特别是基础教育,孩子如果从幼儿园再到大学,已经过了十五年了,我们现在的问题是要看到十五年之后的。现在教育的方面急需一些除了国有体系以外的补充的教育平台,这是符合整个发展规律的。一百年前有公立教育系统,同样也有其他的补充,比如私塾,这到今天仍然是非常重要的。我觉得教育是一个从父母开始到爷爷奶奶、到社区,到国家,是各方面的教育,不是单一的在学校的教育。所以我们现在努力在做的就是在客户教育做一些努力的积极尝试。瑞思想做的是在英语方面,主要做一个应用性、实用性,而且是符合孩子学习规律的教育,所以叫学科英语。把英语当做一个工具去学,作为第二母语去学。我们花了五年时间,现在有八万多孩子在学习学科英语。我希望英语能够成为孩子日后成为国际化人才的可用工具。知识方面,我相信我们中国的基础教育方面是有领先的。但在知识获取的时候,我们忽略了人文、社会性的东西,在创造力、想象力、组织能力方面是欠缺的。以后要特别强调这方面的培养,我们要创造一些机会让孩子之间互动。

Today this BBS is very good.From basic education to the left-behind children to university education,To college entrance examination.You really seldom has a chance to further education at all levels analysis are faced with the problem.In the us to solve the basic food and clothing and material after the rich,Education become more important.And education time and very long.Because you from the beginning to do some change,To really see the effect,It takes ten years grow trees/One hundred years to bear fruit,This effect is very profound.So we are now facing a lot of problems in fact is we should cover the essence of high-speed growth down has dragged on for many years of problem.Especially the basic education,If children from kindergarten to college,Has been 15 years,We the question now is to see 15 years later.Now education aspect need some in addition to state-owned system outside of the supplementary education platform,This is accord with the law of development.One hundred years ago a public education system,There are also other supplementary,Such as private,This today is still very important.I think education is a from parents start to grandpa's grandmother/To community,To national,Is all aspects of education,Not a single in the school education.So now we are trying to do is in customer education do some efforts to actively trying to.He thought do is in English,Main do a application/practical,And it is accord with the law of children education,So that English subject.The English as a tool to learn,As a second language to learn.We spent five years,Now there are more than eighty thousand children in learning English subject.I hope that English can be children in become an international talent available tools.knowledge,I believe we Chinese basic education is a leading.But in the knowledge acquisition,We ignore the humanism/Social things,In the creativity/imagination/Ability of organization is short.Later should emphasize the cultivation of this aspect,We want to create some opportunities for interaction between children.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您理解的领军品牌一个是要有教育责任感。第二,瑞思是在这个行业里第一次提出应用型英语的。瑞思发展了这么多年在提出这么一个美好概念的同时,您觉得实施阶段过程中的困难在哪?有人讲这个行业可能人才匮乏,我想听听您的理解。

You understand a leading brand of education is to have a sense of responsibility.The second,He is the best in this industry is put forward for the first time applied English.He thought development for so many years in put forward such a good concept at the same time,Do you think the implementation stage in the process of the difficulties?Someone to tell the industry may lack of talent,I want to listen to your understanding.


王兰柱(瑞思学科英语创始人): Wang lanzhu(He thought the founder of the discipline of English):要成为一个领军品牌,有两个最基本的要具备。第一,你有没有课程体系。第二,你有没有很可靠的、能力很强的、合格的师资队伍。在课程体系方面,瑞思在引进的基础上又做了很多改进的课件体系,是有绝对优势的。前两天我跟教育部相关的基础教育的领导谈的时候,他看了以后说这个至少有十年的优势。这套体系是2004年引进的,那个时候是美国应用的46个州专门用于互动教学的课程体系。因为是互动型的,他解决了一般教育中三个问题的两个问题:教什么、怎么教、谁去教。一般情况下传统的教学这三个是分离的:教什么是教育大纲规定,怎么教是要靠老师的备课教案去实现,谁教?当然是老师教。现在我们有互动的体系,结合了教什么和怎么教。遵循国家的规则,目前做的是自然科学,我们从不设计社会科学的课程。语文我们指的是英文。不能课堂解决的就通过其他方法,我们推出的是PAD端,它在孩子学习的过程中,一个是知识的获取。同时,加工和处理知识的思维过程,这个很大程度上解决了教什么和怎么教的问题。目前我们有26个人的团队在研究怎么去教,可以细到每一分钟老师要做什么,孩子怎么组织活动,我们要怎么反馈。至于教师队伍,我们现在在北京有八百多老师。对老师的要求,一方面要达到教课的目的,学习效果。一般情况下老师至少占到50%的作用。这三点里面有两点是老师要实现的。我们有这样一个课程。65%到70%是由课件完成的。瑞思用的课件的声音至少有16个声音。大人、小孩、男的、女的、年纪大的女的、年纪大的男的。这个不是单一由老师完成,而是由研究出来的课件完成,老师的作用是组织这个课堂,在跟孩子互动和组织孩子之间互相起到作用。这个师资队伍的培养从现成的英语老师中无法实现,因此我们的主体是从英语专业、师范教育专业的毕业生,经过我们自己的培养去实现。教师队伍的培养。这需要很长时间,因为整个社会英语老师非常稀缺,水平高一点的老师,像出身于北师大的也不一定选择来民营,即使学了师范,是不是去当老师也不一定。我希望我们全社会应该关注教育,就像我们今天谈到的一样。这需要全社会去解决的问题。所有人都能讲出来孩子是未来的,但是我们为未来做了什么东西?

To become a leading brand,There are two most basic requires.The first,Do you have the course system.The second,You have a very reliable/Ability strong/Qualified teaching staff.In the curriculum system,He thought in the introduction and on the basis of a lot of improvement of courseware system,Is the absolute advantage.Two days before I with the ministry of education related basic education leadership talk about them,He looked at later said the at least ten years of advantage.This system is introduced in 2004,That time is the application of 46 states specially used for interactive teaching course system.Because it is the mutual,He solved the general education in three problems of two questions:What to teach/How to teach/Who is going to teach.The general situation of the traditional teaching these three is separate:Teach what is education outline provision,How to teach is to rely on the teacher prepares a lesson plan to achieve,Who teaches?Of course is a teacher to teach.Now we have interactive system,Combined with what to teach and how to teach.Follow the rules of the country,Now do is natural science,We never design social science course.The language we refer to English.Can't solve the classroom through other means,We introduced is PAD end,It in children in the process of learning,One is the knowledge acquisition.At the same time,Processing and processing knowledge of the thinking process,This largely solved what to teach and how to teach.At present, we have personal team in research how to teach,Can be fine to every minute the teacher to do??????,The child how to organize activities,How are we going to feedback.As for the teachers,We are now in Beijing has more than eight hundred teachers.To the teacher's requirements,On the one hand to achieve the purpose of teaching,Learning effect.Usually the teacher at least 50% role.This three there are two points is a teacher to be achieved.We have such a course.65% to 70% is completed by the courseware.He thought the courseware with the sound of a voice at least 16.adult/The child/man/female/Older women/Older man.This is not a single complete by the teacher,But by research out of the courseware finish,The teacher's role is to organize the class,In children with interactive and organize each other between children play a role.The cultivation of teachers from ready-made English teacher can not achieve,So our body from English major/Normal education graduates,After our own culture to achieve.The cultivation of teachers.It takes a long time,Because the society as a whole English teacher is very scarce,Level a little higher teacher,As born in Beijing normal university is not necessarily choose to private,Even learned normal,Are you going to when the teacher also not necessarily.I hope we the whole society should pay attention to education,As we talked about today as.This requires the whole society to solve the problem.Everyone can speak out children are the future,But we do anything for the future?


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您对中国教育未来的期许是什么?

You to China's education the goal is what?


王兰柱(瑞思学科英语创始人): Wang lanzhu(He thought the founder of the discipline of English):我觉得现在越来越多的家长开始反思。我相信中国教育改革的原动力是在家长。刚才好几位老师这样讲,父母具有不可推卸的责任。教育第一责任人不是学校,也不是社会,更不是政府,是父母。比如说应试教育,我们可以讲应试教育是教育体制、考试制度的问题吗?我觉得不是,更多的是我们怎么社会急功近利,跳过了过程直奔结果造成的。其实学习本来就不是这样的,获取知识是一方面,但是在获取知识的过程里面,一定是有一个过程,即孩子逻辑思维形成的过程,和他学习知识积累的过程是要有思考。而我们应试是直接告诉你答案,还是记住考一个高分?现在越来越多的家长也慢慢认识到了这个问题,高分不一定是高能,很大程度上可能是低能,对整个社会的认知很弱,情商很低。即使这个人有知识,但是对社会有没有贡献。因此我相信对中国家长教育的改革这个推动力要远远大于学校、老师。所以我对中国教育的期许,是希望越来越多的家长开始思考,希望我们的孩子十五年以后变成什么样。

I think now more and more parents began to reflect on.I believe that China's education reform is the impulsion of the parents.Just several teacher speak thus,Parents have an unshirkable responsibility.Education is not the first school,Nor social,More is not the government,parents.For instance examination education,We can speak takes an exam the education is the education system/The test system?I don't think,More is how do we get rich quick society,Skip straight to the process of the result.Actually learning was not such,Knowledge is on one hand,But the acquisition of knowledge in the process,Must have a process,That is the child of the formation of logical thinking,And he learned the process of knowledge accumulation is to have a thinking.And we examination is directly tell you the answer,Still remember to take a high score?Now more and more parents also slowly realized this problem,High marks may not be high energy,To a large extent may be low energy,On the whole social cognition is very weak,Emotion quotient (eq) is very low.Even if the person has knowledge,But to have social contribution.So I believe that to Chinese parents education reform the driving force than the school/The teacher.So I wanted to Chinese education,Is hope more and more parents began to think about,Hope our children fifteen years later become what kind of.
