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上海一学校老师规定:小学生上厕所不超过三次 小学教育是否过分追求“整齐划一”而忽视孩子的个性,已成为社会热议话题。(资料图) Primary school education is seeking too much"uniform"And ignore the child's personality,Society has become a topic of hot debate.(Material diagram)


“开学一个月毁6年教育观”追踪 "Opening a month destroyed six years education"tracking


"Destroy the January 6 years in education","I spend six years training into his daughter‘Your best’Opening a month gave it all destroyed,Six years later,I will reap a how children?"recently,A parents' love type readme articles(This newspaper on October 11 B05 edition has been reported),In micro blog trigger hot debate"You worry about the children be school bad?"The accused of a"The school uniform requirements destroy individualized education"Cause net friend resonance.


And in Shanghai,Parents had more amazing support:Have the students every day the teacher made it a rule to go to the toilet must not exceed 3 times,The children had to borrow the toilet opportunities to play toilet bowl.


小学要求买统一牌子的水笔 Elementary school for unified brand of pen


WuYu(alias)daughter,Shanghai is a primary school year 5 students.The start of this year,The teacher made it a rule to the class must use a brand can wipe pen write operation,The reason is that pen brush after not a trace of them can't see,Homework looked at clean and tidy.


"This brand of pen a 20 multivariate,A piece of cartridge 10 multivariate,And expensive and difficult to buy."WuYu said,Occasionally she once had bought on the net,Found not wipe clean,Run it in leg located in Shanghai nanjing west road of the shop to buy.


In her eyes,so"uniform"As to the parents make trouble.


In addition to unified pen,The teacher also asked the students on textbooks on name stick.WuYu buy before the sticky rickety,Daughter said to be the teacher criticized.later,She specially selected are of good quality/Color name stick,Was the teacher found for"The unqualified".WuYu sigh said,The teacher made it a rule to stick name must be white/Uniform size/Must be posted in a fixed position.

  此后,吴瑜“乖”了,严格执行老师的要求。 “有些话还有道理,如对作业格式的要求,回答问题时坐姿的规定,可有些规定确实过于死板,也不够人性化,影响了孩子创造性。”吴女士说。

Since then,WuYu"good"the,Strict implementation of the requirements of the teacher. "Some words and truth,As for homework format requirements,Answer the questions in the provisions of the sitting position,But some provisions do too rigid,Also not enough human,Influence the child creative."Ms wu said.


限制上厕所导致孩子玩马桶 Limit the toilet closestool in children play


The little boy Alex(alias)This year just were in grade one last year,He said his new campus on a ociatio,"The teacher is in charge of too strict,Class is over in addition to go to the toilet,Not walk out of the classroom.One day the toilet,Still no more than three times".


"The teacher said we are naughty,Easy accident.Heard that one to grade four class is over all may not to leave the classroom."Alex said,A class is over them only in the classroom"Make welkin".


Alex grandmother to regulation of the school some dissatisfaction:"I meet him every day now home can't force him to do his homework,In school all day off,Can only be put in the community will let him play.Boys ah,Always let him sitting in the classroom not bad ah?No place to play,He will take up the toilet opportunities to play toilet bowl,Results some boys to play together,A short,Have a foot to the inside of the toilet went to."


Alex grandmother said,The teacher to stationery provisions are also very meticulous,H pencil with 6/More than 4 a paper a larger plate two block,Even the rubber brand have rules.


一年级学生三分钟要完成百道口算题 A first-year student three minutes to complete the crossing computational problem


Xu jing(alias)Has been insisting"Let nature take its course/Happy learning"Educational concept,Son into the Shanghai some school is almost before"A blank sheet".


After a semester,Xu sit not to live,In the summer,She found two grade materials for son preview.


"Elementary school before,I think children pure is very important,Elementary school after,The teacher doesn't allow you to have waiting time.Reality told me,These are not important,Speed is the most important."Xu jing is very confused,A grade school after a month,The son of elementary school children for three minutes finished 100 crossing computational problem,So the children began to every 100 problem"The devil training",Summer also didn't have free.


"Each child before admission rate is different,Why want to use the best students standard for every child?"In xu jing seems,The teacher high speed and difficulty,Give children caused great pressure,Cause the child to have touched the timing mouth computational problem,Urgent shaking and trembling.


Xu jing said,Son favorite natural/Art and information class,But all his energy on the language of the number of subjects, etc.


Many parents also reflect,Pupils learn to write,Began to write east torsional west slanting is very normal,But some teachers can't tolerate,Not blame kids stupid,Is to blame parents irresponsible,Parents say,The child's finger at this stage,Is still not fully mature.


Xu jing hope the teacher give parents and children some time,After all habits need a process.


部分家长无奈选择国际学校 Some parents but choose international school


"Listened to some have elementary school children of parents speak all kinds of strict rules,Feeling a lot of system inside the school to the child personality stifle let me hard to accept,May consider let Anna to private school international department study."Shanghai xuhui district in a class the girl's mother an interview.

  由于女儿明年就要上小学,一直奉行快乐教育、自由发展的妈妈非常担心女儿无法适应体制内一些学校死板、严格的规定。几个月前,她就开始四处打听,首先了解徐汇区有没有体制内的 “快乐小学”;其次,了解附近民办学校的国际部情况。

Since my daughter going to primary school next year,Pursues happiness education/Free development mother very worried about my daughter can't adapt to the system in some schools rigid/Strict rules.A few months ago,She began to ask around,First of all know xuhui district have within the system "Happy primary school";secondly,Understand the international department situation near school of run by the local people.


HuangBei address in Shanghai office work a mother said:"I good ravel,I CengCan GuanGuo one school's international department,Really envy those children,As a working families,We are impossible to let the children to read the international department,Can adapt to domestic education."


And live in minhang district of Shanghai of miss li is already in September of this year,With the daughter out into a school of international department.In the contact English/Multicultural and at the same time,Personality is protected and development is the main cause of her choice.


In fact,Already more and more parents began to consider getting children into don't need foreign card primary school international department study,These families are often economic conditions are good,Parents have to let children abroad for preparation,They know,Once you begin into the"International department"door,Which day want to return to the ordinary high school to attend the university entrance exam,Too difficult,Because in relatively free relaxed learning environment where there are many students,It is difficult to house to want a large number of training students to question competition.


老师们也是一肚子苦水 Teachers also is full of bitter

  “老师面对的却是一个班级三四十个孩子,没有规矩不成方圆,没有整齐划一的要求,老师根本没法开展工作。”全国劳模、虹口区第三中心小学一年级李莉老师认为,规定说到底是为了帮助孩子养成一个良好的习惯,更快地适应小学生活, “孩子既然生活在集体中,就需要有一种团队观念和一定的游戏规则,在守规则的前提下再去发展个性,否则整个班级就要乱套了。”

"The teacher face is a class SanSiShiGe children,Can be accomplished without norms or standards,No uniform requirements,The teacher couldn't work."The national labor model/The third center hongkou district primary school grade one teacher to think lily,Provisions in the final analysis is to help children to develop a good habit,To adapt to the primary school life more quickly, "Since children living in the collective,It is necessary to have a team concept and some rules of the game,In the premise of rules to the development of personality,Otherwise the whole class will be what a mess."

  不过,在卢湾第一中心小学一年级教师周浩文看来,家长与老师需要沟通。周老师说,孩子刚入学,在行为习惯和自理能力方面都比较弱,需要老师规范指导,你得先入格,然后再出格。 “我们希望家长能理解,不能只站在自己角度,而是用长远的、全局的眼光看待问题。”

but,In LuWan first center primary school grade one teacher ZhouHaoWen looks,Parents and teachers need to communicate.Weeks the teacher said,The child just entrance,In the behavior habits and self-care ability is weak,Need the teacher standard guidance,You have to first in case,Then revolutionary. "We hope that parents can understand,Can't just stood in their Angle,But with the long term/Global look at problems."


"No parents is a new parents,May have not adapted to be a primary school parents,Need to adjust their own state of mind."Shanghai pudong new area into just experimental primary school principals ZhaoGuoDi warns,For the school/The teacher's standard and the suggestion,If the majority of students and parents can do it,A few parents need to adjust their own state of mind.


97%的网友认为要关注孩子的天性 97% of the netizens think that attention to the nature of the child


What how to education child?"The school to do so is to help children in survival rule,Can understand",or"The school practice is latent rules,Parents should not blindly follow the"?


According to a micro bo a more than 30000 net friend to participate in the survey to see,Support the former are less than 3%,While the latter's approval rating accounted for 97%.


Supporters think,Pay attention to the nature of the child,Teach students in accordance with their aptitude,Talent training is the key.


Net friend"@ three girl 11"said,Let your child be a"oneself"Very important,"large-scale/line/standard"Type education only make a hard-edged children become no personality.


And in opponents looks,Children want to based on the first of all have to adapt to the rules of the group.


Net friend"@ oo cyanine cyanine oo o"said,Two parents management a child,Of course can cultivate children's personality,The children will do anything.Although the teacher also hope children can better development,But one management forty to a student,If students have no rules,Each ChengFangYuan,Asked the teacher how to management?


Net friend"@ day add up to 2012"think,In a certain society under the rules of operation,Learn to press requirement act is also necessary;In the face of the other children"excellent"And teachers"criticism"The calm a little,In the school uniform and unified requirements will not be on the killing of a child's character.


“严格而合理”的规矩不影响个性发展 "Strict and reasonable"The rules do not affect personality development


"Regulation is human weaknesses and struggle,Come to school this big family will abide by the provisions of here."Shanghai song ching ling school yuen teacher said,The primary and secondary school education and is not to develop great writer/mathematician,But according to laws,Let children love learning,Completes the rules,Develop good study and living habits,The future into the society into a good quality of adults.


Yuen teacher give a example:Their school had a student,Pen bag light rubber have WuLiuKuai,All is all sorts of figure graphics,This will affect the child's attention in class.so,The school rules,Only students with all the necessary/Simple stationery.The same,Have students because there is no organized,Often leave about things,A term to light an exercise book will be in four or five times already,This in their school is not allowed.


"The students at home is also throw things,Without good habit,While in school,The student to study management himself."Yuen teacher said.


Someone once interviewed 56 Nobel Prize winner,Almost all the people answered in the life the most important phase is"Kindergarten or school".They in kindergarten and elementary school learn to bedtime shoes put in order/His things and friends share/Before the rice then empress to wash your hands,Yuen teacher said that these is not only a habit,Is the quality of the last a lifetime,These regulations and creativity development does not conflict.


Jiangsu superfine teacher WuFei think,Education feature is"slow".Teacher's act too hastily and parents spoil things by excessive enthusiasm will also deprived of their childhood.


Education scholars in XiongBingJi looks,Many primary school are required,Thousand school side,No individual character and characteristic."Don't change the present evaluation system,It is not possible to assign the school/The teacher/Free for students and parents."Bear professor said,Single evaluation system kill students' creativity and imagination,The purpose is to study,Put them into bound tools.
