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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.The following is the grand ceremony for guests interview memoir.

]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您是如何理解教育行业中的领军品牌的?机构应该具备什么样素质的才能称得上是行业领军品牌?

How do you understand the education industry leading brand?Organizations should have what kind of quality can be called industry leading brand?


王力民(和中留学移民总裁王力民): WangLiMin(And the study of WangLiMin immigrants):和中在中国陪伴广大消费者已经走过了十八个年头,在此过程中也成为了一个品牌出国机构。能够当选搜狐教育移民领域的领军品牌,我感到很荣幸。首先,这不是资格的问题,这是我们的荣耀。一直以来,和中要求自己要有一份社会责任感。你在行业里面做了这么长时间,也有了一定的规模。但是这并不一定就能够断定你具备领军的称号。相反,你有没有担当、有没有承载、有没有社会责任感、有没有行业引领才是重要的。这些年,我们在这些方面一直不断努力。我个人也一直在宣扬,无论是在留学还是移民领域,要以诚信为主,要把我们这个行业为客户的服务上升到为中华民族振兴贡献我们的力量这样一个高度来看。

And in China with the vast number of consumers have already walked through eighteen years,In this process has become a brand go abroad institutions.Can be elected sohu education in the field of immigration leading brand,I feel very honored to.First of all,This is not the problem of qualification,This is our glory.Has been,And the requirement to have a social responsibility.You did in the industry in such a long time,Also had a certain scale.But this does not necessarily can conclude that you have the title of leader.instead,Have you ever bear/Have a bearing/Have the sense of social responsibility/Any leading industry is important.these,We in these areas have been constantly strive to.I also have proclaimed,Whether in study or immigration field,To take the good faith is given priority to,To make this industry as customer service up to for the Chinese nation the contribution our strength such a view.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:过去这一年,您的行业感受是什么?如果有关键词,这个关键词是什么?

This past year,Your profession feeling is???????If there is a key,The keywords is what?


王力民(和中留学移民总裁王力民): WangLiMin(And the study of WangLiMin immigrants):我突然想到一个词:外热内冷。2011、2012两年里,外部都把移民行业在看作中国移民潮的年份,移民甚至已经到了街谈巷议的程度。但是我们行业内部的人知道,并不是想出去的人多了,这个行业就越来越蓬勃。毕竟,大家想去的都是发达国家,发达国家又都有自己的配额。想去的人多了,对方自然把门槛提高。要么拖长审理周期、要么提高拒签率。无论是加拿大还是美国,还是其他国家,从2011年都逐渐开始对全世界过热的移民申请泼冷水,逐渐地关门,或是提高门槛。所以2012年,行业里的人过得相当艰难,很多传统的移民目的地国家都紧缩了政策。这样看,这个行业也确实面临挑战。对消费者而言,很多人的期望值必须要调整,调整他们想要去的国家、期望花费的金钱以及预计耗费的时间,所有这些因素都和之前的预期大不一样了。作为机构,我们也做出了极大的改善和调整。

I suddenly thought of a word:External heat in cold.2011/2012 two years,The outside of the immigration industry in China as the year of immigration,Immigration has even to the extent of the talk of the town.But we know of the industry,And not to out much,The industry is more and more vigorous.After all,You want to go to is the developed countries,The developed countries and has its own quota.Want to go to it,The other natural to improve the threshold.Either wiredrawing trial period/Either improve refused rate.Whether in Canada or the United States,Or other countries,From 2011 to the world gradually began to overheating immigration application throw cold water on,Gradually close,Or improve the threshold.So in 2012,People in the industry have a quite difficult,Many traditional immigration destination countries are tightening the policy.Look like this,The industry also really facing challenges.For consumers,Many people's expectations have to be adjusted,Adjustment they want to go to the country/Expect to spend money, and is expected to spend time,All of these factors and the expected before is not the same.As the mechanism,We have also made great improvement and adjustment.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:如此看来,这个行业不仅背负了舆论施以的包袱,还承担了业务层面的压力。那么您觉得2013年的行业趋势会是什么样?

so,The industry not only bear the burden with public opinion,Also undertake the business aspects of the pressure.So you think 2013 years of industry trends will be what kind of?


王力民(和中留学移民总裁王力民): WangLiMin(And the study of WangLiMin immigrants):这两天,和中全国各地公司的总经理都到北京来开年会。我给2013年有一个定调,即2013年很可能是欧洲移民年,也可以说是小国移民年。传统的移民国家,无论是加拿大还是美国,要么就把门彻底关上,要么把审理时间大大拖长,甚至美国的EB5项目很有可能对中国实行配额制。如果时间过长,客户们不得不把目标放向别的地方,比如说欧洲。去年经历过欧债危机,欧洲很多国家在经济上也蛮艰难的。这样他们自然而然把目光转向了中国这样一个仍然兴旺、充满了高度活力的一个国度。这个地方有资金、有人。其实,在2012年开始,塞浦路斯这样的小国已经在移民问题上成为了全球的热点。今年还会有一些其他国家跟上,或者一些国家将出现一些新的移民项目来吸引更多的投资和中国新一批的移民申请。

These two days,And the general manager of the company in all parts of the country to Beijing for the annual meeting.I give 2013 have a pitch,In the year 2013 is likely to be in European immigrants,Can say it is a small country in immigration.The traditional nation of immigrants,Whether in Canada or the United States,Shut the door or thoroughly,Either the processing time greatly lengthen,Even America's EB5 projects likely to China implements quota system.If time is too long,Customers have to put the goal to other place,Such as Europe.Last year through the debt crisis,Many countries in the European economy is quite difficult.So they naturally turned to look the Chinese such a continued to flourish/Filled with high energy of a nation.This place has the capital/someone.In fact,Started in 2012,Small countries like Cyprus on immigration has become a global hot spot.This year also will have some other countries keep up with,Or some countries will appear some new immigration program to attract more investment and in China, a new batch of immigration application.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在这样的预判之下,和中的战略会有哪些调整?

In such under anticipation,And what will be the strategic adjustment?


王力民(和中留学移民总裁王力民): WangLiMin(And the study of WangLiMin immigrants):我们必须要做与时俱进的调整。过几天我们将去欧洲。

We must keep pace with The Times to do the adjustment.In a few days we will go to Europe.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您今天来到盛典,在“向教育提问”的主题下,应该带有自己的思索,那么您对中国教育未来的期望是什么?

You came to the ceremony today,in"Education question to"theme,Should be with their own thinking,So you have for Chinese education looking to the future is what?


王力民(和中留学移民总裁王力民): WangLiMin(And the study of WangLiMin immigrants):我个人觉得中国教育是一个很大的话题。没有人能有资格在几分钟时间评判中国的教育。背起手来指责是最容易的。中华民族有五千年的历史,这跟它有很强大的教育体制是分不开的。当年跟中国平起平坐的古希腊、古印度、古巴比伦文化都衰败了。我们要为我们到今天还能够屹立于世界之林而感到骄傲。在这个前提上,我们应该要找自身的问题。

I personally think China education is a big topic.No one can qualify in a few minutes to judge Chinese education.Dorsal hands is the most easy to blame.The Chinese nation has a history of five thousand years,This follows it has very strong education system is not divided.With the equal in ancient Greece/Ancient India/The ancient culture the decline.We will make us to stand erect in the world today are able to feel proud.In this premise,We should find their own problems.


In addition to being a education workers outside,I am also a parent.I can see that,China's education still has the need to constantly perfect place,Hope you pay more attention to China's education the positive.We want to combine Chinese education and western education combined with,Do foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses,Achieve a win-win situation.this,China's education there is hope.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢王总的分享。

Thank you WangZong sharing.
