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男子将2岁女童虐待致死 称洗澡时不慎溺水--亲稳网络舆情监测室


source:Modern express


自称教育孩子将2岁“养女”折磨致死 Education to children will be 2 years old"Sons and daughters"Tortured to death


犯罪嫌疑人因涉嫌故意伤害致人死亡罪已被刑拘 The criminal suspect suspicion of intentional injury deadly sin has been XingJu


On December 24, more than 7 PM,While people enjoy a Christmas Eve at peace,Suzhou wuzhong district in a hospital operating room,The doctors are intensely for a 2 years old girl's first aid.But in the end,Doctors failed to save the child's life.When doctors discovered that rescue them,Girl's body a number of bruises.Can the girl"father"Pei but said a,The child is in the bath when he drowning.finally,The police debunk the lies.The 2-year girl is actually pei a girlfriend's children.And a pei on girls for up to three months of abuse torture,Is the child the real cause of death.yesterday,Suzhou p direction media revealed details of the case.


网上结识了单身妈妈 Online met a single mother


According to deal with the case of suzhou mudu wuzhong district public security bureau police station is introduced,This year a 29-year-old pei from shaanxi xianyang,Is a large state-owned construction enterprise employees.Although already married and had a son,Pei one but unwilling lonely.In August 2012,He conceals the married status,Through the friendster met divorced single mother li mou.Two people after a time feel good.then,Pei with a unit of construction team came to suzhou.


In September 2012,Pei a invited li mou to suzhou to play,By the way take 2 year old daughter so that they cultivate"father"feeling.Li mou with daughter xiao yun(alias)Come to suzhou for a few days later,Feel ill,He decided to go back to rest a day.Then a proposal pei,The xiao yun stay by him to take care of,Convenient recreation area,He can also help children improve further and feelings.Has been kept in the dark area of feel,At present this single young very caring,consented.


他将2岁女童折磨致死 He will be 2 years old girl's tortured to death

  然而李某的离去,却将小云送上了不归路。在和小云一起生活后,裴某暴虐的本性显露了出来。由于孩子经常尿床,裴某很不耐烦频繁地换尿片, 并认为这都是李某平时惯出来的,必须通过打的方式才能让孩子改掉这个坏习惯。于是在随后的日子里,只要小云一尿床,裴某就会对其拳打脚踢、打耳光、用螺丝刀柄殴打。有时裴某还会使用剪刀戳小云的头部,甚至用烟头烫孩子的身体。由于裴某是工地上的小领队,拥有独立宿舍,他的这些行为很轻易地就瞒过了同事。而在他的折磨下,小云的身体越来越差。

But li mou departure,But xiao yun on the path.In and xiao yun together after life,Pei a despotic nature is revealed.Because the child often wet the bed,Pei a very impatient frequently change diaper, And think it is usually used to out of the area,Must be through the dozens of ways to let the children get rid of the bad habit.So in the coming days,As long as xiao yun a wet the bed,Pei one will be the beat up/box/Screw the handle beating.Sometimes a pei will still use scissors prod xiao yun's head,Even end up with the child's body.Because a pei is the site of the small team leader,Have independent dormitory,His these behaviors easily from the colleagues.And in his torment,Xiao yun's body is getting worse.

  去年12月24日傍晚, 小云又尿床了。气急败坏的裴某再次对这个2岁的女童拳打脚踢。把孩子一顿暴打后,他发现,小云的脸色忽然变得惨白,随即转为青色。裴某只得赶紧把孩子送到了医院。医生随即对孩子进行了抢救,但最终还是没有成功。

On December 24, in the evening, Xiao yun and the wet the bed.Sputtered to a pei again this 2 years old girl beat up.The child suddenly and violently dozen after,He found,Xiao yun's face suddenly became pale,Immediately into blue.Pei one had to hurry to send their child to the hospital.The doctor immediately rescue the children,But in the end, he didn't succeed.


他说这么做是教育孩子 He said that this is done in the education child


after,The emergency room doctor about children is how to have an accident,A face of nervous pei a thought for half a day to say,Is the child while taking a bath,The child accidentally drowned the water.But this explanation cause the doctor's suspicions.Because in the rescue,Xiao yun's body was found a number of bruises,And on the callus.Feel it strange doctor immediately make a telephone call.


finally,Forensic identification results ruled out the possibility of drowning child.The police immediately will be brought to the police station a pei.the,Pei one still contended, xiao yun is drowned dead.But in the police show a series of evidence,Pei one finally replacement to xiao yun abuse process,"I just want to pass this way to education child."


It is reported,Pei a present for suspected intentionally injuring death,custody.

  通讯员 崔磊

Correspondent CuiLei
