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  1月11日,郑州一家幼儿园举行了一场隆重的“集体婚礼”,“结婚”的是100多名孩子婚礼有主婚人,孩子们穿着礼服互相承诺,“新郎”要给“新娘”戴戒指,家长也在婚礼现场“见证”。(1月14日《郑州晚报》) On January 11,,Zhengzhou a kindergarten held a grand"Collective wedding ceremony","married"Is more than 100 children.The wedding officiator,The children wear dress commitment to each other,"groom"To give"The bride"rings,Parents also at the ceremony"witness".(On January 14,[Zhengzhou evening news])


A few kids"Play house"game,Played also calculate,This should not be taken seriously,But when the kindergarten teachers and children's parents send"Play house"amplification,Grand wedding for children,Let the people don't understand.How can give children be held"Collective wedding ceremony",Let the children early to"married"?This is not what is nonsense?


"Collective wedding ceremony"A very grand,Not only with reference to the adult ceremony of marriage,But also let the child embraced tightly,Expression love,More intimate,Also a kiss in public.This fully ChengRenHua ceremony,Don't is the child's sex education?


admittedly,3 to 6 years old children,Many into"Marriage sensitive period",The child will say like who,Will say so-and-so marriage,But it is innocent,And after a period of time might be forgotten.The children don't know what is marriage,Don't know what's the significance of marriage,If the child's innocent as seriously"event",Apparently in the deepening and transformation of the children"naive",Thus chaos the child's"pure",I'm afraid the result is not enhance the child's sense of responsibility,But let them more"overwhelmed".


Small children and worked as a"The bridegroom bride",Their innocent word plus adult type action,Will make some adults feel fun,As the child abuse event the"The teacher"that,Think of the fun,Don't know to do so,Is in"jury"The child's spirit,In a sense,Is another kind of form"Child abuse".


Children need progressive education,But sex education need good carrier,Need more step by step.Early let the child"married",But it is bad.(WangJunRong)


又论 And theory


幼儿园“集体婚礼”是场全民教育 kindergarten"Collective wedding ceremony"Is a national education


Adult ceremony should let the children undergoing a,this"Field simulation"Sex education mode,Even the adults also some surprise.To always"Talk about sex and so"Countrymen for,Such open education may have irreplaceable education enlightening significance,Even the adults have education idea enlightenment value.


Successful educators,Tend to let the child experience and play different roles,Such as in"Today my parents on the day"activities,Or make"If you when a day the headmaster"Discussed such as.Many adults may be to his childhood,Girls with the opposite sex"Play house"Remember the game.From the psychological point of view,For children,these"Sex game"For they will not bring any physical and mental damage,Contrary to psychological healthy development in the future.


For the adults curiosity,A child learn strong power.Know about sex is a person's basic rights,To the knowledge of sex is a kind of basic quality.The fact is,More transparent public,The mastery of knowledge,The more likely to become rational and reason;and,The easier it is to produce intense curiosity,The more easily into the labyrinth.


Last year,Beijing first primary school teaching material by nature[Growth steps]Outline published,Many netizens think scale is too big.If the view,In the kindergarten collective wedding ceremony is a enlightenment,Is a national education.(Hall JiWeiDe)


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