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对于大洋彼岸的悲剧,出于人道主义,我们应该适当地抱以同情和进行反思,但我们唯有开始学会对自己的苦难流泪和反思时,那些为他国人民贡献的泪水和谏言才会是真正有价值的。 For the tragedy of the ocean the other shore,Out of humanitarian,We should properly have compassion and reflection,But we only started to learn to their own suffering tears when and reflection,The other people's contribution to the tears and counsel will is really valuable.
□本报评论员 王昱
Our commentator - n
12月14日发生了相似的两起针对儿童的校园袭击案件。一是美国康涅狄格州桑迪胡克小学发生枪击案,据统计现已造成28人死亡。对此,国内媒体 的报道连篇累牍。而这一天早些时候,中国河南,据说有精神病的一男子在光山县文殊乡陈棚村完全小学砍伤22名小学生,其中7人伤势严重,但大部分媒体对此 都表述有限。
On December 14, the two similar happened in children's campus attacks in the case.One is the United States Connecticut sandy hooker elementary school shootings occurred,According to the statistics has been caused and deaths.this,Domestic media reports lengthy.And this one day earlier,China henan,It is said that a man is mentally ill in the guangshan county township manjusri Chen tent village primary school completely cut injury and pupils,Seven of them seriously,But most of the media co., LTD., this statement.
Similar attacks,Similar victims,The media reaction so different,Let a person can't help feel some ridiculous - obviously ought to be happened in your side more concerned about some things,With fellow citizens more care about something.But now we have some people's sympathy but jump over their children,A stream of pour into the ocean the other shore to the.
其实此次枪击案是美国迄今为止死亡人数第二的枪击案。死亡人数第一的枪击案发生在2007年4月16日,弗吉尼亚理工大学死了33个人,当时我 们的媒体报道同样连篇累牍。耐人寻味的是,也是在那一天,河南平顶山煤矿爆炸让33人生死未卜,在媒体上的位置就次要得多了。“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼 以及人之幼”,连自己同胞的生命都漠视的民族,是不存在真正意义上的人道主义的。体现在一些人身上的这种“国际主义”,只能解释为一种经不起追问的虚伪。
In fact the shooting deaths so far is the second shootings.The death toll from the shooting in April 16, 2007,Virginia tech is dead and personal,I was the media reported the same article after article.Intriguing is,And on that day,Henan pingdingshan coal mine explosion let 33 people's still alive,The position of the media is much more minor."Expand the love of the old,The young we young people and the young",The life of his own countrymen to national,There is no real sense of humanism.Reflected in some people on this"The international socialist",Can only be interpreted as a kind of can't afford to ask hypocrisy.
其实,谁都知道美国的人命并不比中国人值钱,媒体这么做有其不得已的因素。就拿河南光山的这次事件来说,光山县委宣传部官方的光山网首先披露了 这一消息,但不到半天时间就被撤下,原本告知15日要开新闻发布会,但到了15日,媒体等来的却是当地官方的集体失声。想知道学生的伤亡状况,等来的是教 育局干部边打游戏边回应的态度。想知道凶手为什么杀人,得到的是有关部门“讨论这个有啥用”的答复。百余字的消息稿无法还原事件真相,于是大部分媒体只能 对着大洋彼岸的孩子空洒泪水,而将国内同样的悲剧一笔带过。
In fact,Who all know that American life is not worth than the Chinese,The media to do so has its necessary factors.Take the guangshan henan for events,The guangshan county party committee propaganda department official the guangshan network first revealed the news,But less than half a day time will be removed,Originally told a press conference to 15 days,But in the 15th,Media is the local official collective voice.Want to know students' injury situation,To is teaching education bureau cadres side dozen game edge response of attitude.Want to know why the murder,Get the relevant departments"Discuss the use of"reply.More than words news draft unable to restore the facts,So most of the media can only to the ocean the other shore children with empty tears,And the domestic same tragedy skate over.
当年鲁迅先生有感于国人围观时的麻木和思维的呆滞,而痛批这是“看客”心态。今天,我们围观悲剧时,表情虽然丰富起来了,思维虽然敏捷起来了, 却依然脱不开“看客”的身份——我们对远在天边的悲剧洞若观火,流着或真心或假意的泪水,却不敢直视发生在眼前相似的悲剧。这样的事情每发生一次,就是在 对这种“看客”心态完成一次新的训练。
When lu xun impressed when people onlookers numbness and thinking of the dead,And the pain of this is"looking"mentality.today,We gathered the tragedy,Although rich expression up,Thinking although agile up, But still tied up"looking"Identity - we can't see clearly to the tragedy,Flow or true or false tears,But can't look straight into the eyes of the tragedy happened similar.Such things happen once each,Is to this"looking"Mentality to complete a new training.
对于尚在发展中的中国来说,自己需要处理的难题仍然很多。对于大洋彼岸的悲剧,出于人道主义,我们应该适当地抱以同情和进行反思,但这绝对不应 该成为我们扭过头去无视自身问题的借口。“真的猛士,敢于直面淋漓的鲜血。”我们唯有开始学会对自己的苦难流泪和反思时,那些为他国人民贡献的泪水和谏言 才会是真正有价值的。
Is still in the development of China's speaking,To deal with problems are still a lot of.For the tragedy of the ocean the other shore,Out of humanitarian,We should properly have compassion and reflection,But it should not be this become our twist overdo to ignore their own problem excuse."Really brave warrior,Dare to face dripping blood."We only started to learn to their own suffering tears when and reflection,The other people's contribution to the tears and counsel will is really valuable.
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