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10岁男孩搭摩的离家出走 与陌生人蜗居网吧4天--亲稳舆论引导监测室


 在考试成绩单送抵的前一天,长沙一名10岁男孩失踪了。 In the test report delivered to the day before,Changsha a 10 years old boy was missing.

  整整4天,不眠不休的家人跑遍了城内各大车站,唯恐他被人拐卖。 For four days,Sleepless family went around the city each big station,For fear that he was on the abduction of.

  27日下午,苦苦寻人的母亲终于找到了儿子,当时,他正陪着一名陌生人在网吧玩游戏。 The afternoon of 27,For without mother finally found his son,At that time,He is with a stranger in the net cafe play games.

  过去的四天中,孩子和这家人都经历了什么?是什么让一个10岁男孩宁肯陪着陌生人也不愿回家 The past four days,Children and the people have been through???????What makes a ten-year-old boy would rather be with strangers also don't want to go home?


儿子失踪四天,母亲找遍长沙 Son missing four days,Mother searched changsha


On January 23, at 9,The rain.Changsha railway station triumph building downstairs,A dance training center just class is over.


Rainy night in,More than ten students parents continue to be picked,The last two people left,The dancing teacher LeiXin had to send them out ride:A man was on the bus,A person is in the taxi, etc.More than ten minutes,Can't wait to empty the students stopped a car electric vehicles,LeiXin and driver settled the price,And he has a two other security matters,Let the car go.


The next four days,This name is called, ten years old, the boy disappeared in the teachers and parents in the line of sight.


On January 23, 11 PM,Gruppo, still not home,Stay-at-home moms FuShuGuang nasty,Began to crazy people search,Night not if really.


24 January 6 o 'clock in the morning,Home after washing the face with a,FuShuGuang to calm down."I call the school by the teacher/Relatives and friends,When you come to look for."From the son to go to school by train/Duck shop/The horse column mountain line,All toing and froing for three times,Still heard none.


On January 25th."Want to the night,I can carry",FuShuGuang first to travel husband call,Then go to the police,Finally to the media for help.She hopes to find the video monitoring sending her son's driver.Because it was dark,Video can not find people,Clues again interrupt.


In the afternoon,The child back to his father.


On January 26,,FuShuGuang engine side all the people in changsha city began to carpet search,After putting up the printed 150 units,Posted along the street.


On January 27,,For the son notices put 100 units.This is the one day,FuShuGuang in their community the door when Posting notices,If children from neighbors heard the son's whereabouts.


In the afternoon,FuShuGuang near his home in an Internet cafe find son.

  蜗居网吧,他和陌生人待了四天 Humble abode Internet cafe,He and a stranger for four days

  27日下午5点多, 月湖大市场一间网吧。最角落的卡座里,10岁的睿睿紧挨着一名少年,两个男孩正在一款名为《穿越火线》网游中激情厮杀,伏曙光踉踉跄跄地闯入网吧,一把抱住儿子。

27, more than 5 PM, Moon lake big market a Internet bar.In the corner of the holder,Ten years old,, next to a young,The two boys are one name[Through firewire]In these online passion,FuShuGuang lurched into Internet cafe,Embrace a son.


, said,,Over the past four days is so over.


On January 23,,Back from the training school has ten o 'clock,In the doorway of my home,Gruppo, met a strange boy,He is about to go to Internet cafes, ruling."I the final exam is very poor,Afraid of home will get mother beat,As he walked."Because he is in the home of the net cafe is mother catch the current,, the user choose a slightly far Internet cafe.Two children play a all night,This is the first time user, YeBuGuiSu.


January 24,,All day in the Internet cafe and bubble.6 PM,Gruppo, leave home Internet cafes.Downstairs at home,He just want to say goodbye to the boy,The other side of the word and let him give in,"You didn't come home a day and a night,So the door,Don't know how the family sent you."the,Two people and sat in a net bar.


On January 25th evening,"Read online news,I already know mom looking for me.", said,,He felt"Gets into trouble,Very want to go home,But can't".


The next two days,Gruppo, has been troubled/Perfunctory attitude continue to play the game.Hungry drink tap water/snacking,Sleepy just curled up in the net cafe on the sofa bed.

  “妈妈以后再也不打你了” "My mother won't play you"


Son found after,FuShuGuang said:"Like in the hell away from a."


She introduces,Husband perennial work elsewhere,By his son with a man."My temper is very poor,And he is a naughty boy,Addict network game,Study result has been bad."To let the son to improve performance,believe"The result under the club"The FuShuGuang often beat and scold son,"Played the most malicious one,He bellowed in pain can't sleep,I also love to tears."


Gruppo, whispered:"Although I and the boy are not ripe,But at least he won't hit me,Also understand me."word,Let mother FuShuGuang tears and flow out.


To the camera,Her son to guarantee,"My mother never hit you."Gruppo, did not hesitate,Tired birds return to forest as robot into her arms,Both mother and child crying into a ball.

  记者 龚化 杨昱 王智芳

Reporter GongHua Yang yu WangZhiFang

  记者手记 Reporter notes


No mother not love their own children.Even if she"Temper is very poor",Even if she will result with carrier,She will be at home for the city after the child again,sleepless.


But dear mother,If you can at ordinary times more patience/More of a smile?


Review the children run away it is easy to see,Crisis of confidence is the biggest incentive:Mother with into the expression"love"Children become unbearable pain.


Education child,Strict kindness or?Vary from person to person,There is no right answer.This requires each parents attentively/With love to grope for.
