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  城市晚报讯 近年来,考公务员的热潮一浪高过一浪,“考研大军”、“考碗族”日益庞大,可以用“千军万马过独木桥”来形容。近日,刚升级为妈妈的李丽生活节奏十分紧张,除了照顾孩子、完成工作,摆在她面前的是一项持久且艰难的挑战公务员面试。这已经是她参加公务员考试的第6个年头了,过去6年间的努力、面试失败后的沮丧、家人期待的目光……这一切让李丽紧张万分,辗转反侧。为了给自己一个交代,圆了家人的期待,虽然身心疲惫,李丽仍奋斗在“公考”的道路上。

City evening - in recent years,Checking officeholder upsurge waves surging,"One's deceased father grind force"/"Stable job seeker"Increasingly large,Can use"An army a wooden bridge"To describe.recently,Just upgraded to mother's lili life rhythm is very nervous,In addition to take care of the children/Finish the work,In front of her is a long and difficult challenges interviews.This is her to the civil service examination sixth year,In the past six years efforts/Interview after failure of depression/His family are looking forward to eyes……All these let lili very nervous,Toss and turn.In order to give yourself a replacement,Round family expectations,Although the exhaustion of body and mind,Lili is still in the struggle"And test"road.


公考“粉丝” And test"fans"


瞒着公司六年六次公考 From the company six years six times and test


"The first test civil servants in 2006,It will just finishing college,A lot of people and test."Lili in a private companies do sales work,As a sales manager's her monthly income of five thousand yuan,In changchun also belong to"Middle class",However in order to take an examination of civil servants,But from the company secretly enter oneself for an examination six years.


Countries test/Provincial exams,These lili a didn't fall,Oneself also couldn't count how many field test,Just remember in someone else's day,She is on the way to the examination room in to.first,She enter oneself for an examination is tax/Industry and commerce hot position,But failed in examination results let she found,Good position competition too intense,Many are thousands of people in the competition for a post,Are all the universities and colleges of higher life.Although her experience is more and more abundant/Knowledge more and more solid,But for the requirements of the position is more and more low."There are two years I was 35 years old,Time and tide wait for no man,Can't waste any more chance."


Lili said,The beginning,She does civil servants only hope to have a steady job,But as the number of increased gradually,People around the eye/Family looking forward to,To her great pressure,Even if the current income has let her meet,She still continue to take the down."I was checking officeholder spent too much time and energy on,Really do not want to give up,Private enterprise and work time are often too busy,Admitted to civil servants,I will have more time with their children."


半路“出家” halfway"monasticism"


找工作受挫决心转行公考 Looking for a job to be thwarted line and test


Different with lili,Graduation two years of college students LiangFeng also"And test"A member of the army,Liberal arts graduate he has previously been involved in two job fair,In a crowded the crowd,He didn't find the right job,Want to go unit no phase he,Most of the work and he didn't reach you feeling I wish agreement.finally,He decided to no longer rushing in the job fairs.Start holding public test books at home"practice".A test is three years,He was known as students"Test the"/"Stable job seeker"."Work not seek,Just checking officeholder."LiangFeng said.


Want to make a career,But couldn't find the right talents,And on the road and test,LiangFeng most afraid of relatives and friends ask job,Every time he will politely said:"Are trying to!"LiangFeng said,Graduation two years,In addition to continue to take an examination of civil servants,He also have nothing to do,A no technical/No experience,To find a satisfactory job is not easy."I have tried many times,Or did not find a and major matching."LiangFeng test this year countries into the interview,Although it is local villages and towns work personnel,He will still do our best,Try to enter,Also calculate at work a landing.


热因在哪? Heat because of where?


工作稳定引发“公考热” Stable cause"Test and thermal"

  2012年吉林省公务员报名总人数达到了110660人,招考人数5130名,实际报名比例为1:21.57。其中竞争最激烈的岗位是长春市二道区地方税务局基层综合管理职位,报名比例达到1:1508.00 。在就业取向排行榜上,近年来公务员始终居首,其次是事业单位、国企、外企,私企居末,选择自主创业者不足5%。那么为什么考公务员如此热?大家为什么抢着挤独木桥?

In 2012 the total number of civil servants of jilin province reached 110660 people,Enrollment number 5130,The actual application proportion is 1:21.57.Among them the most competitive position is ErDaoOu local taxation bureau of changchun city basic comprehensive management position,Sign up now to 08.00 proportion .In the employment orientation on the list,In recent years, civil servants always to lead,The second is institution/State-owned enterprises/foreign,Private companies at the end of the,Choose independent entrepreneurs to less than 5%.So why are checking officeholder so hot?Why did you rob to squeeze bridge?


As for graduates,Civil servants with strong attraction.LiangFeng said,At present,Relative to other profession,Civil servants' social security and medical insurance is more perfect.And relatively stable work,Less pressure to,Prospect clear.so,for"Stable job seeker"for,They seek is stable working environment,Lili think in many private companies working in foreign company,Although the current income will be very rich,But after a few years can not be sure,Job seekers also assuming enterprise layoffs/Their risk of unemployment.


In addition civil servants in the eyes of the elder,Is a decent/Envy and respect career,Many parents want their children take an examination of civil servants.Especially in some cities,Civil servants can also help solve account,And then solve economy applicable room/Their children to school/Medical insurance and so on a series of problems.LiangFeng said,Of course,There are many young people with a cavity warmly,Hope that through into the civil service,Through their own efforts,Can realize benefit one party people/For the people's welfare/Does the practical work of political ideal and ambition.


“前辈”建言 "predecessors""


公务员工作并不适合所有人 Civil servants work is not for everyone


Civil servants can't blind test,According to the personal information,Not everyone is suitable for civil servants this job.Tens of thousands of young people want to enter the organ,Work in the government four years of ShenJia,Summarizes the four years of experience:Do civil servants,In addition to test,Heart have to put the people.


In 2009,,ShenJia through the written/After the interview,To become a civil servant.In the eyes of ShenJia,Civil servants are exam candidates energy too into the civil service exam,Test the process of civil servants is hard,Need a lot of energy,But more cannot ignore passed after work.Civil servants career significance is to serve the people and dedication,And the four years of actual work,Also let he realized the job not everybody imagination in so easy at leisure,Need for builders of people does the practical work.


ShenJia think,To take an examination of civil servants,From the initial plan to start,In addition to test outside,Heart have to put the people.Have no people,No service spirit,No love to post,So hard examination of civil servants,For the individual himself nothing is,Actually become a bright appearance of the shackles.
