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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:大家好,这里是2012向教育提问搜狐教育年度盛典现场,很荣幸请到南方科技学校长朱清时校长,欢迎您。

hello everybody,Here is 2012 to education question sohu education annual festival site,Very honored to please to the south university of science and technology President zhu qingshi principal,Welcome you.


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):谢谢。

thank you.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:今天盛典的主题是“向教育提问”,您对教育最大的疑惑是什么,或者您最关注的话题是什么?

Today is the theme of the festival"Education question to",Your education to the biggest doubt is what,Or you the most attention topic is???????


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):我最关注的话题是如何回答钱学森之问,钱学森多次对温家宝总理说,中国的大学还没有一所能够培养杰出人才。他这个提问,实际上说中了每个高教工作者的心,我们都很遗憾中国高等教育投入这么多,去年GDP4%已经投入到教育,其中高等教育占了相当一部分。中国老百姓,中国的家庭对教育非常重视,对孩子教育投入很多。我们教育规模是全世界最大的,无论研究生,还是本科生都是这样的。但是为什么不能培养出杰出人才,这就是我们最关注的。

I am most concerned topic is how to answer the question of qian xuesen,Qian xuesen to premier wen jiabao said many times,China's university is not a can develop outstanding talents.He questions the,Actually said in the heart of every higher education workers,We are very sorry to China's higher education into so much,Last year GDP4 % has been spent on education,The higher education of a part.The Chinese people,Chinese family education attaches great importance to,Education for children in many.Our education scale is the world's largest,No matter the graduate student,Or undergraduate is such.But why can't cultivate outstanding talents,This is our most concern.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这是不是正是南方科技大学在做的一件事情?

This isn't exactly the south university of science and technology in do one thing?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):是,我们努力想用实践来回答钱学森之问,探讨为什么我们国家高等学校迄今没有培养出杰出人才,目前的教育体系以知识传授型为主,抹杀和压抑了学生创新能力的素质,所以南方科技大学想做的事情,就是把学生的创新能力和素质与他们得到的知识并重一起来培养。这场改革最需要改变,学校要有改革的活力,要有动力。

is,We tried to use the practice to answer the question of qian xuesen,Discuss why our country higher school so far, no cultivate outstanding talents,The current education system for knowledge type is given priority to,Killing and suppress the quality of students' innovation ability,So the south university of science and technology want to do,Is the students' innovation ability and quality and they get knowledge and to develop together.This reform the need to change,The school should have the vitality of the reform,Want to have power.


In the past China's universities are not for such a reform,Because China's universities the security administration,Such a system the pursuit of academic excellence/The pursuit of education outstanding withdrew into the back seat,Schools and education experts know that school education should be how to do,But they are no longer power center,Also does not have the power to education reform,So this reform through to the end,Need higher school first to security administration,The south university uphold the concept hope to security administration,Restore education excellence as school center position,The school won the momentum of reform,To practice to illustrate the problem of qian xuesen,How can ability for the prosperity of China to build a to cultivate innovative talents for the country's university.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:去行政化是南科大秉承的理念,您最近也提到去行政化在中国是非常难的,需要相当长的时间,在现在这个阶段,南科大在如何推进?

Go to the administrative is south university adhering to the idea,You also recently mentioned to security administration in China is very difficult,Need a long time,In this stage,South university on how to promote?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):去行政化是很难,牵扯到整个社会,从干部、领导层,到民间,到我们每个办事的人思想都要发生一个转变才行。我们现在在做的事情,首先让学校的办学自主权能够得到保证,学校办学自主权得到保证,就是要求政府依法提供必要的资金,但是不行政干预学校,让学校按照教授们掌握的教育规律自己来发展。要做到这一点,必须靠立法。世界上的先进国家办大学,很多也都是公立大学,公办大学。但是他们处理好了政府投资、政府出钱,和学术独立、学校按教育规定办事这两者之间的关系。他们靠立法来把这种关系固定下来,大家都依法办事,这样才能做到政府既投资出钱,又不干预学校的一些教学、办学的事务。

It is difficult to go to the administrative,Be involved in the whole society,Cadres from/leadership,To folk,Each of us to do the work of the people thought to occur a change to just go.We are now doing,First, let the school autonomy can be guaranteed,School autonomy guaranteed,Is called for the government to provide the necessary funds in accordance with law,But not administrative intervention schools,Let the school according to the professor of education law to development.To do this,Must rely on legislation.The world's advanced countries do university,Many are also public university,Public university.But they deal with the government investment/The government pays money,And academic independence/School education according to the provisions of this act the relationship between the two.They rely on legislation to put this relationship fixed down,Everyone to follow the law,In order to do the government investment money already,And shall not interfere in some of the school teaching/School affairs.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您觉得改变最大的困难是什么?

Do you think what is the most difficult change?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):最大的困难就是立法也需要取得共识,需要和政府和学校的教职员工、学校的管理干部一起取得共识,这个共识取得很难,因为大家思想没有转变,很少有人真正意识到高校必须有充分的办学自主权学校才能办好,目前的阶段,是一个转变大家的意识观念的时候。

The biggest difficulty is that legislation also need to agree,Needs and the government and the school staff/The school management cadres agreed together,This agreement is difficult to obtain,Because you thought no change,Very few people really aware of colleges and universities must have full autonomy in running a school is to do good,The present stage,Is a transformation of consciousness all the time.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这个意识观念怎样才能改变?

The concept of consciousness how to change?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):第一要宣传,要有人举起这个旗帜,让大家都思考,思考之后他们才可能有这个转变。打个比方说现在我们教育界面临去行政化,实际上跟三十年前小岗村包产到户很类似,包产到户当时全国都不理解,都觉得包产到户是一个要做劳力的事儿,包产到户的关键要相信农民知道怎么种好田,不需要行政官员去指导,指挥他们。这个观念也是经过三十多年才彻底转变过来,现在直到包产到户是人人接受的事情了。同样的道理在教育界,要相信教授们懂得怎么教学,不需要行政官员去指挥他们,这个观念跟包产到户一样,也需要经过我们二三十年时间,大家才能够完全接受,完全接受之后我们立法法才可能真正实现,真正得到充分的办学自主权。

The first to propaganda,Someone has to raise the flag,Let everyone thinking,After thinking that they may have the change.For example said that now we face to the administrative education,In fact XiaoGangCun with thirty years ago fixing very similar,When the fixing all don't understand,All feel fixing is a labor to do the business,The key to fixing to believe that farmers know how kind of good field,Don't need administrative officials to guide,Command them.This concept is also after thirty years to change come over,Until now fixing is everyone to accept it.In the same way in education,To believe that professors know how teaching,Don't need administrative officials to command them,With this concept as well as fixing,We also need to pass two hundred and thirty years,We can fully accept,Fully accept then we can truly achieve legislative law,Really get enough school-running autonomy.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:小岗村相当于一个先锋,现在南科大也站在这样一个位置上。

XiaoGangCun as a pioneer,Now south university standing in such a position.


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):我们希望如此,希望历史回头来看南科大做出的努力,类似于小岗村在农村改革中所做的努力一样。

We hope so,Hope to see history back south university make efforts,Similar to the XiaoGangCun in rural reform efforts as.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您刚才预测这样一个过程需要二三十年,在您在任期间,您最想做的改变是什么?

You just need to predict such a process in two hundred and thirty,During the term of in you,Do you want to change what is it?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):我想做的改变是把一批一流的人才招聘到学校,形成学校骨干教师队伍,建立起学校的基本规章制度,以后无论谁做校长,都必须按照规章制度来运行,这样让学校自己能够沿着这个去行政化,办成追求卓越的学校,自己往前走。

I want to do is to change a number of first-class talents recruitment to the school,Form the school backbone teachers,Set up the basic rules and regulations of the school,Later no matter who do the headmaster,Must be in accordance with the rules and regulations to run,So let the school you can go along the security administration,"The pursuit of excellence in school,Went on his.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:前几天看到教育部发文说确保学校办学自主权,要减少过细过多的管理,您觉得这个政策有没有实质推动作用?

A few days ago to see the ministry of education said outgoing mail to ensure the school autonomy,To reduce the management on too much,Do you think this policy have a substantial role?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):教育部能够这样表态就是一大进步,这就是观念的开始转变。他们已经意识到了要减少教育部对学校行政干预,提高学校的办学自主权。有了这种认识以后,才会慢慢做到。所以我希望教育部、教育行政主管部门,真正实现这个诺言,逐步减少行政干预,让学校按照自己的教学规律来办事。

The ministry of education to this statement is a big improvement,This is the idea began to change.They have realized to reduce the ministry of education for school administrative intervention,Improve school running autonomy.With this understanding later,Will it slowly.So I hope the ministry of education/The competent administrative department of education,Realize the promise,Gradually reduce administrative intervention,Let the school according to their own teaching rule to handle affairs.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:大家会说南科大模式在复制方面有多大的可能性,我看您的回答是说南科大培养的是研究型人才,像美国一样研究性学校只占全国高校1%的比例。

Everyone will say south university model in duplicate aspects about the possibilities,I think your answer is said south university culture is the research talents,Like America research school accounts for only of the proportion of 1% nationwide colleges.


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):南科大定位是培养研究生人才,但是南科大办学理念跟办学的方法,比如像行政化、立法,充分发挥学校办学自主权,这个其他学校都能够移植的。只不过南科大的定位,我们定位是培养研究型人才,对于大多数学校不一定适用,大多数学校需要培养高素质的劳动者。

South university positioning is to train postgraduate talent,But south university teaching ideas and methods of education,Such as the administrative/legislation,Give full play to the school autonomy,The other school can be transplanted.Just south of the hkust positioning,Our position is to develop research talents,For most of the school is not necessarily,Most schools need to train high quality workers.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:研究型人才是否意味着继续读硕士、读博士呢?

Research talent does that mean continue to read a master/Dr Read??


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):不一定,研究型人才不一定学历高就行,主要他有创新能力,有创新能力不一定在什么岗位上,都可以做得很好。世界上最有创新能力的人,比如像比尔盖茨、乔布斯这些人都没有读过研究生,比尔盖茨大学读了一年就退学的,都没有很高的学历。但是他们有一个共同一点就是有很强的创新能力。

not,Research personnel may not work in line,The main he has the innovation ability,Have innovation ability not necessarily in what position,Can do very well.The world's most innovative ability,Such as Bill Gates/Jobs are all these people didn't read graduate student,Bill Gates university read a year from school,Have a high degree.But they have a common point is a strong innovation ability.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:期望现在的学校出这样的人才。

Expect now school such a talent.


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):也能够有很强的创新能力,不在乎以后读不读研究生,学历跟能力是没有关联的。

Also to have the very strong innovation ability,Don't care after reading a graduate student can't read,Education is not associated with ability.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:已经招收进去的这些学生,他们现在在学校表现得怎么样?

Have the students enrolling in,They are now in the school performance?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):表现得很好,第一届招的45个学生,到国际上参加一流大学组织的国际大赛,他们得了一个金奖,一个银奖,说明我们这些学生水平不比世界上任何学校的学生水平素质差。

Performance is very good,The first recruit 45 students,To participate in the international first-class university organization's international competition,They got a gold medal,A silver medal,Shows that we the students level in the world than any school students level quality is poor.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在南科大的招生季,您也是全国各地跑,到各地学校做演讲,很多事情都是亲力亲为,您对招生付出很多努力,您对生源这一块有担心吗?

In the south university admissions season,You are running around the country,To all over the country school to do the lecture,A lot of things are committed,You to recruit students pay a lot of effort,You are a student the worry?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):不担心,现在在国内外已经引起了大家很大的关注,很多学生家长愿意到南科大尝试一种创新的改革的学习模式,这个对他们一生也会是很难忘的经历。

Don't worry about,Now at home and abroad have raised a lot of attention,Many parents are willing to try the south university of an innovative reform mode of learning,The life they will also is very unforgettable experience.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:今年在教育界大家比较关注的话题就是教育公平,您觉得教育不公这个现象是在逐步改善解决,还是在继续加剧?

In education we this year is an issue of concern is the education fair,Do you think education injustice in this phenomenon is gradually improve to solve,Or continue to aggravate?


朱清时(南方科技大学校长): Zhu qingshi(The President of the university of science and technology):现在在逐步解决,比如异地高考的问题,一年前都想不到,今年会这样广泛被各个城市接受。异地高考是最大的教育不公,而且解决起来难度很大,今年有很多北京、上海、广州这些地方都宣布异地高考的一些细则,说明大家都在往前走。

Now in solved step by step,Such as the problem of different college entrance examination,Can a year ago,This year will be so widely each city to accept.Different college entrance examination is the biggest education injustice,And it is very difficult to solve,There are a lot of Beijing this year/Shanghai/Guangzhou these places have announced some rules different college entrance examination,That everyone is go on.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢您。

Thank you for your.
