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四川普通高中新课程高考方案出炉 附考试范围--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  2013年,我省接受新课程教学的首届毕业生即将迎来高考。1日,省教育考试院官方网站发布了《 四川省普通高中新课程高考方案》,对新课程改革后高考的科目设置、考试内容、招生录取,及各科目的考试范围等,都做了详细的规定。 In 2013,,Accept the new curriculum teaching in our province the first graduates will usher in the college entrance examination.1,Provincial education examination yuan's official website released[ Sichuan province ordinary high school new curriculum college entrance examination scheme],To the new curriculum reform the college entrance examination after the course Settings/Exam content/enrollment,And under the objective test range, etc,The detailed provisions.


It is reported,This year the university entrance exam content within all purpose required courses and elective courses of range(2013 test specific content attached),Pay attention to check candidates' comprehensive quality and ability.In the aspects of the enrollment,Still is mainly based on the university entrance exam,And the academic level test scores and the overall quality appraisal results,Will be admitted as one of the important reference,College but also specifies the college entrance examination(Chinese/mathematics/Foreign language/political/history/geographic/physical/chemical/biological)Results score requirements put forward,And in the articles of association of recruit students published in.


Exam course:Foreign language temporary not listening test,Will formulate the hearing test new way

  在普通类的科目设置上,仍为“3+文科综合/理科综合”。“3”指语文、数学和外语,其中数学分为文科数学和理科数学。文科综合包 括政治、历史、地理,理科综合包括物理、化学、生物。文科/理科综合均采用“分卷不分时”的考试形式。

In the general subject setting,Is still"3 + arts comprehensive/science comprehensive"."3"Refers to the Chinese/Math and language,The mathematics into arts mathematics and science mathematics.Liberal arts comprehensive including political/history/geographic,Science comprehensive including physical/chemical/biological.Liberal arts/science comprehensive all use"Subsection not time-sharing"Test form.

  外语科目分英语、日语、俄语、德语、法语和西班牙语6个语种,由考生可任选一种;报考外语专业的考生须参加全省统一组织的外语口试。据悉,2013年外语科仍暂时不考听力,省教育考试院将研究制定听力考试的新办法并适时公布。另外,报考艺体专业的考生,要加考艺 术/体育专业。

English language course points/Japanese/Russian/German/French and Spanish six languages,The students can choose a;Enter oneself for an examination professional foreign language students must participate in the province of the unified organization of the foreign language oral test.It is reported,In 2013, foreign language department still didn't test for listening,Provincial education examination yuan will formulate the hearing test new way and released timely.In addition,Enter oneself for an examination rhythmic gymnastics professional candidates,To add test art/professional sports.


To mouth class exam course set to"3 + professional comprehensive","3"Refers to the Chinese/Math and English,Will expand to mouth class"Culture test + professional skill test"Pilot reform of the.


卷面分值:文科综合政史地各100分 Noodles score:Liberal arts comprehensive administration ShiDe every 100 points

  在考试时间和卷面总分值上,跟去年相比并没有太大变化,总分仍为750分。其中,语、数、外分值均为150分,语文考试时长为150分钟 ,数学和外语考试时长为120分钟。文理综合科分值均为300分,考试时长150分钟。文科综合中政治、历史、地理各为100分,理科综合中物理 、化学、生物分别为110分、100分、90分。 艺体专业考试的时间、分值将另行规定。

In the test time and total value on the question paper,Compared with last year, have not changed much,The total score is still for 750 points.the,language/number/The score is for 150 points,Chinese test duration for 150 minutes ,Math and language test duration for 120 minutes.Unity and coherence in writing ZongGeKe score are for 300 points,Test 150 minutes long.The liberal arts comprehensive political/history/Geographical each for 100 points,Science synthesis of physics /chemical/Biological respectively for 110 points/100 points/90 points. Rhythmic gymnastics specialized test time/Score will be separately.

  对口类考试科目为语文(150分)、数学(150分)、英语(100分)、专业综合(350)分,考试时长分别为150分钟、120分钟、120分钟 、150分钟。

To mouth class exam course for Chinese(150 points)/mathematics(150 points)/English(100 points)/Professional comprehensive(350)points,Long test respectively for 150 minutes/120 minutes/120 minutes /150 minutes.


招生录取:高校可对高考单科成绩提出分数要求 enrollment:College of the university entrance exam scores points put forward specifies requirements

  据悉,新课改后高考将实行以高考成绩为主要依据的招生录取模式,高校可根据其人才培养目标、专业要求和办学特点,将考生的学业 水平考试成绩和综合素质评价结果,作为录取的重要参考,可对高考单科(语文、数学、外语、政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物)成 绩提出分数要求,并在招生章程中公布。

It is reported,After the new curriculum reform of the university entrance exam to college entrance examination will be as the main basis for the enrollment of the model,According to the university personnel training goal/Professional requirements and running characteristics,Will students academic level test scores and the overall quality appraisal results,Admitted as one of the important reference,For the university entrance exam specifies(Chinese/mathematics/Foreign language/political/history/geographic/physical/chemical/biological)Put into performance score requirements,And in the articles of association of recruit students published in.

  普通类招生实行“3+文科综合/理科综合+学业水平考试+综合素质评价”的录取模式。录取时,按考生志愿和3+文科综合/理科综合成绩 向高校投档,高校以3+文科综合/理科综合成绩为主要依据,结合学业水平考试成绩和综合素质评价结果,以及对高考单科成绩的分数要求择 优录取。

General recruit students practice"3 + arts comprehensive/science comprehensive + academic level test + comprehensive quality evaluation"Admit mode.accepted,According to the voluntary and 3 + arts comprehensive/science comprehensive performance to the cast archives,The 3 + arts comprehensive/science comprehensive performance as the main basis,Combined with academic level test scores and the overall quality appraisal results,As well as to the college entrance examination achievement scores specifies requirements choose optimal admission.

  艺体专业招生实行“3+文科综合/理科综合+艺术/体育专业+学业水平考试+综合素质评价”的录取模式。录取时,按考生志愿和3+文科综 合/理科综合和艺术/体育专业成绩,以及高校确定的投档模式向高校投档。高校以3+文科综合/理科综合成绩和艺术/体育专业成绩为主要依 据,结合学业水平考试成绩和综合素质评价结果,以及对高考单科成绩的分数要求择优录取。

The rhythmic gymnastics specialized recruitment"3 + arts comprehensive/art/science comprehensive + professional sports + academic level test + comprehensive quality evaluation"Admit mode.accepted,According to the voluntary and 3 + arts ensemble $/ art/science comprehensive and professional sports scores,And the certain cast archives mode to the cast archives.The 3 + arts comprehensive/science comprehensive scores and art/sports professional performance as the main according to according to,Combined with academic level test scores and the overall quality appraisal results,As well as to the college entrance examination achievement scores specifies requirements contest mobility.

  对口类招生实行“3+专业综合”的录取模式。录取时,按考生志愿和3+专业综合成绩向高校投档,高校以3+专业综合成绩为主要依据, 结合对高考单科(语文、数学、英语、专业综合)成绩的分数要求择优录取。

A class of recruit students"3 + professional comprehensive"Admit mode.accepted,According to the voluntary and 3 + professional comprehensive performance to the cast archives,The 3 + professional comprehensive performance as the main basis, According to the university entrance exam specifies(Chinese/mathematics/English/Professional comprehensive)Results the best score requirements.


特殊类型录取:单科成绩名列前茅考生可提高一个批次 Special type admission:Specifies result is among the best candidates can improve a lot

  普通类录取时,对高考单科成绩名列全省前茅的考生(具体名次按照当年考生人数的万分之一确定,并在当年的招生规定中向社会公布 ),可提高一个批次,按考生第一志愿向学校投档,供学校审录。

General accepted,Specifies to college entrance examination result is among the top candidates(According to the concrete placing the number to determine the one over ten thousand,And in the admissions regulations to the public ),Can improve a lot,According to the first volunteer to the school to cast archives,Trial for school record.

  全省艺体专业统考成绩名列同类专业前三名的考生,省内高校艺术/体育专业本、专科录取时,可分别在文考成绩批次线下20分以内破格 录取。

The rhythmic gymnastics professional unified examination result is among the top three similar professional students,Province university art/the professional sports/College admission in,Can respectively in the examination results batch line within twenty points abnormality admits.

  除此之外,还将推进国家示范(骨干)高职院校,及省级示范高职院校单独招生试点,由学校组织测试,并参考学业水平考试和综合素 质评价结果录取。在校期间参加全国职业院校技能大赛获得一、二、三等奖和全省职业院校技能大赛获得一等奖的中职、高职毕业生,毕业 时可分别向相关的高职、本科院校提出申请,由学校组织考核,认定合格者录入相关专业,不再参加高考。

In addition,Will also promote national demonstration(backbone)Higher vocational colleges,And provincial demonstration vocational colleges admissions pilot alone,The school organization test,And reference academic level test and comprehensive grain quality evaluation results admission.During the period of school to take part in the national vocational colleges skills competition won a/two/The third prize and the vocational colleges skills contest to win the first prize of the secondary vocational schools/Higher vocational graduates,When graduation respectively related to higher vocational/Apply for universities and colleges of undergraduate course,The school organization assessment,That eligible entry related major,No longer participate in college entrance examination.


实施步骤:将设置一年多次考试试点科目 steps:To set up a pilot test in many subjects


The first step,Focus on the content and new courses,Adjust course setting and admission mode.The new curriculum reform college entrance examination content,Will further close to age/Close to social/Close to the actual,Pay attention to the test by using their knowledge to analyze problems/The ability to solve problems,To realize and high school new curriculum content cohesion.In addition,2013 years after graduation and ordinary high school students,Enter oneself for an examination to achieve high school graduation standard,The accepted university academic level test scores and the overall quality appraisal results,Into the evaluation system for the candidates.

  第二步,深化考试科目设置改革,进行有的科目一年多次考试的试点,探索实行社会化考试和分类考试的办法。深化录取模式改革,条件 成熟时,将学业水平考试成绩和综合素质评价结果作为录取的重要依据,逐步形成分类考试、综合评价、多元录取的招生考试制度。围绕构 建中、高职教育立交桥,加大技能考核在录取中的权重,进一步推进高职院校招生入学方式改革。(四川在线记者 张瑾)

The second step,Deepening the reform of exam course Settings,For some subjects in a pilot test many times,Exploration practice socialization test and classification test method.Deepen the admission mode reform,Conditions are ripe,The academic level test scores and the overall quality appraisal results as an important basis for admission,Gradually formed classification test/Comprehensive evaluation/Multiple accepted the recruitment of students test system.Around structure chienchung/Higher vocational education overpass,Increasing skills assessment in the admission of the weight,Further reform in higher vocational colleges recruit students entrance way.(Sichuan online journalists ZhangJin)




Sichuan province in 2013 the ordinary high school new curriculum college entrance examination test range




Required 1/Compulsory 2/Compulsory 3/Required 4/Required 5;


Biography in/Language application




Mathematics 1/Mathematical 2/Mathematics 3/Mathematical 4/Mathematical 5;


Humane direction:Take 1-1/Take 1-2


Direction of science and technology:Take 2-1/Take 2-2 and 2-3


Foreign language(English)


English 1/English 2/English 3/English four/English and;


English and/English and




Ideological and political 1/Ideological and political 2/Ideological and political 3/Ideological and political and;


Humane direction:Economic common sense






Humane direction:Take 1 history major reforms looking back/Take 2 modern social democratic thoughts and practice




Geographical 1/Geographical 2/Geographical 3;


Humane direction:Take 5 natural disasters and prevention/Take as an elective course and environmental protection




Physical 1/Physical 2,Direction of science and technology:Take 3-1;


Direction of science and technology:Take 3-2/Take 3-4




Chemical 1/Chemical 2,Direction of science and technology:Take 3 material structure and properties;


Direction of science and technology:Take 4 chemical reaction principle/Take five basic organic chemistry




Biological 1/Biological 2/Biological 3;


Direction of science and technology:Take 1 biological technology practice
