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"Until today,I have never seen a respectable woman encounter violence,Even if the gangdom member will not touch this lady."On January 9,,In the Indian capital new Delhi Supreme Court outside a cafe,A lawyer ShaM pull made such comments.ShaM pull is India"Black bus"Rape suspect defense lawyers,He says the victims a pair of young men and women should not take public transportation in so late,Say no to protect the woman,Is the man did not do as the man's responsibility.ShaM pull even said,He is also one of the responsible for rape car driver do pleaded not guilty.
Australia[The Sydney morning herald]said,ShaM la comments represent the Indian society to women's prejudice.Many international media said,This could trigger more anger.after,An Indian spiritual leader said,The woman was raped should be active intercede,He later had to apologize for this speech.
International media in recent days from various points of view on the analysis,India why malignant rape of events.
"India's rape problem is also a police problem."The United States[The Washington post]7 under this comments,now,In 2011 India 24206 rapist in 3/4 is still at large,This does not include those who have not reported cases most cases have not reported out.And those were the violent India women will face many times from the police nausea and hostility.Reports say,Indian police in the help of rape in the victim,Poor reputation,They even don't take this case seriously.In the recent rape cases together,It is said that the police force a 17 year old victims to marry one of them abuse,With a violent or money compensation agreement.A policeman also requires the woman withdraw,Results the girl committed suicide.Last spring,An Indian reporter told the police officials of the conversation,Some of the reporters,"In fact,The prosecutors are will be rape into profit means people".
According to Forbes eight days of reports,India[spending]Magazine statistics were surprising:India's capital, new Delhi has 83762 police,But the police carrying out daily police work is only about 30%,The rest of the people are for"VIP"For security.According to the United Nations in 2010 data,Including India, South Asia,Is the civilian police and the lowest ratio is one of the areas,Every ten square people only corresponding 202 police,Only higher than Africa and Oceania 186.8 187,And Western Europe/Central Europe is 311.5,East Asia/Southeast Asia is 299.1,North America is 207.5.
YinGong(The horse)The central political bureau of the QiuLi think,India in the modernization of the not only to overturn the past mechanism based on caste social oppression,Oppression of women's patriarchal order, etc,Also should fight in the new liberalism driven by consumption as the women display items and not as people come to see the general state of mind.
Bloomberg 8 critique think,Let the death penalty for rape,May be forced to kill the criminal victim,To destroy testimony of witness,And in the present case,The police/Judges and prosecutors are reluctant to without party when,Shall be investigated for legal responsibility by the rapist.Despite frequent rape,But India rape case report rate is very low,The United Nations data display,Every year 100000 people,India rape report rate of only 1.8 cases,The United States is 27 cases,Sweden is 63 cases.Due to cultural differences and gender discrimination,The police often refused to victims,Some victims because worry unmarriageable or discrimination to go to the police.
The article thinks that the,The urgent task is to improve the quality of the Indian police,Changing social and police to the understanding of the crime,And reform the present forensic inspection system,At the same time,Since 2006, strengthen the establishment of the system of police complaints,But so can the rapist constitute a real deterrent.
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