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With the 1990 s, the rise of India's economy,The higher education problem is caused wide attention of scholars in many countries.Scholars pay attention to,In the past nearly two centuries,Especially since the 1947 years since the Indian independence of sixty years,India's higher education system from scratch/size,Has grown to"Number of colleges and universities of the world first(About more than 20000)The number of students and the world's third(More than 1120 people)"The higher education system of large.It has a long history and cultural tradition,Whether in art or science have flash coarse a brilliant light. But,Due to the long time by bureaucracy/Colonial rule and the influence of the caste system,India also has a history of humiliation and folly tradition.All of these,Especially the caste system,There is a deep affect India today's education development.
种族制度和印度教育的概况 Racial system and the general situation of education in India
The caste system is a kind of special Indian society rating system,It is class oppression and ethnic oppression of the product.In this system,Everyone is born to belong to a particular level,Professional is hereditary,The strict limits between level,Can't marry,Can't communication,Can't even with well and drink/To sit down together at the table.Namely caste refers to professional hereditary/Internal marriage/No idea who the social hierarchy(identity)group.Caste in ancient Sanskrit said"varna",meaning"color"/"quality";Hindi is"Which carry",meaning"Kind of"/"Was born";In ancient Chinese literature for free translation"caste";The Portuguese called"Lancaster",meaning"Family name"/"born".As early as in slavery period,Indian society that is already in four big level:"brahman"(monks)Master theocratic,Host sacrifice,Is the ruler of the people's spiritual life;"kshatriya"(noble/warrior),Master political/Military power,Ancient India is the country's secular rulers;"Barking up"(farmers/businessmen),There are many small producer of the exploited;"sudra"(slaves/factotum/ministers),There is no any rights of the oppressed/It was.This system mainly prevailing in the Hindu.Is the Hindu holy books as the[Manu code],The four levels of origin to brahma(creator)Four parts of the body,That is brahman from his mouth,Kshatriya from his arms,The pieces come from his legs,Sudra from his feet.The Hindu classic also recognized the first three level can be achieved"regeneration"of,And the sudra do not have this right.
Along with the class differentiation and the development of social division of labor,Later in the Ganges river basin of some of the kingdom,The original four grade was subdivided into many levels(Subspecies name).Results the caste is increasing,System is getting more and more complicated.In the original caste outside,Appeared a large number of"Not contacted",That is the most popular of discrimination against and oppression"pariah",They most people have no land,Have no right to,Only in the countryside when conditioning/peon,Or in the city is engaged in"Don't clean"industry,Such as laundry/leather/slaughter/Cleaning, etc,Their personal and used things are considered"dirty"of,They can't with other caste of people to contact with,Could not enter the temple/Schools and other public places.Modern caste system is divided into three levels,That is roughly from originally of brahman/Kshatriya and barking bits of composed of senior caste,The original sudra composed of low caste and called"pariah"or"Not contacted"Third grade.
India education system can be divided into four stages,Respectively is ancient India period/Colonial period/After India's independence until the 1960 s/After s.
印度教育制度阶段一:古印度时期 India education system phase one:Ancient India period
To complete our education system with today to explain ancient Indian education of course is very difficult,But for the generation of Indian education stage is still very clear,is,Seven years ago in the family by education,8 to 16 in the school,And after the advanced education.In the vedic period haven't elementary education in the,But in the upanishads period at the end of the seems to have.But does it give India by all children,No clear evidence.Can think of only three upper caste of children.Then caste system has been established to consolidate.
印度教育制度阶段二:殖民统治时期 India education system phase two:Colonial period
India has a long history,Is an ancient civilization country.Since the 17th century gradually a British colony,Until August 14, 1947 to a declaration of independence.In the colonial era,Formed a set of official education system.School in the society/The children of the family,The purpose was to train a comprador.In the whole education structure of higher education and the importance to India ignore elementary education.
印度教育制度阶段三:印度独立后直至20世纪60年代 India education system in three stages:After India's independence until the 1960 s
After independence,India in January 1950 by the constitution,Children under the age of 14 provisions to provide eight years of compulsory education.But in the year 1981,India's illiterate number has 437 million people,Higher than independent of the number of illiteracy(300 million people).A kind of school is just for the poor/The most backward social class open,With the original primary coexist,Elementary education form of double track system.
印度教育制度阶段四:60年代后。 India education system four stages:After s.
s,India brewing a new reform,Finally in 1968, parliament passed[National education policy],Requirements are issued by the state uniform implementation SanZhi twelve.The system requirement founded ten years ordinary schools,In order to provide to all the children of the ordinary that education.
种姓制度对印度教育的影响 The caste system on the influence of education in India
India's quality system in the results,Still the serious influence the country's modernization.Brahman and kshatriya noble class influence although fallen off,But still control the main departments,The bits of class status improved,But sudra and pariah"Not contacted"The situation has not improved significantly.Hierarchy similar apartheid South Africa.In rural and remote areas especially serious.In large and medium-sized cities slightly better,But discrimination is still very serious.The bottom of the people to enter the higher occupation or position than ascend day also difficult.In the same class about fair fair,Different class fair or opportunity to have a world of difference.India's film and television works[rangers]There is such a method of lines:The son of officer will always be the judge,The son of a thief is always a thief.High caste/Privileged people often discrimination low caste people,They think that as a minimum level of India/Others most is not willing to contact"pariah",Never should have what things,Not to mention to receive higher education.
India is a pluralistic culture exists,The social hierarchy,Usually in the caste/religious/class/The region and gender is divided into different levels.The caste is the most common India the division of the scale.In Hinduism in,Caste system to"Tabular caste"and"Tabular tribe"To cruel oppression.In 1980,,India's central government"Behind class committee"Published statistics show,India behind class of the population accounts for 52.4% of the total population.According to India some famous economist survey,To the early 90's,Living in poverty level of India's population still accounts for more than 40% of the population.The caste system not only oppression of low caste,Discrimination against women and,It through the traditional customs/Concept of low caste oppression/Hinduism outside of the religious groups and the vast majority of women,Lead to these in the social vulnerable groups is unfair treatment,By the education level is very low.
The caste system in India has hundreds of years of history,According to this system,The higher caste people can enjoy good quality school and work,Low caste of the National People's Congress are poor,And can't read.however,For India low caste classes of most people,The pace of change or unhappy,Success is also limited.but,The requirement of change has never been such a urgent.According to a recent survey by the Indian government funding,India low caste students face daily teachers and high caste students of abuse.Teachers ignore them in the presence of the class,High caste students have refused to talk to them,Even they have physical contact.The Indian government officials admit that,In India there are a wide range of inequality,Especially for"pariah"children,The school the classroom exists caste discrimination problems.India's education system"Mired in class mode in the mire".
种姓制度改善后的印度教育 Caste system improve India education
Modern education and government management departments in the colonial era for upper caste has the monopoly,Thus was the symbol of power and privilege.but,Along with the education of democracy/secularization/fair.so,India education to modernization,Must be abolished caste system,To realize the secularization of education,Democratic and fair,improve"Behind class"And women/The number of girls by education and cultural level.To realize the caste system on India education career development block sex,Promulgated in 1950 of India's constitution to the caste problems of special provisions,The article 17 to ban all forms of"Do not contact"behavior,And regulations to punish;The provisions of article 15 any citizen"Are not only to religion/race/Kind of sex/gender/Birth place and so on for reason",And excluded from the public/The use of facilities outside,Including store/hotel/hotel/Places of entertainment,And well/pool/bathroom/Road and so on.The constitution also special provisions,To instruct the government to the so-called"Behind class"Give culture/education/Economic preferential,And in the federal parliament and nations in the parliament for its reserved seats.In 1955,,The government has issued"Do not contact with the crime",Further prohibited to"Not contacted"discrimination.Thus it can be seen,The Indian government in law and all government behavior,All strictly against caste inequality,And try our best to improve the social status of low caste.
Along with the caste system problems after improved,India education achieved great progress,They built a relatively agile/Perfect education system.Recent India established"11th five-year plan"Education development strategy,Put forward"Inclusive of growth"Development concept,That promote balanced development,Narrow area/The gap between the group and gender,Let the fruits of development benefit all the people.Therefore intends to eradicate education caste change,To promote the quality education for the development of India,Fostering a large number of science and technology/The technical personnel,To realize the rapid development of national comprehensive,Ensure that India may be in the current world advanced science and technology is in the lead.
结语 epilogue
The caste system has been throughout India of all parties to the surface,In the education that has hard to eliminate the influence.In the economic globalization,The rapid development of science and technology under the era,The caste system is also attention to persecution,In the Indian government leaders and pay attention to the development of higher education background,Caste system for education development will bring problems are improved,The higher education development obtained remarkable achievement.
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