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中新网北京1月7日电(记者 马海燕)“现在平均达到每天一小时锻炼的人少了,玩电脑、网络游戏占据了学生们的锻炼时间。我们学校虽然有孙杨这样的冠军,但大部分学生崇拜的还是另一个全球电子竞技的总冠军。”浙江大学校长杨卫的一席话让众多大学校长发出会意的笑声。
Beijing Beijing, jan. 7(Reporter MaHaiYan)"Now the average one hour per day exercise less people,Playing computer/The network game occupy students exercise time.Our school although there are SunYang such champions,But most students worship or another global electronic athletics championships."Zhejiang university President 39:1098 goes to the President of the university of many a understand of the laughter.
The ministry of education 7 held in Beijing to strengthen the sports work symposium,16 key university President secretary are to strengthen the construction of students' physique launched a heated discussion.Physical exercise will help students temper/Cultivate teamwork spirit/Teach students to abide by the rules/Understanding the meaning of fair you no mythical,But how to let the student to carry out the exercise habit/Become a top priority in the work of the school,But let a lot of the principal have words.
Last year,Beijing university freshman military training for two weeks,Nearly 3500 students in total more than 6000 people to see a doctor;Huazhong university of science and technology university games, such as cancel middle-distance race project,All trigger social hot debate,It also has caused the attention of the relevant administrative departments.The ministry of education sports health and art JiaoYuSi priests WangDengFeng said,Over the past 25 years,The younster health decline gradually.At present,Although small and medium-sized students' physique glide get preliminary control,But college students' physique continues to decline.College graduates constitution and comprehensive quality in relation to China's eight years can enter the country with great manpower resources.
The Chinese people's university President Chen in the rain and dew in the survey found,Eight out of ten of the teachers and students don't have a clear exercise program;The girl a week exercise time only 2 to 3 hours,The boy is far lower than 5 to 6 hours;Cardiopulmonary function/Upper limbs strength/Balance ability is students' common weaknesses;In recent years the students mental disease increased also has a lot to do with physical deterioration.
Fudan university vice President lu Fang also said,A university/The second grade students is on the rise,three/Grade four, and began to decline.Cause this kind of circumstance also is due to the university two years ago and physical education,Two years after generally give way to school.
"University students' physical deterioration,Both the students lack of exercise habits/Middle and primary school‘debt’problems,Also have the fear of responsibility/For the problem of lax."Beijing normal university President self-monitoring the truth,Only emphasizes the university their own responsibility to sports work to catch up.
And how to"home"Generation of"After 90"Please come out exercise,The President proposed fingerprint puncher/Endurance test/Into the independent the recruitment of students test and so on,Is inseparable from the compulsory measures."College students' physique to must grasp the time,A need to exercise childhood gene,Two need to pay more attention to the system of the formation of sports,Third, we will in the younger generation formed in the atmosphere of physical exercise."Chen rain and dew suggestion to get the principal secretary of identity.
Vice minister of education said pku,More than one hundred years ago scholars put forward"Young is strong, strong countries",One hundred years later students' physical quality than our neighbors,This kind of situation is worrying.The future is to be a public and accountability system,To enhance students' constitution as the school one of the most important jobs pay special attention to.(finish)
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