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三度参加中纪委座谈会 Three degrees to the commission for discipline inspection symposium
Although once in 2007 and again in the commission for discipline inspection organization experts forum,Had walked into the legal system as well as the lecture,but,Last November 30 commission for discipline inspection of this symposium is still let MaHuaiDe feel different.
MaHuaiDe remember,After 1 week,The commission for discipline inspection sent him the meeting notice,Also indicated to wear casual wear,It makes him feel some not generally.More let MaHuaiDe surprise,Will start a,Mr. Wang said he come straight to the point"Today we change HuiFeng forum,Don't read draft,Say less formulae",And smiled and said"Online opinion stimulating,We can listen to her".
With this prologue,MaHuaiDe in speech and threw his draft beforehand,Preventing corruption from its source is put forward to make[Major decision procedure act]/[Government affairs public method]and[Administrative organic law]The three department law."In the process of I speak,Mr. Wang nodded approvingly,Did not say what.Finally to he speaks,He talked about the importance of institutional innovation when,I mentioned the part of speech,Affirmed the importance of anti-corruption system.later,Mr. Wang said,It also invited me to his office to talk about."MaHuaiDe said.
亲历多部法律的制定 Several close the formulation of laws
In the industry,He MaHuaiDe in administrative law rich experience and is famous for its authority.He is the first since the founding of the administrative litigation law professional direction of PhD graduates,Was directly involved in the[The state compensation law]/[The law on administrative punishments]/[The legislative law]/[Administrative license law of the](draft)/[Administrative procedure law]Some, such as legal research and drafting.
In Peking University school read undergraduate course play,MaHuaiDe administrative law to have a strong interest in,China's administrative law from whom Mr A.v.dicey study administrative law after master,He to China's administrative licensing system is studied.
"Know what is the administrative licensing?Is called the administrative examination and approval.In China,‘license’Too much abusive phenomenon once let people feel difficult to adapt to.For instance,I give my daughter hukou ran more than ten times,Cover a number of chapter."MaHuaiDe said.
As early as in 1994,MaHuaiDe had ever written a paper named[Suggests to establish the administrative license law]paper,[China's law]Full text transfer,The standing committee of the National People's Congress FaGongWei also have reaction,MaHuaiDe then became the start of the National People's Congress of the legislation of administrative license law a member of the team.
As an administrative law long-term researchers,MaHuaiDe also focused on foreign,The university of Sydney in Australia many times/University of Melbourne/La zhuo than the university and Boston university/Yale university education and senior visiting scholar,Also to have attended many international academic conferences.
MaHuaiDe remember,In march of 1995,He went to Boston university law school do when visiting scholars,Just five months,Reading a lot of the original administrative law of the United States,Also wrote[Case law course].MaHuaiDe said,"later,In February 2001,I again to Yale university research problems of administrative litigation,And in 2002 presided the conference the administrative procedure law,Listen to a lot of expert advice,To the later drafting administrative procedure law should be revised proposal draft experts have the help very much,Harvest quite abundantly."
To August 2003,[Administrative license law of the]Finally through the."Now it seems,Because of this law in relation to administrative power pattern of interests,drafting/Through the and implementation are not easily.I to the deepest love law,Also hope that it can more greatly play a role."MaHuaiDe said.
MaHuaiDe computer desktop,Beloved daughter is 5 years old photos.For 47, for MaHuaiDe,Work may be his biggest fun.Hard work,MaHuaiDe occupied a lot of time.The wife say:"I married a workaholic."Student evaluation said:"Teacher ma is a spinning top,neverending."(YeXiaoNan)
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