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媒体称袁厉害将收养孩子分等级 至少有20套房产--亲稳网络舆情监测室

媒体称袁厉害将收养孩子分等级 至少有20套房产 火灾后,袁厉害因突发高血压病倒住院,一度陷入昏迷。(摄影卢广等) After fire,Yuen badly because of the sudden high blood pressure fall ill in hospital,Once fell into a coma.(Photography LuGuang etc) 媒体称袁厉害将收养孩子分等级 至少有20套房产 袁厉害(摄影卢广等) Yuen badly(Photography LuGuang etc) 媒体称袁厉害将收养孩子分等级 至少有20套房产 袁厉害(摄影卢广等) Yuen badly(Photography LuGuang etc)

  来自河南省兰考县农村的袁厉害女士,近期频繁出现在媒体与公众视野里。导火索是1月4日一场突如其来的火灾,她所收养的7个孩子在自家居住的房子里丧生。袁厉害成名已久,她的成名依赖于24年来她收养了超过100名弃婴。多年来,当地政府与媒体将她打造为一个典型的“中国式好人”高尚、善良、无私、贫穷而生活悲惨,秉持着常人难以想象的道德标准,并不惜牺牲自己。 From henan province LanKaoXian rural yuen bad woman,Recently often appear in the media and the public in the field of vision.Fuse is January 4, a sudden fire,She adopted seven children live in their house were killed.Yuen badly famous already a long time,Her famous depends on 24 years she adopted more than 100 abandoned babies.For many years,The local government and the media will make her for a typical"Chinese good"noble/kind/selfless/Poor and miserable life,Grasp the unimaginably moral standards,And sacrifice their.


But after[characters]Journalist 7 days of field observation and investigation,We get many with the previously described contradictory or even completely opposite facts:


In the previous campaign,Yuen badly for her adopted more than 100 children alike,care,Apparent if one's own.


The fact is,these,Yuen badly children with disability degree and appearance,She is divided into several, etc."top"The child to enjoy the best of care,And the most need to care for children of lower,Once with garbage/flies/Relieve oneself crowded together difficult to survive.


after,Yuen badly foreign admitted that source of income is only twenty of the fatherless subsidies,And many times publicly announced that not a penny deposit.


The fact is,Yuen badly business reputation in LanKao almost everyone knows,Involved wide surface,Covering roads/enclosure/towers/Pay the rent/Coordinate disputes, etc.In a building has just been dismantle illegal civil buildings,Yuen badly invested 450000 yuan.


after,Yuen badly for many media announced its no property.


The fact is,According to incomplete statistics,Yuen badly for himself and his family in the LanKao self-built or purchase the property,Conservative estimate more than twenty sets of housing.


after,In the media hype,She loved by local people,People moved for her and given its"JiaoYuLu second"title.


The fact is,In the face of[characters]reporters,Many local people to keep secret,Clammed up,There are also some of her feel complex,Even quite have the exception.


after,In the outside world opinion she was placed in the opposite of the local government,As a system of blank and officials of the victims appear.To her sympathy,Intensifies the people to the local government dislike and hate.


The fact is,She and the local civil affairs bureau/Public security bureau/Land office/JiShengBan and other government departments have not said the mutual understanding and Ming.This kind of tacit understanding and even become her wealth accumulated important path.


On the one hand,The rural women lack of education(Primary school grade one),irritable/and,Has a simple and good motivation,On the other hand,She is bright/alert/cunning/Idea careful,A strong desire to protect themselves.She is familiar with all kinds of rules MingLi secretly,Even control the media psychological player,Most of the time all can obtain the interviewer trust,Reach own purpose,And clever secret.


Do all this,Yuen badly by gave her social soil and the features of The Times,Is a traditional Chinese rural patriarchal human society and the experience of the half,And her temper may be born"severe".


等级 level


对那些被袁厉害分入“孬”类的孩子来说,生活的全部内容就是“活着”。 To those who have been yuen bad points into"Nao"Class for children,The whole of life is"alive".


In yuen badly eyes,Adopted children is divided into several levels.The best children most had for cleft lip/Cardiac disease,Successful received national free surgery,At present and the healthy children.Children with heart disease more popular,Because they can't go out in the scar.Yuen much like"Beautiful children".She took a pair of big eyes/EDanLian twin sisters,For table attach importance to,Yuen badly make a sheet to the room"literacy/Can guidance culture"Cousin live,Let her special care in the flower of this pair of sisters.


In order to prevent are currently away,Yuen badly like buried treasure hidden as the best children.Her strategy is dispersed/Concealed with relatively good living conditions,After screening,The children were sent to the son home/Cousin home/My sister's family and 360 kilometers away"safer"Of hebei rural.there,They will get yuen badly to provide the best care,Secret no one,Also not allowed to adopt,In addition to those closest to the,Few people know that these children existence.


To those who have been yuen bad points into"Nao"Class for children,The whole of life is"alive".They have severe cerebral palsy/Severe polio or severe albino,For many years lived in LanKaoXian people's hospital near a place called"garden"shack,until"garden"Because land occupation others been demolished.Accompanied them,Is fly/bugs/Stray dogs and cats and house side high landfill.Has repeatedly to"garden"Before the interview[The river to]Reporter LinYuan(alias)said,They two or three months also see a"mother",Long forgotten left out in the cold,Even more.


Sometimes they also will be recalled to be sent to adopt children to strangers,Or plug to drew near to children's welfare homes,And in the media and amazing when donations,show"Suffering and strong life".Baidu stick net friend"But m autumn"Had seen,Yuen badly with towel to dirty children take a shower,She noticed that day have foreign licence vehicles parked in yuen badly door,"The original let them take a shower is again someone to the donation".She said.The 65 - year - old PangGuiYun had more than once want from yuen badly here the adoption of a child,struggling"Really pick out",She saw the children's hair oil viscosity in bed can not down,In bed urine at will,Yuen badly from bed full of children pick a wash out,Brush and brush and gave it to her.


Due to the bad living environment,Can not get timely treatment,"Nao"Children's deaths.The photographer LuGuang witnessed"garden"Male nanny hole big ye will die baby put on plastic bags,Thrown into the trash can.


Those who"Is bad Nao"children,Usually and yuen badly live together,Be yuen badly with bath/ride/school,Or is in the streets around,Very conspicuous.Most of them have mild disability/albinism/Cleft lip,Or mild polio.interview,A lot of people have seen they say dirty words,fight,Or steal things.A once send moon cake to the child the reporter sees,In order to a piece of moon cakes,Several children dish it out.


Ugly children want to get yuen fierce especially visit,There are two ways:One is and yuen bad throw temper,Such as called"Small bad"The YuanYuan is albinism child,Is not beautiful,But she obstinate/arbitrariness/fiery,And yuen much like,Is deep the heart;The second is often do housework to take care of the younger brother and sister,If YuanJinRu.She just 12 years old,Primary school grade 6,Have insider said,Often see her brother and sister clean house clothes.


Yuen badly to[characters]Reporter admit,Don't know(No matter good or bad family condition)Want to adopt children,Are only allowed in"Nao"The children choose.To her"kind"People or neighbor friend,can"Is bad Nao"Children choose.She doesn't allow their children to play with other children,Other children to see them always gathered at a big help,Also stay at a respectful distance from sb.Her children are living in society,But was isolated.


Now help yuen badly to take care of the child,Salary is 0.They are usually local old man,A common characteristic is his old age/idle/Knees no child.Yuen badly have children.She gave them"grandson"or"granddaughter"And for its milk powder,They labor in return.Because life embarrassed,They most is also engaged in other part-time jobs.


It is difficult to forget LinYuan in the fire YuanShen dead,He was"garden"The largest of the children,is"Nao"The children in fact housekeeper/Cook and parents.With mild cerebral palsy and YuanShen of polio,Every day for ten several cerebral palsy/Mentally disabled/Polio children do some dilute turnip soup,Cook a few root corn.LinYuan asked YuanShen,So hard,Why follow yuen mom,YuanShen answer a word:"with,the,yuen,li,against,have,rice,eat."


战争 war


Yuen severe of hierarchical management is in order,Her temper justice with mercy,The children or because love her and support her,Either because the survival and followed her.


In 1989,,From the hospital embrace to return to the first when abandoned baby,Yuen badly obviously haven't thought about it so much.At that time, she is a vendor stall in front of the hospital,Heart soft,"Eva die can you no matter?"Temper and fierce,"Home who also tube not me!"She didn't have the heart to a child died,Depend on her living more and more children.Sons and daughters to have joy[characters]Reporter memories,Early the home be poor to beg on the streets,Yuen badly to steamed bread,Always to do the children to eat,The child was ill may or may not prescribe medicine for her to go,His disease but do not want to see.


1993 years is yuen badly change key nodes:She heard that adjacent kaifeng is a place called welfare homes,Special have no one to children,She support ten several children,Unbearable heavy burden,Realize you must make a choice,Who and who left away.The child was equally,In her eyes, respectively, for the first time, have a hierarchy her away for three"Nao children".Because the state subsidies is too low,Welfare homes is not willing to accept children,Both sides shout abuse.She left the child ran,In order not to be welfare home staff after,She was forced to sit a life only a taxi.


Yuen badly the story again and again all the details for each media vivid description.Just speak too much,Sometimes speak into"taxi",Sometimes speak became"tricycle".


This is clearly not a pleasant memory,1993 years later,She 13 years didn't provoke a welfare homes.but,Along with the national policy direction of change,She and welfare homes like two existing territorial disputes neighbours as war constantly.


In 2006,,She is famous,The number of children have also reached SanSiShiGe,A local television reporter put forward,With yuen badly to send children welfare home,She followed reporter went to."So they don't accept!"Yuen much hate to say.


In 2008,,Yuen badly adopted children more than the number of kaifeng welfare homes.The welfare home one day suddenly seek to come,Put away all the children,"Regardless of Nao good will","Also is a good and give me to buy things",Yuen badly afterwards just know,"Is the policy of the country well".


Policy refers to on September 5, 2008 the ministry of civil affairs/The national population and family planning issued by five ministries and commissions[About solving domestic citizen, adopt a child without permission of the relevant questions of the notice](People hair [2008] 132 date file),According to this file,Every child welfare home every month can obtain 1000 yuan national appropriation.


In order to deal with the long war,She had to make judgments in advance:The best children hide,The most Nao children may at any time off,Not bad Nao children had better to stay,There is no way they had to send away.Yuen badly"Hidden in the left Nao laissez faire"The layered management is in order,Her temper justice with mercy,The children or because love her and support her,Either because the survival and followed her.


Yuen badly almost illiterate,Her hands were twenty low places,But can't think out twenty normal name,Put the children named"Yuen mute"or"Yuen blind".If a child died or left,Will have children to be automatic take this name.Literally who is,It is important to can then take subsidies.


Yuen badly claims to,His still owe a supermarket hundreds of dollars money milk powder,In 2011,,She also told want to help her a the dongguan entrepreneurs,The children 3 personal cover a quilt,Hope he can donate some quilt.The information for the children of the living conditions of the poor.She is the explanation:"No money,Energy is not enough."
