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导语: Guide language:年末与年初相遇,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的"向教育提问"搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月22日北京光华路五号会展中心5号大厅盛大举行,我们将发起一场属于教育的跨年思考。盘点全年,我们抛出了六大问题:"问策-教育公平"从最原始的起点发问,关注上学累、上学难、上学贵;"问计-异地高考"讲述普通人的故事,解读概念中的深意;"问道-创新的逻各斯"带着发现的心,将教育改革先行者的勇气和成果传播扩散;"问鼎-金砖之智"在喧嚣时代以一份难得的执著虔诚守望,付诸行动用榜样案例照亮来时的路;"问君-高朋满座"对话行业掌门人,探知产业命脉;"问卷-白皮书"延续对行业的深入观察,提供专业的调查报告…… The end of the year and meet at the beginning,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual festival will be on January 22, 2013 Beijing GuangHuaLu 5th exhibition center 5 hall held grand,We will launch a belongs to the education across the years thinking.Inventory throughout the year,We raise the six big problem:"Ask policy - education fair"From the most primitive start asking questions,Attention to school tired/School difficult/School your;"Advice - different college entrance examination"Tells the story of ordinary people,Interpretation of the concept of depth;"Asked - innovative logos"With found heart,The education reform pioneer courage and achievements spread diffusion;"Shot - nuggets of wisdom"In The Times with a rare rigid religious watch,Action with an example case light up the passage back;"Ask jun - honour"Dialogue palm industry,Discovery industry lifeblood;"Questionnaire - white paper"Continue to look deeply into the industry,Provide professional report……

  EDP是英文The Executive Development Programs的简称,即高级经理人发展课程,是基于现代公司企业的具体特点,开设的一整套具有针对性的短期强化课程,旨在满足企业高层经理人员对时间较短、针对性较强的管理课程的学习需要,课程时间长短和课程内容根据具体需要确定,可以偏重综合管理技能,也可以偏重某一具体管理领域的知识与技巧,例如经营战略、财务管理、领导艺术、人力资源的开发与管理、生产与经营管理、国际市场营销管理等。

EDP is English The Executive Development Programs for short,The advanced managers development course,Modern enterprise is based on the specific characteristics,Set up a complete set of specialized short-term intensive training,To satisfy the business enterprise top managers for time is short/Targeted strong management course of study need,Course time length and the course content according to the specific need to make sure,Can lay particular stress on comprehensive management skills,Also can lay particular stress on a particular field of management knowledge and skills,Such as business strategy/Financial management/leadership/Human resources development and management/Production and management/International marketing management, etc.


EDP in education idea and education mode has completely beyond the traditional management education,It will be to develop a target lock for enterprise senior leaders and key decision makers,Pay more attention to how much for the enterprise to solve practical problems,How much can promote enterprise development,The emphasis is on practical,Its systematic training model are based on the leader/The decision maker's characteristics and demand design,It is a kind of brand-new leadership development mode.


Peking University HSBC school of jiangsu province enterprise structure and combined with the actual situation,Repeated research,Optimizing curriculum,For jiangsu entrepreneurs special launch[Leader Sue shang business management President research course]/[Capital operation and investment and financing strategy President research course]/[Picture of Chinese President research course],And in the subsequent teaching work in the development,In view of jiangsu enterprise specific needs customize"Internal training course",Committed to providing and enterprise culture/Industry characteristics of the combination of management training scheme,For enterprise's organizational learning/Organizational development and provide support for change.

  实力雄厚的师资力量 由北京大学资深教授及业界管理精英联袂执教,聚顶尖师资阵容,深入剖析企业管理要义。

Strong teachers from Beijing university professor and senior management at both the industry elite,Poly top teachers team,Further analysis and enterprise management.

  精练实战的课程设置 课程内容立足全球视野,俯瞰中国商业成功经营之道;结合中国实际融传统文化于现代管理智慧,全面提升管理者气质神韵;注重案例剖析,分享管理大师经典管理心经,增强管理者综合管理素质水平。

Scouring practical curriculum course content based on the global vision,Overlooking the Chinese way of business to business success;Harmony with the reality of China traditional culture in modern management wisdom,Improve managers temperament verve;Pay attention to case analysis,Share management master classical management theheart sutra,Strengthen the comprehensive management quality level managers.

  专业周到的教学服务 商学院拥有一支专业化、高素质的管理团队,经过不断发展和创新,形成课程开发、教学管理、服务支持一条龙的规范化项目运作体系。

Professional and considerate teaching services business school has a professional/A high quality management team,Through continuous development and innovation,Form curriculum development/Teaching management/The standardization of the one-stop service support project operation system.

  高端广博的人脉资源 商学院精心搭建校友交流平台,构建定期校友交流机制,协助学员分享校友资源。

High-end large human resources, business school alumni carefully build communication platform,Constructing regular alumni communication mechanism,Assist students alumni resources sharing.
