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四川大学博士生别样过年 寝室食堂图书馆3点1线--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

像往年一样,今年各高校都有一些学生因为种种原因选择留校过年。他们的春节是怎样过的?2月13日,记者来到四川大学,听女博士李旭讲述她的新年故事。   放弃回家忙论文   让弟弟帮忙做父母工作   李旭是四川大学文学与新闻学院的博士研究生,今年已经是她读博的第三个年头。要求发表的论文早已发得七七八八,毕业答辩的博士论文三月份要送外审,目前也已经完成了20多万字,导师几次给出意见都觉得很不错。但是好强的李旭还是想挤出时间来进一步阅读文献,完善自己的论文。所以,放弃回家过年成了她的选择。   实际上,这已经不是她第一次选择留校过年。2010年,李旭硕士毕业考博士,就选择了留在成都利用假期继续学习。“那一年,我实现了自己的梦想。”李旭说,她是辽宁锦州人,回一趟家要坐40多个小时的火车。因为担心父母有想法,李旭先和弟弟进行了沟通,让他帮忙做父母的工作,除夕的晚上,又给父母打了很久电话,才总算让老人家放心。   寝室食堂图书馆   三点一线的论文Style   “过年前,学校专门组织大家吃了一顿团年饭,还给每个留校过年的学生发了压岁红包。”李旭说,钱虽不多,心里却是暖暖的。此外,假期学校的食堂、浴室、小卖部等都有值班安排,保障对留校学生的供给,“除了校园略显冷清,对生活几乎没有任何影响。”最让她感动的是,自己的导师为了指导她和另一个学生的毕业论文,也放弃了回老家。   寝室—图书馆—食堂,李旭的春节时光基本就在这三点一线间度过。记者在李旭的寝室内看到,小小的房间里摆满了各种参考书和资料,连床铺也占去一小半,颇有几分“一枕明月半床书”的清雅。“学校要求文科博士要发表三篇以上的CSCI核心期刊论文,还不能有什么水分。”李旭说,现在不是流行Style吗?春节留校忙论文,也是想保持写论文的Style,不让有自己松懈的机会。   在这里待了六年   就快要和成都说再见   对于未来,李旭说自己没有想太远,目前已经有一家江西的高校和她达成了初步就业意向。从硕士到博士,李旭在成都待了六年,看着成都的地铁从无到有,看着大学路上的银杏黄了又绿。望江公园的美景,东区邮局附近的小书店,红瓦寺的牛肉豆腐脑,南门外的串串香、大盘鸡,七中门口的怪味面……毕业之后,李旭将告别这些记忆中的美好。   “成都人洒脱、淡定,踏踏实实做事,安安稳稳做人。”李旭表示,自己将努力保持成都人低调务实的态度,每一步都尽自己的努力做到最好。 As usual,This year the university has some students for a variety of reasons choice at New Year's day.Their Spring Festival is how to live?On February 13,,The reporter comes to sichuan university,Listen to the female doctor LiXu tells her New Year's story. Give up home busy paper let brother to help parents work LiXu is sichuan university literature and journalism school at the doctoral students,This year have been she read bo third year.Ask to publish papers was already made to the 7788,Graduation reply doctoral thesis in March to send careful outside,At present also has completed more than twenty words,Teacher several Suggestions on all feel very good.But competitive LiXu still want to squeeze time to further reading literature,Improvement of their papers.so,Give up to return home for the New Year was her choice. In fact,This is not her first choice at New Year's day.In 2010,,LiXu Ph.D. Master degree,Chose stay in chengdu took advantage of the holiday to continue to learn."That year,I have realized my dream."LiXu said,She is liaoning jinzhou people,Back to my home to sit more than forty hours by train.Because of fears that the parents have idea,The LiXuXian brother and communication,Let him help parents work,New Year's eve night,And to give parents play for a long time telephone,Just to let the old man assured. Dormitory cafeteria library three point one line paper Style"Before Chinese New Year,The school specialized organization everyone had a good reunion dinner,At New Year's day to each of the students made a pressure years old red packets."LiXu said,Money is not,The heart is warm.In addition,The dining room of school holidays/bathroom/Canteen is on duty arrangement,To guarantee the supply of participation in students,"In addition to the campus slightly cold and cheerless,There is almost no effect on life."The most let she touched,His teacher in order to guide her and another student graduation thesis,Gave up the back. Bedroom -- library - dining room,LiXu Spring Festival time basic in the three point one to line through.Reporter in the LiXu bedroom inside to see,Little room filled up with all kinds of reference books and material,Even the bed to also take up a smaller part,Quite a part"A half moon pillow bed book"elegant."The school of arts to request Dr Published three papers more CSCI core journal articles,Can't have what water."LiXu said,Now is not popular Style?The Spring Festival is busy at the paper,Also want to keep the Style of writing the paper,Don't let the chance to have their lax. Stay here for six years and chengdu is going to say goodbye for the future,LiXu said he didn't think too far,There has been a jiangxi college and she reached an initial employment intention.From the master to the doctor,LiXu in chengdu for six years,Look at the chengdu from scratch,Look at the university of ginkgo biloba on yellow and green.Wangjiang the beauty of the park,The east end of the small bookstore near the post office,Red tile temple of beef uncongealed tofu,South the clusters of fragrant/DaPanJi,We face the strange……After graduation,LiXu will say goodbye to the memory of the good. "Chengdu people free and easy/calm,Steadfastly work,Anne be safe and steady person."LiXu said,He will try to keep a low profile chengdu pragmatic attitude,Every step of own effort to do our best.
