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8岁男孩掉入15米深窨井 67岁爷爷下井救其孙子--亲稳舆论引导监测室

记者 邹宇 实习记者 柯力
Reporter ZouYu KeLi practice reporter
实习生 朱婷婷
Interns ZhuTingTing
摄影 胡健
Photography HuJian
The day before yesterday at around 4 PM,Don't grandpa/Grandma take grandson spread out step walking home.
Don't grandpa was 67 years old,Son after the,He will be taking a grandson out for a walk.The basic route is fixed:From a nearby river side walk,Then cross the road to walk home.
In the afternoon,They came to the village of a river in the sun,Grandpa see grandson shoes dirty,Took out paper towel,Go to the riverside wet,Son for shoe.
At 4 PM,Don't grandpa think it's about time,Family and home,Grandma walking in front of him,Grandson small qian walk in the middle,Grandpa go in the back.
walk,Small qian came to grandpa behind him.
"At that time just after a place pile up the site conditions,Around there."Don't grandpa said,He saw the inspection shaft cover,Pile up around a little clod,About ten centimeters above the cover.Inspection well cover intact,Not break,Don't know grandson go behind him,There is no remind.
He heard from behind"Eye socket"sound,turned,See only inspection well cover has been broken,Show a big hole.
小胖墩踩破了窨井井盖 Little overweight is broken on CMC manhole covers
"Small qian,Small qian!"Don't grandpa quickly climbed up the wellhead view,Because the light is bad,Only see bottom hole has a group of.
His heart was worried,Also guessed grandson to drop down,"I was scared silly."
Bottom hole finally have the response:"grandpa,I fell off!"
The voice of the son is very weak,Don't grandpa had listened to,The body are scared to play shake,Hurriedly comfort:"Hurt where no?"Grandson didn't respond to.
"How will the inspection shaft cover step is broken?"Grandpa don't understand.
"Grandson good fat!."Grandma and heartache,Looked everywhere for things trying to put the grandson out.But use a lot of four or five meters long pole,Are tong no bottom.
Grandpa told us,Small qian,Eight years old,More than 70 jins(Standard weight is and jin),In the primary school is grade three,And parents in WuLiPing lodges,Grandpa's grandmother is in JiangBeiHai language jiangshan village to rent a house.
Small qian grandmother name is feng.Von grandma told us,The 3 days prior,She and her daughter-in-law to have dinner,See the son of the winter break,Took the grandson home together to play a few days.On accident,Tell her son to go home at night,The second day go to school to get report card.
"If early know will make so great things,I will not take him out!"
“我已经顾不了自己的年龄了” "I have download their own age"
Sure is son after down,She was scared the shiver:"I had a heart attack,Call the police when,I took the hand of the mobile phone has been shaking."
The son of bottom quiet,Painful groan also have no.This is the most let two old man due place.
Cannot save,But can't stand doing nothing.
Don't grandpa again on wellhead downwards see,Found in well escalator,Can walk down the escalator.
Grandpa back over the body,His along the ladder to climb down.Ladder years long rust,Metal handle has the layer,Grandpa use pedal is broken two root,"I have download yourself how old age the sixty,Down to the bottom,Serious shortage of oxygen,At the time I feel chest distress light-headed."
The climb for a few minutes,Finally stepped on the bottom.
"At the bottom of the forty minutes of waiting for rescue,Feel after two hours"
Don't touch the grandson grandpa,The son of hands rested on his forehead,Son to say a word:"Qian son good,Grandpa in,Don't be afraid of ah!"
"well",Small qian weak weak to sound.
Because it's too dark,Can't see grandson's injury,Grandpa hand,Grandson said to:"If I touch,Your pain is to shout a voice."
Grandpa from head to touch his grandchild body,Son found head and forehead/The corners of the mouth with a small amount of blood,"The child said to me,His body to move is painful,I was heart the colic."
Downhole cool,Grandpa and take off his clothes,Pack son,Will he held in his arms,Keep talking to him:"Qian son,You have to be strong.""Qian son,Our New Year's day to climb mount emei."
Grandson was very sticky grandpa,Grandpa is very like him,Weaning, when sleep with grandpa,A two years old,Grandpa always love grandson tied in front of him,Riding with the grandson to walk around.Don't grandpa said,At the bottom of the forty minutes of waiting for rescue,It felt like two hours.
小孩身体胖成了优势 The child body fat become advantage
Jiangbei fire detachment of the country squadron firefighters in under the protection of the safety rope,Down to the deep well.
"We test the next,This well about 15 meters deep."Due to the inspection well is very narrow,Less than 1.5 meters wide,Firefighters with ropes tied small qian after,Pull on the ground.
Firefighters tell us,In the bottom hole they also be trample to break into two covers picked up,Find cover is very thin.And the site near the workers said,This is not normal covers,Just for temporary cover inspection well.
Small qian was sent to the hospital,The doctor diagnosed,Small qian does not currently have life risk,Just received some trauma,But still want to leave courtyard observation 3 days.
We in the children's hospital to see the small guizhou medicine,He is asleep.The doctor said,Estimation is scared too,Need to slow over sleep.
15 meters deep,The ground is equivalent to five stories high,Under normal circumstances,Falling down such a high floor,Small qian also good just by a little skin trauma.
Firefighters analysis said,One is as a result of small qian fat,Body fat,Slow down when the fall of the impact.The second is,Deep well have metal stair,The child fall,Run into the ladder will slow down the speed of the fall.
See son nothing,Grandma and grandpa are relieved,"Grandson accident,We always can't sleep,A closed his eyes as if see small qian on bottom hole."
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