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优卡丹否认对儿童有肝肾毒性 改说明1岁内禁用--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  新京报讯 (记者许路阳 实习生黄颖) 近日,有微博称,优卡丹和好娃娃小儿氨酚烷胺颗粒,被证明对儿童的肝肾毒性,“一岁内禁服,六岁内慎服”。

The Beijing news - (Reporter xu Yang road HuangYing interns) recently,A micro bo said,Optimal espace cardin and good baby infantile ammonia phenol paraffin amine particles,Has been shown to children's liver and kidney toxicity,"Within a year the clothing,Within 6 years old in clothing".


yesterday,Optimal espace cardin official micro bo response,Have amended product manuals,Infants under one year of age should be fast espace cardin optimal,And fast not reason"Hepatorenal toxicity".

  代言人宋丹丹:不再代言任何药品广告 BTV, the spokesman:No longer speak any drug advertising


recently,Have the authentication for pediatricians micro bo users by micro bo said:"Optimal espace cardin and good baby infantile ammonia phenol paraffin amine particles,Has been fully proved that to children's liver and kidney toxicity,Within a year the clothing,Within 6 years old in clothing".


"Online surprised smell I speak of optimal espace cardin in children health."The night before last,Optimal espace cardin BTV, the spokesperson in micro bo said,had"transactions"To meet the drug advertising,And the manufacturer and drug test department's approval to do a detailed review,"If today is true online support,I will sincerely apologize stand out through the media."


BTV, said,Due to the individual cannot know exactly and master drug test quality,In the future regardless of whether any drug test department approval qualification,"I will no longer speak any drug ads!"

  优卡丹:禁用原因并非“肝肾毒性” Optimal espace cardin:Disable reason is not"Hepatorenal toxicity"


At noon yesterday,Optimal espace cardin official micro bo issued a statement said,According to the national food administration May 17, 2012's notice,Infants under one year of age disabled children ammonia phenol paraffin amine particles cause was not"Hepatorenal toxicity",But because"Lack of newborns and infants under one year of age evidence of safety and effectiveness".


"1-12 years old children according to the specification can be at ease use,Will not cause damage to liver and kidney function."Statement said,Already the optimal espace cardin specification change,And ask sales units fit down dealers/Terminal drug retailers and related medical institutions that report.


It is understood,National food that the administration's notice,Gold HuangMin particles/Pediatric ammonia phenol paraffin amine particles and pediatric compound ammonia phenol paraffin amine piece listed in the drug instructions in the matters needing attention,for"Children under the age of 1 should be used under the guidance of",But because of the lack of safety and effectiveness of data,The revised instructions shall be the drug to neonatal and disable the babies under one year of age.

  ■ 探访 S visit

  部分药店未告知“禁忌”事项 That is not part of the pharmacy"taboo"matters


yesterday,Reporters to visit east side/Wl six pharmacy,Found that some drugstore clerk not explicitly told children under the age of 1 fast optimal espace cardin precautions,On the market and still can buy specification is not modified espace cardin optimal.


In dongcheng district in a pharmacy,Still in sales on sale for $5.5 the optimal espace cardin,The production date for 2012 jan. 6,,The specifications without reference to the use of age taboos situation.


The shop assistant said,The whole city each big pharmacy received notice,Can't espace cardin optimal sold to children under one year of age.


And in the nearby another drugstore clerk said,Have not yet received optimal espace cardin"Children under one year old disabled"notice.


In a pharmacy in xicheng district,In this paper, the clerk said optimal espace cardin,According to the instructions on the medicine package,Eight months a child drink half a bag or"A third bag".


(Original title:Optimal espace cardin change specification:Within 1 year old infant banned)
