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福建一少女乔装大学生进高校 盗窃多台笔记本电脑--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

福建一少女乔装大学生进高校 盗窃多台笔记本电脑 发还仪式现场 Will be at the scene of the ceremony 福建一少女乔装大学生进高校 盗窃多台笔记本电脑 失主签字认领 The owner signed claim

  东南网1月8日讯(本网记者王坤明 通讯员王真) 7日下午,福州对湖派出所举行了一场被盗赃物返还仪式,向7名被盗受害人发还了日前破获的系列盗窃案件中查获追回的8部笔记本电脑

Southeast network - on January 8th(King politico Wang Kunming correspondent) 7 in the afternoon,In fuzhou, capital of lake local police station held a stolen goods return the ceremony,To seven stolen the victim will be the recently uncovered a series of burglaries seized back 8 of a laptop computer.


In early December on lake local police station police in daily warning instance analysis process,Found jurisdiction multiple colleges in girl's dormitory laptop stolen case occurred in succession,Both time/means/The similarity between objects,String and the case quickly.MoPai by field visits/Obtain monitoring probe alignment, etc,Locking a female suspect,According to the clues to obtain tissue forces in the case of the dangerous period of time/Region v waiting days to carry out,And will get suspects have been supervised information forwarded to the school to assist catch.


On December 20, in the afternoon,The policemen in one jurisdiction university student dormitory building had v process,Found a woman physical characteristics and dressed in surveillance cameras appear very similar to suspect,Immediately come forward to police to control person.as,The suspects xu red(female,22 years old,Quanzhou people)Statements for more than ten by dressed in female students,In more than one college girl dormitory building laptop theft criminal facts.Now the public security organ has 8 back of laptop computers,The case under the CangShan forensic team further trial.
