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报告显示教改没有万灵药 教师优秀最重要--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


World famous Pearson learning company recently in it with the Chinese education publishing media group, hosted by the education on the BBS,Issued a named[Country/region education performance implications]The report of.Which point out that:As Finland and South Korea, the two show different ways of education power,Path to the success of education there are ten million reasons.


The report also warned the government officials,In the process of seeking solutions,"Need some modesty",To keep in mind that formal education institution's ability is limited.It references worthman, a professor at the department of economics of university of Munich, Germany, because of the words:"A lot of things(Determinants of academic success)Is not the government can control behavior,More works depends on families and society."


疯狂课外班让韩国学生最痛苦 Crazy for Korean students extracurricular class the most painful


平等教育让芬兰才子难出头 Equal education let wit is difficult in Finland


The report by a British magazine[The economist intelligence unit]Ministry of information to write,Is called[The learning curve]Broad quantitative qualitative analysis is part of the plan."Learning curve database"Brings together the global more than 50 countries/Area of a large number of relevant education input and output of internationally comparable data.These data providers have participated in the PISA or TIMSS(Refers to the trend of international mathematics and science evaluation)The test.Due to the two aspects of cognitive ability and the education degree are taking strong measures,Finland and South Korea on the education index is ahead of other countries/regions.Report the authors try to explore common regularity of education system between the two countries,But found between the two differ in thousands ways.


Such as the,People often think that South Korea's education is exam-oriented education,There are strict curriculum,Teaching emphasis on knowledge by rote.South Korea's education system the amount of time on study.After a day of school curriculum,Most of the students will go to private schools or private training center in class.According to the OECD(The organization for economic cooperation and development)The data of,In 2009,,South Korea's 15 years old students, 68% of students in private schools learn Korean;77% of the students in learning mathematics;57% of the students learning science;There are 67% of the students in learning other subjects.In recent years,The south Korean government began to worry that the extracurricular study too hard,A requirement for private training center must be closed after 10 PM,But the government still needs to be sent police to patrol,To close those as self-taught pavilion is actually illegal private training center training.


The Finnish education system,Professor Schwartz at the harvard graduate school of education,"Is a good school system,The children admission time later,Class time is very short,And there is no homework,The teacher also seldom stood on the podium in front of the classroom teaching.It is estimated,Italian children than children more than 3 years to learn Finnish."The PISA data is also displayed,Finnish students rarely on extracurricular remedial class.According to the report,Finland's education system is more focused on how to help children better understand and apply knowledge,Not just the textbook knowledge by rote.This kind of practice for international education industry's universal praise.


South Korea in a different way than that of the Finnish education success have been achieved,At the cost of the students happy.According to the report,Research often find,In the organization for economic cooperation and development of all countries,South Korean teenagers are the unhappiest.Finland's education is far from perfect:The egalitarian education system can only make sure that all the students grade point average overall is good,But can't help the talented students to reach their potential.


Careful the researchers still found this two different education systems have in common,Including the recognition of the importance of the education industry,And in terms of teacher recruitment and training efforts.In addition,Education systems in both countries pay attention to cultivate students' aspiration and strong sense of responsibility.But the two countries to teach is different."In South Korea,The sense of responsibility mainly driven by test,In Finland,The sense of responsibility is a personal ideal faith from peer pressure,But the effect is very similar."


吸引最优秀的人成为教师 Attract the best people to become teachers


应成为各国教育系统的追求 Should be the pursuit of national education system


In spite of,No remedy can apply to the education reform of all countries/regions,but"Teacher is crucial"This view has won broad consensus.


It mentioned a recent study based on data covered about 2.5 million U.S. children,It found that:Among other factors,The outside that the teaching effect is better teacher taught the students are more likely to be"Go to university/Enter the famous college/Get higher wages/Live in the senior community(Get higher socioeconomic status)And have more retirement savings.At the same time,At a lower risk of teenage pregnancy".


According to the report,Attract the best people to become teachers should become a national education system is striving for.Attracting, recruiting outstanding teachers from beginning.Report to Finland and South Korea, the two is often cited as a model of success education, for example,Each year, respectively, from the top 10% and 10% of the outstanding graduates recruit teachers."In this case,Money can play a role,But it is not just a trigger,But also shows that education status signals".Report says,The south Korean government pay high salaries for teachers(The average salary for the teacher is more than twice the average wage in the country),Shows the importance of teachers' work.But surprisingly,Studies have found that,Little wages associated with education achievement of teachers.In the learning curve for library data,Education at all levels of teachers' maximum and the minimum wage(As a percentage of national average income)And cognitive ability to teach(International testing standards to measure)No long-term relationship.Canada study committee, the former chairman of Mr Carpenter said in an interview[The economist intelligence unit]Information department of the interview:"Teachers must have reasonable salaries,But pay paltry compared with other factors."


These factors include"Provide appropriate training"As well as"The teacher treated as professionals".According to the report,Teachers' training need to persevere.Because of no teacher specialization at the university course can fully adapt to decades of work content.Before the international labor organization, commissioner of the ministry of education points out Mr Wright:"Continuing professional development and professional autonomy can be a powerful motivation enhance learning outcomes."He also thinks,Teachers must be considered as there is determination of professionals,Not just technicians.


如何让学生从容面对不确定的未来 How to let students calmly in the face of uncertain future


Individuals and countries would benefit from a good education,No doubt about it.Study found that even,In most countries/regions,Man's knowledge level and its closely related to life expectancy.The researchers also found that after consulting lots of literature and statistics,A person affected by the longer fixed number of year of education,In the"Marriage and parenting"Decisions would be more sensible.Education will make people more patient/Goal is more clear,And reduce the possibility of adventure activities.Studies that show more representative,Each additional year education time,Annual revenue is increased by 8% ~ 10%.


But this conclusion is worth attention:By the fixed number of year of education beyond the needs of the students end up engaged in professional would sharply reduce the education returns.According to a study by the world bank,In developing countries/Primary school education returns significantly decreased,Reason may be that in many countries/Regions in teaching literacy and math basic course spend time is too long.


What the most appropriate education content can ensure that the future economic growth?How to better strengthen students,Let them calm in the face of uncertain future?According to the report,These problems are some of the more successful the school system(Especially in Asia)The focus of the reform.

  新加坡国家教育研究院院长李盛光教授在接受访谈时说:“如今很多职位头衔都是1995年没有的,很多技能也都是新出现的。我们预计,这种趋势在未来会发展得很快。”在过去的10多年中,新加坡教育部一直致力于对未来形势的预测,以便确定接下来几年可能需要的技能,并相应地调整教学内容。一个重大的变化是,据李盛光教授介绍,自1997年以来,新加坡教育开始从教授死记硬背的知识转变为扎实奠定数学、自然科学和文学基础,同时教会学生如何理解和应用信息。“我们认为这种转变有助于学生获取知识、认知能力和创新能力,这些都是 21 世纪极其重要的人才素质”。

Professor Li Chengguang, dean of Singapore's national institute of education in an interview:"Now a lot of job title is not in 1995,Many skills are also emerging.We expect,The trend in the future will develop fast."Over the past 10 years,Singapore ministry of education has been committed to forecast the future situation,In order to determine the next few years may need skills,And adjust the teaching content.Is a major change,According to professor Li Chengguang,Since 1997,Singapore education started from professor rote knowledge to lay a solid math/Foundation of natural science and literature,Teach students how to understand and apply information at the same time."We think this change will help students to acquire knowledge/Cognitive ability and innovation ability,These are very important in the 21st century talented person quality".


教育改革没有万灵之药 Education reform is not the spirit of medicine


[Country/region education performance implications]Provides education policymakers in countries with 5 points


a/Not the spirit of medicine.Studies have found that,Invested funds for education alone rarely can achieve results,But single individual depend on the education system reform(No matter how wise)Rarely can achieve great results.Education needs to be within the scope of the whole system for a long time/Consistent and focused attention to improve.


(2)/told.Good teachers for high quality education is very important.Excavation and retaining them is not high and low salaries.instead,Teachers need to be as valuable professionals,Instead of education in a big machine and technical personnel.


three/Culture can be changed.Atmosphere of cultural assumptions and values education system of the upward force or force is larger than the education system itself.Use the culture of the positive factors and negative factors, according to the need to change is very important to guide successful results.


four/Parents is not the enemy of the education,Are not the savior of the education.Parents just want their children receive good education,So change the pressure from parents should not be seen as hostile signals,instead,It shows that education resource supply may exist certain defects.On the other hand,Parents' input and choice also is not a panacea.Education system should try to make parents to master the latest development,And go forward hand in hand with them.

  五、教育要面向未来,而非仅关注当下。如今的许多职位以及担任这些职位所需的技能在20年前根本不存在。教育系统需要考虑现在的学生在未来需要哪些技能,然后相应地传授这些技能。 本报记者 李斌

five/Education should be geared to the needs of the future,Rather than only focusing on the present.Now many of the jobs and the skills required for the position in did not exist 20 years ago.Education systems need to consider now what skills are needed for students in the future,And then to teach these skills accordingly. Our reporter li bin
