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7对父母山村租房自教孩子 对教育体制失去信心--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  楚天金报讯 文/本报记者胡彩丽 图/本报记者邹斌

Chutian 27 - text/our reporter HuCaiLi diagram/our reporter ZouBin


the,In many parents tried to take the children to school in the city key,Wuhan have seven to parents invert it,Will the child from urban to rural areas,Let the children in an abandoned in the primary school study life,His parents as a child, teacher education,Have a similar"xanadu"life.a,This reporter went to huangpi district land mulan a mountain village,See these"stands"Parents and children.


撤出城市 奔向农村 Out of the city ran to the countryside


7对家长欲为孩子搭建成长“桃花源” 7 for parents to set up for children to grow"Peach garden"


5 day morning,Winter sun light warm.Reporters drove from wuchang start,To the north of HuangBei mulan township of the silent mountain village,An hour later arrived at the destination.


Mountain village is not closed.Even the road through the entrance,The village in beautiful buildings,Hobbled horse the noise,Around the hills around.Parents and children in the abandoned elementary school,PianAn corner.Reporters then,On the campus empty,The playground of weeds just trimming,Two floors of the building inside a repair.


After about that,When parents are took the children in the village to play."The weather is good today,Just let the children to the village for a walk in the sun."Reporters out looking for it,Frontal met two mother,One of the thousands of teacher is introduced to the reporter.


All teachers live in wuchang.August,She and six to parents after planning,Will have their children to the village collective life,Cooperative learning.There are seven home ten children,Minimum 1 years,Biggest 9 years old.


It is understood,Seven home parents weekdays are good friends,The children always play together/reading.The children grew up,We think in the city together a waste of time,Air pollution is also heavy,On food safety and not trust,So the initiation of the moved to the countryside idea.After months of investigation,They found the mountain village,Partnership rented the abandoned elementary school.After more than two months for decoration,October,7 family from wuhan city center moved to the village camp.But the occasional use of return on holiday weekend,Most of the time lived in the village.


soon,Out of the children and their parents are returning to.The children told reporters,They just went to the riverside to play.Children's clothes on grey PuPu's,Some of the children XiLiu cold nose straight;Mothers clothes is very simple,Some mother even in the cotton pajamas,Look carefree and content.


"Be far away from the city's pollution and noise,Protect the children's nature,As far as possible, to give them freedom,Give them a piece of no pollution of the humanities and natural environment,Together with their learning and growth,This is what we want to provide children with life."A mother such interpretation of her heart"xanadu".


不看电视 不玩电脑 Don't watch TV play computer


手工制作玩具 Handmade toys


带着孩子们开荒种地 With the children land clearing sow the land


Abandoned primary school teaching building a two layer,The first floor was built to their dormitory,Each with a toilet room,The pendulum has high and low bed and desk;The second floor is the children's learning place.The most characteristic is the place,Most of the things are the parents"DIY"(do)of.the,Children in the room,Equipped with a large board take into the couch,On the couch couch rice,There are two pieces of cotton lap into WeiZhang.According to introducing,These are his parents saw wood plane light after grinding shop,And WeiZhang is mothers with vegetable dye hand dyed color.Put the toys in the room,All parents manual work,Such as wood/Bamboo system building blocks and cloth joint manual doll.Reporter discovery,On the campus to see plastic toys,More don't have a car/Transformers or barbie dolls.


Parents say,The playground of sand/brick/thatch,Is children's favorite toy,Children often sandcastles here/Built hut.Parents have the swing frame,Later also ready to build a tree house,Easy to child to climb trees.The classroom is on the second floor of a carpenter's room,The inside of the timber and tools from soup to nuts,A plane homemade wooden ladder is almost finished.Probably because often work,Several mother hand skin appears more rough."All of our toys are all natural things,Can change an infinite,Can let the children use their imagination,To complete the process of creating."One of the parents to explain.


The life here keep many farming era characteristics.Dormitory building backyard,Have the parents take their children reclaimed vegetable field,Chinese cabbage grow lush and green peas.The kitchen,Pile up is parents bring organic rice/Surrounding the villagers sent pumpkin.In addition,There is no computer/TV,Even wash his clothes are mainly in small river done by hand."Live a simple life,Eat only vegetarian food,Wear the most ordinary clothes,300 dollars a month is enough money.We each other relations pure,Eight o 'clock every night to go to bed,This is our life."A mother said.


家长授课 闲时劳作 Parents teaching when idle work


诵读经典成为每天最重要的一堂课 Read classic become the most important lesson every day


Parents give to their children to arrange life is law.The morning get up at half past seven,Had parents take turns to do after breakfast,The children sat together on the futon,The parents lead read the four books five through classic.It says that is the children every day the most important lesson.


Reporters on the blackboard in the classroom to see the chalk to write[Moral the]In a long:"Way often unknown,Piao is small,The world can I don't."

  读完经书,大些的孩子会有数学、书法等课程,全由家长授课。3岁以下的孩子的主要任务则是玩。 每周五,孩子都要去周边小山“探险”,摘野花找石头。周六则有一节英语课,跟老师一起朗读莎士比亚的《十四行诗》。

Read book,More children will have a math/Calligraphy course,All the parents teaching.Children under the age of 3 main task is to play. Every Friday,Children are going to surrounding hills"adventure",Pick wildflowers looking for stone.Saturday is an English class,With the teacher read Shakespeare's together[sonnet].


The reporter sees,In a classroom,Three children at the age of six or seven with a teacher head head to lie on the ground,With dozens of root small wooden sticks.Reporters want to come forward to see what,But a parent open."They are in math,Please don't disturb."The parents told reporters,Their math mainly by the game and story techniques such as the composition,Don't write my homework,Because the teacher say what,Is mainly"The relationship between mathematics and the life",pragmatic.


The children have special library,It put the education/science/Draw this kind of books.the,A teacher from London early Lynn ou DE feld wrote[Free to study]In the most conspicuous place.


Parents say,The children didn't test,But there are also tasks,With parents is together wall decorate the classroom/Landfill waste/Vegetables such as water,Older children to wash their simple clothes."A lot of people think that education is the school test.And we think,Let the children with their parents together in labor/reading,Is the best education.Children can learn in nature,Learn from imitating their parents."All the teacher said.


妈妈带娃 爸爸养家 Mother took Eva dad support his family


7对家长中有老板和“海归” 7 for parents and have the boss"returnees"


These parents why give up the current school education,Teach children to choose their own it?A parents say,All the current education system lost confidence.The parents tell:A few years ago,She is three years old daughter is in a fairly good kindergarten.The first week,Daughter for separation anxiety and crying.The results,The teacher to stop crying is threatened her:"You can cry,I will throw you into the trash can go to!"She heard this sentence after the shock,Immediately bring him home,Since then his daughter never went to school half step.The parents say,The teacher if you don't understand the nature of the child,Don't know how to respect children,The child how to develop their own complete and independent personality?They will only in accordance with the be fond of of others to decide what he wants to do or not do.


The parents are also introduced,Their daughter after years of family education,Now is very fond of reading,Classical Chinese back a lot,To polite,Self-care ability,Personality is independent,He has his own opinion,More sensible child than their peers.Her education results is satisfactory.


According to the reporter of worry,The name parents answered,The children have a degree is not equal to have no ability,She believes that the children in this mode under the education,The future will know what you want,And find the right position.She also said,Each year they will organization the child to travel around the country,Take part in all kinds of social activities,"The children than other children have more chances to contact the society,Communication with is not a problem","As for the college entrance examination,Haven't thought.If possible,In the future there will go to study abroad."


It is understood,In the company of children for mother,Father is in the city to earn.These families have a plenty of private owner,Have a plenty of teachers was born,Also have individual parents is"returnees".


Reporters also learned,These parents claim"At home to go to school"thought,In the country had been a lot of people with similar interests,They set up on the Internet"Home school union",For nanjing/Shanghai/Beijing/guangdong/Chengdu and other more than twenty points site,In group communication frequently.


(Should parents urge,Cain went to interview object true name and address specific school)


有值得肯定之处 但不宜盲目效仿 Is worth the affirmation place but unfavorable to follow blindly


In view of the above 7 every long practice,Wuhan education bureau relevant personage points out,According to the[Compulsory education]provisions,Anyone who is 6 years old of children,Their parents or other legal guardian shall send its entrance to accept and complete the compulsory education.The children are also accept education,But not strictly"Send the admission"Accept education.But the people said,[Compulsory education]Did not specified,If not in this clause parents act by what kind of punishment.


This personage says,Just for children to grow up,Go to the school to accept normative education,Is still a child grow up an indispensable stage and experience.Because parents education qualification without acknowledgment,The children are no student status,The quality of teaching has no judgment.


Provincial academy of social sciences institute of sociology FengGuiLin is considered,This is a worth advocating and certain phenomenon.These parents are in the people's all-round development of a kind of exploration.current"Takes an exam the education"mode,Malpractice is to ignore the cultivation of healthy personality,The cause of the child's childlike innocence and personality of repression.but,FengGuiLin also think,This attempt has risk,The future will be bound/Social evaluation and recognition are a series of problems.so,If other parents do not have enough psychology/Education and sociology of knowledge,Can't follow blindly.


Reporter random interviewed several parents,They think,Parents can try to seek the integration of two kinds of education mode,Absorbing these parents education to some of the concepts and practices,In the implementation of the life.There are also parents think,The current more and more people give up school education,It also remind education department should think about how to in the current situation,Construct more diversified/More in line with the development of child education mode.
