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  广州机关幼儿园拿出七成学位向社会摇珠分派 Guangzhou authority kindergarten with seventy percent degree shaking bead dispatch to the society


公办幼儿园就该姓公 Public kindergarten is the family name is male制图:张芳曼 drawing:Zhang Fangman


On January 23, the closing of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) in guangzhou three times meeting disclosed according to the latest budget,Guangzhou for 14 authority kindergarten this year given financial subsidies of 123 million yuan,28 million yuan more than last year.This way of subsidies although caused criticism from year to year,But this time with a new account:According to the three years of preschool education plan of action,The authority kindergarten will take out 70% of the new term this year degree open to all the household school-age children in guangzhou.As the director of guangzhou city bureau of education flexor sentinel say:"Need to correct a concept,There is no‘Authority kindergarten’the,Are all‘The public kindergarten in guangzhou’."


Civil servants enjoy only old organ/Inexpensive high-quality kindergarten degree of authority,Now really want to"Now fly into the nobodies' homestalls."the.How to fly?Flying into their house?Education department is introduced,These degrees by shaking bead and computer central allocation assigned to the society,How to shake the pearl,April is given solution.According to the reform of the target,Open the proportion will reach 80% in 2014,Until 2016, when 90% degree of social sharing.


现状 Status quo


在园幼儿总数35万人,其中约七成就读民办幼儿园 350000 people total in the kindergarten,Roughly seven achievements in private kindergartens


"Who does not know authority kindergarten and good quality,Charge and low?To recruit civil servants children only,Ordinary families children can not to get in,Can authority kindergarten get subsidies but more than a year,There is fair?"Guangzhou zhuhai citizens Lai Wenqiong,Says the most parents of the heart.


At the beginning of New Year,This situation is finally changed.In fact,,On December 28th of last year,[Guangzhou city public kindergarten management system reform implementation plan]Has been released,14 15 park authority kindergarten incorporated into the category of reform,Enrollment system reform.Solve the problems left over by history/After straightening out relations gradually handed over to the department of education management,At the same time partial to recruit students from the public.


"And will make about 2013, 4900 degree for the whole society,Although the total amount is not big,But through reform really open and fair opportunities for the public."Guangzhou Deng Hongyong deputy director of the national development and reform commission said,Reform will farewell from kindergarten began"Spell dad"The condition of the.


Reporters from the department of education to get a set of data:As many as 350000 people total of guangzhou city in kindergarten,With about seventy percent in the private kindergarten.4900:350000,A simple digital contrast,You can want to see,The next step is the most difficult to/The key problem is distribution.Just a few degrees,To be assigned to the contender for the hundreds of thousands of hands,How to ensure fair?Education department came up with one of the most simple,That which is the most fair way:Shaking bead.


As early as 2011,Guangzhou panyu district took the lead in the district departments directly under the kindergarten/Dongcheng kindergarten/Beicheng 3 trial authority kindergarten kindergarten, etc,In the form of wave bead central allocation,Take out open enrolment degree oriented society.That year, May 12,,Ms yuen see who lives in city bridge beicheng kindergarten class small new lottery admission notification,Hold try a state of mind,Erin: take residence booklet for her daughter.Considering the application,Children are not"The paint was born",Ms yuen at first didn't have much hope.On May 23,,The draw of the public.Ms yuen accidentally discovered,Daughter number appear in the randomly selected in the list,Lucky became the only window of the whole community."Put out of luck,Shake to is lucky,Couldn't shake the also have no words to speak.I think it's fair."


"Take out part of the degree of distribution to the public while inevitably caused the opposition from some civil servants,But is still carried out steadily."Panyu district education bureau, deputy director li yoga said,The first year when the pilot,3 authority kindergarten provides 30% of the degree is open to the society,Up to 40% in 2012,This year is expected to reach 50%.


In guangzhou,Shaking bead will from the new school year begins in September.The remaining 30% of the degree is still in the original distribution among civil servants system?Flexor sentry said,"Don't fooling around",Formed in the historical process of reality to consider,After consultation with the kindergarten,To a specific solution."But it's 30% absolutely not a loophole!"


出路 A way out


逐步扩大公办园比例,让公共财政惠及每一个幼儿 Gradually expand the public garden,Let the public financial benefit every child


"Only 4900 this year?"Lai Wenqiong always focus on the news,Shook his head after he read the newspaper.In her opinion,Such a low"Chance of",Roll to the possibility of too low.The $123 million worth of financial aid,Can only benefit the shakes of the very few people;Shake not the does not enjoy at all,"This is a new kind of unfair?"


That is indeed the case,4900 degree in 350000, is one of nine cattle hair,The left child?The situation is,After four quarters for guangzhou,The public kindergarten is still less than 400,Absorb more students also accounts for only thirty percent of school-age children.According to guangzhou this year's budget,The city government will arrange pre-school education funds of 433 million yuan,033 million yuan more than last year.123 million dollars to the authority of kindergarten;In the remaining 310 million yuan of preschool special education funds,Another 200 million yuan is the prize for public kindergarten construction by,Funding the universality private kindergarten only 100 million yuan(The remaining 010 million yuan to subsidize census register family economic difficult children/An orphan/Children with disabilities and other entitled groups to accept pratt &whitney preschool education).That is to say,The preschool education funds allocation"The male/People than"3.23:1,To absorb the number of students completely"Upside down".


Although organ kindergarten faces the society recruit students of degree was 70%,Compared with before completely to recruit students of internal worker children have a big improvement,But after all organs and 30% of the traditional rights.For this,Guangdong provincial government counselor king chu is put forward,Such a heavy financial investment,No doubt in maintaining the authority of kindergarten"Focus on"status.This kind of disequilibrium of preschool education resource,Inevitably to the high degree of"sponsorship"Banned repeatedly,Or the resurgence.

  “公共财政对学前教育的支出,不仅应该负起责任,大幅增加投入,还应该不断追求公共财政对每一个孩子的支出均衡。”王则楚坚持认为,让所有的幼儿园都能在分类指导的价格下,在公共财政的支持下均衡地发展,让我们每个孩子都能得到基本相同的学前教育,才是公共财政在学前教育上努力的方向。“我们要在加大投入的基础上,坚决收回国有产权的住宅小区配套幼儿园,举办公办幼儿园,让小区居民直接得到学前教育的公共财政资助。我们要在逐步扩大公办幼儿园比例的同时,以学前教育券的形式,让每一个在民办幼儿园入读的幼儿都能得到公共财政的资助。”(本报记者 贺林平)

"Public finance spending on preschool education,Not only should take responsibility,Sharp increase in,Should also continuously the pursuit of public finance expenditure balance for each child."King chu insisted,Let all the kindergarten can be under the classified guidance price,With the support of public finance balanced development,Let every child can get the same basic pre-school education,Is the diligent direction of the public finances on pre-school education."We need to increase investment on the basis of,Residential area supporting kindergarten firmly back state-owned property rights,Held public kindergarten,Let the community residents directly to get the public finances of the preschool education funding.We need to gradually expand the public kindergarten ratio at the same time,In the form of the pre-primary education voucher,Let each and every one in private kindergartens in young children can get a grant from the public finances."(Our reporter Lin Ping)
