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This newspaper D15 version published on May 14, 2012[Teenage girl was hit badly Pacific declined to advance payments]The case has had the final trial results:China Pacific property insurance co., LTD. Shenzhen branch(Hereinafter referred to as"Pacific group shenzhen branch")Within the insurance medical treatment charge compensation limit pay small hui loss of 10000 yuan,Within the death disability compensation limit compensation of $26318.33;Shenzhen rich aeon logistics co., LTD and shenzhen lily still need to pay for the small hui industrial development co., LTD., the traffic accident loss of 213214.80 yuan,Assume that the China Pacific insurance company shenzhen branch responsible for leading the liability for compensation.Among them,Controversial work problems,Of the huizhou city intermediate people's court second trial final judgment in the people's court of first instance verdict of boluo county of maintenance of,Small hui in June 2011 completion of compulsory education can obtain employment,Because of the accident injured lost their jobs,Causes the economic losses,Should pay compensation to.
事故原由:花季少女被撞 索赔31万 The accident reasons:Teenage girl was hit 310000 claim
In April 2011,Will graduate grade small hui injuries caused by traffic accident.afterwards,The driver and company sent 50000 yuan solatium,There isn't any fee.But as of February 29, 2012,Has been to produce medical treatment cost 250889 yuan,And the people's hospital of boluo county of owe of medical treatment cost of $143865.
In March 2012,Small in the people's court of boluo county of liu hui's mother to of,Requirements as well as the company driver/Pacific group shenzhen branch first compensate pays to February 29 has the medical expenses/Lost wages/Hospital nurse/In the hospital food subsidies/YingYangFei etc. A total of 311342 yuan,And request to judge Pacific shenzhen branch bear the corresponding liability to pay compensation within the scope of insurance liability.
争议焦点:初中生遇车祸能否获赔 Contentious issue:Junior high school students in a car accident can obtain compensate
Small hui will be completed in June 2011, compulsory education school,Have the opportunity to participate in work,Generate revenue,The accident injured lost their jobs,Causes the economic losses,Sue asked for compensation for lost wages.Downtime in small hui graduated from the second day of June 9, 2011,On February 26, 2012,A total of 257 days.Liu request according to the huizhou's minimum wage of 950 yuan for 2010,Demand compensation for lost wages 8138.33 yuan(950 yuan/month present 30 days by 257 days).When the request of trial of the people's court of boluo county of gain of support.
But think Pacific shenzhen branch,According to the[The supreme people's court on some issues of applicable law in trial of cases on compensation for personal injury]Article 20 rules work according to the victim's downtime and income status.The small hui was only 17 years old at the time of the accident,And for students receiving compulsory education at the time of the accident,May not take part in the work,So there can be no money.The company believes that,Court of first instance in small hui after the completion of compulsory education,Have the opportunity to participate in work for support work errors,Appeal the appellant requests second-instance court to cancel the first-instance court about the cognizance of the lost wages 8138.33 yuan.
二审结果:误工257天 赔偿8000元 A second trial results:Compensation of 8000 yuan ($257 day
Huizhou city intermediate people's court said,The victim was injured during the school,After nine years of compulsory education,A job should be,Can't go to work because of injury,Inevitably lead to a drop in income.Judicial interpretation,On the provision of money determines the downtime to income and to calculate,In this case the appellee injured for a long time doesn't work,The fact that there are delays,As for the income,Which USES the minimum wage standard is in order,Therefore dismissed appeals by Pacific shenzhen branch,Upheld the conviction.
虽然这次的上诉已经结束,但2012年2月29日之后的费用仍未赔偿,受害人家属与肇事司机、运输公司和太保深圳分公司的纠纷仍未结束。记者从小惠的代理律师广东保险律师网首席律师刘健一处获悉,目前小慧已经出院,正处于二次索赔之中。 (记者 陈有天)
While the appeal is over,But on February 29, 2012, after the fee is still not pay for it,The victims' families and the driver/Transportation company disputes and Pacific shenzhen branch is still not over.Reporters from xiaohui attorney, guangdong insurance chief lawyer liu has learned,At present small hui have been discharged from hospital,Is in the midst of the second claim. (The reporter Chen Youtian)
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