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上海香港教育公平性名列前茅 英法等国较低--亲稳舆论引导监测室
The People's Daily reported the paris-based organization for economic cooperation and development and on February 11, released a report education,Reports on 74 countries and economies in the students' academic performance and fair access data on scores and found after comparison,Some big cities in China,Such as Shanghai and Hong Kong,Whether a student's academic performance,Or go to school fair is leading the way., including the United States/The UK/The French/Some western countries, including Germany,Although students academic performance at a high level,Scored relatively low educational fairness.
Report says,No one country in the world can do to establish completely fair education environment,Have students from different backgrounds and receive the same quality of education.so,There are certain correlation between the background and academic performance.In oecd countries, for example,In the reading ability of students and social background of these countries score after the show,From lower social and economic background of the student's reading ability is defined as"poor"Likely to be twice the born condition good students,The education gap exists between more than two years.
but,The comparison results show that the report,The relationship between the social background and academic performance is not completely unable to break.On the score list,Shanghai, China/In Hong Kong,As well as in Finland/In South Korea/Canada/Japan and other countries and regions of the students' academic performance(Ability to read, for example)And education fair the two measures are leading the way,Higher than the average in oecd countries.The ability of other countries to both relatively inferior,For example, in the UK/The French/In some developed countries such as Germany and the United States,Students' academic performance is above average,But it is lower than the average education fairness.
The organisation for economic co-operation and development, director of the education department schleicher said to our reporter,Shanghai and Hong Kong in promoting education fair/Raising the quality of education performance benefits from effective policy and allocation more balanced education resources.
He said,In some western countries at present,Such as the UK,Differentiation of education resources/Education has become a big obstacle to inequality."The gap between rich and poor is very severe in the field of education."He said,"The whole social demand for people to improve,It in no condition to accept good education students at a disadvantage."
The education fairness is low,First of all from entrenched social injustice.The UK is the world's only retain hereditary noble identity.Start from high school with private British boarding school,Such as the famous eton college/Harrow school, etc..University also has the branch of elite schools and ordinary university.The BBC reported,In November last year,By the Sutton trust education charity have done a survey found,31% of the British elite was a graduate of Oxford or Cambridge.
Second is the cause of the economic.For a long time,British university tuition fees,In recent years is still rising.Three years of university tuition would cost about 30000 pounds,This figure clearly not ordinary family can provide.Because the British workers earn a median is only around twenty thousand pounds.Have a survey,More than half of the outstanding students from public high school teachers do not encourage the university,Because in their view,Those famous universities mainly by private boarding school graduates enter oneself for an examination.
In recent years,Because of the recession,For fiscal spending,The British government and marketization and commercialization reform in public schools,Caused strong dissatisfaction with the teachers and students,University teachers and even set up"Defend the association of British universities"Fight with the government.
经合组织的报告认为,正确有效的政策和实践可以在短时间内改变一个国家和地区的教育公平状况。教育公平政策的目的是要让每一个学生能在相同的平台上开展竞赛,尽管出身环境让一些学生一开始落后了,无法享受到其他学生享有的优越条件,但政府和教育系统应该为他们创造更多的后天机会。(本报驻法国记者 崔 悦 本报驻英国记者 李文云)
The oecd report said,Correct and effective policies and practices can change in a short time to a national and regional education fair.Fair education policy's purpose is to let every student can on the same platform to carry out the competition,Despite the birth environment let some students start falling behind,Unable to enjoy the advantages of the other students have,But the government and the education system should create more opportunities for the day after tomorrow for them.(This newspaper's reporter cui yue to France this newspaper's reporter Li Wenyun to Britain)
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