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江西籍学生状告广东教育机构 赢得异地高考资格--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  南方日报讯 (记者/曾妮 通讯员/杨晓梅 田青)江西籍学生小林在广州就读初中、高中,因被拒绝在广州参加高考,将广东省教育考试院告上法庭,并索赔经济损失3万元。经天河区法院调解,小林最终在省教育考试院的协助下顺利在江西报考,并取得在粤参加高考的资格。

Southern daily news (Reporter/Ceng Ni correspondent/Yang Xiaomei tian qing)Jiangxi student xiaolin attended junior high school in guangzhou/Senior high school,After being refused to attend the university entrance exam in guangzhou,The guangdong education testing to court,And claim for compensation of economic loss of 30000 yuan.The tianhe district court mediation,Xiao Lin in smooth in jiangxi province education with the help of its credentialed candidates enter oneself for an examination,And achieved in guangdong college entrance examination of the qualification.


九成案件诉前获调解 Ninety percent cases received mediation before litigation


yesterday,Guangzhou city to carry out"Guangzhou peace"Series interview,Media reporter first came into the tianhe district people's court.In the court of recognition to the National People's Congress held in the day,The tianhe district people's court by the Supreme Court"National excellent court",To be the only named court in guangzhou.In 2008,,The court was set up only in guangzhou city tianhe district comprehensive basic contradiction mediation institutions mediation center,Set up the alignment workshop before an action,Accounting for ninety percent of the cases in this mediation agreement.Jiangxi young Lin in guangdong college entrance qualification,More by the Supreme Court last year"The national court case good mediation".


高考报名被拒学生告状 The university entrance exam students registration was rejected


We have learned,Xiao Lin formerly jiangxi household register,Has been with her parents in guangzhou at junior high school/Senior high school,When the three enter oneself for an examination,Be refused to participate in college entrance examination in guangdong province.Kobayashi hence to education in guangdong province ets of letters.The last,Provincial education ets citing its census register is not in conformity with the conditions,Don't accept it in guangzhou to attend the university entrance exam sign up letters and reply.


Xiao Lin, a file the administrative litigation,Asked provincial education ets[Guangdong mobile personnel management regulations]"Flow of personnel education/Entrance etc. Enjoy treatment equal to the population of permanent residents"The provisions of the,Allowed in guangzhou to attend the university entrance exam,And ask for compensation for the delay reply cause economic loss of 30000 yuan.


Provincial education think ets,All students in the college entrance examination should be registered to attend the university entrance exam sign up,[Guangdong mobile personnel management regulations]The legislation original intention is to address the issue of floating population children receive basic education,Do not include high school recruitment of students.


调解终获在粤高考资格 Mediation goes in guangdong college entrance examination


The tianhe district court said,Provincial education ets decision did not violate the provisions of the ministry of education authorized college entrance examination registration conditions and application methods,No delay and letters and reply,When considering the lawsuit,Xiao Lin in the original domicile in jiangxi province has not admitted to the university,Can't sign up in jiangxi,Simple as the referee,Will be directly responsible for its unable to attend the college entrance examination,Ten years hard may fall short.Court to choose the optimal solution to mediate.In the end,Determined by the provincial education ets to assist Lin in jiangxi for registration,At the same time to accept his in the local participate in college entrance examination of the implementation of the scheme.


The judge told the reporters,Xiao Lin was supposed to return the jiangxi examination,But to enter oneself for an examination after,Xiao Lin family in foshan,Guangdong household registration was obtained,At this time xiao Lin in jiangxi have neither one's status as a student nor household registration,So you can accept him to attend the college entrance examination in guangdong.


9:00 - 17:30