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白岩松:假如新闻自由真的来了 我就不干新闻了--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Two conferences around the corner,Famous CCTV host bai yansong(The diagram below,SMW reporter was taken)More than a new identity the twelfth session of the CPPCC national committee.recently,New members bai yansong said when accepting a reporter to interview,The proposal,He will stick to"Perceptual thinking/Rational put pen to paper"The principle of.In addition,As news of people,He will continue with peers to think,See if I can form a proposal,To promote[Press law]The legislative process.


Nan luogu xiang lane in Beijing, a small courtyard,Bai yansong accepted the southern daily reporter's interview,Share the transition/Reform of ways of thinking and feeling.


谈转型 Talk about transformation


每个人都是时代的铺路石 Everyone is in the era of paving stone


Southern daily:You had said in the book,Even a dog into the CCTV studio,A month later it will become the dog.If not in CCTV, such a platform,How would you position themselves?


Bai yansong:Many people may say,If I were not in CCTV would not have known,There will be no influence now,You don't give me all the way from guangzhou to fly Beijing to do interviews.but,Gains will lose.I have refused the invitation of CCTV in 1993,When I was in the central people's broadcasting station,Prepared to start a pop music of the world newspaper,Prepared from newspapers slowly to the broker/Signed a contract/The performance/Album, etc,I also could be a pop music industry bosses,May be much more happy than now.


Southern daily:Then you write book[Happiness???],Are you happy now?


Bai yansong:China now many people are asking"Are you happy?",Many readers are asked why was not this title[Are you happy??]The name is[Happiness???],Don't add"you",Because why I ask you luckily not happiness,I must first ask myself happiness,Is one of my first ask yourself.


Last year, China central television (CCTV)"Are you happy??",Maybe you can from different angles to interpret.I think it is a kind of progress,Because of the"My name is who"This will appear in the answer[News broadcast].


But on the other hand,I don't want reporters stretched out a microphone up to the front of an audience"Are you happy??",We talk show,Because we are worried about being happy,We are afraid of being others represent happiness.But if starting from this year,Every Chinese person can ask yourself every day happy,That this problem is valuable.


But my answer is no.Because I do the business,This game I really want to do it well,I will not happy.In 2000,[Newspaper wen wei Po]At about one thousand I wrote a new message,I was given two keywords,Is a reflection,One is calm.I think only calm,Will be close to the happiness,But I most need is calm,Calm is the super luxury goods.


Southern daily:Bai yansong is a constructivists some evaluation,Do you agree with this assessment?


Bai yansong:It seems to me that is ultimately to construction,A while ago an activity,call"Looking for future models",Let me give deng fei awards,I give the key words is"Construction of the".


"Construction of the"The word,I won't say 20 years ago,20 years later, I will not say.20 years ago, I was too young,Don't have much chance,Can only stand in the audience Shouting,No chance to build,Because the baton didn't hand in my hand.20 years later, I am old,The construction of the baton is also away,I want to do is stumping for the young.But now I must go to construction,Otherwise, when I am old memories on what to fill?There is a popular word is,Don't angry is the body sick when he was young,Older is anger that is mental illness.


Southern daily:Are you from[Pain and happy]To the[Happiness???]Almost exactly 10 years,You from anger to scream to the transformation of the construction of the finished?


Bai yansong:Long and long way.We always have an illusion when he was young,The ultimate goal will achieve,There is no,So everyone is in the era of paving stone.


I once said, there is a paradox,Our generation news people's mission is to promote freedom of the press in China gradually realized,Freedom of the press, but if really coming that day,I must do the news that day.


Freedom of the press, why I don't do it again?Because I know,When freedom of the press,First presented may not be what we think of iron shoulders to moral/serious,But a gossip/scandal,Sexual violence!,Business interests prevail,But it is a necessary stage.Only through the,Free will slowly balance to an exciting situation.It is the mission of the next generation of journalists,Our mission is to promote freedom of the press in China gradually realized.


谈改革 Talk about reform


改革不能只被高层推着走 Reform can't be top pushes away


Southern daily:The eighteen after a big meeting of the party,Choose the party's new leadership,Subsequently the central committee of the communist party of China committee of the political meeting"Eight rules"Improve the work style,What do you think about?


Bai yansong:The new standing committee after the appearance,My comments and said the next day,The general secretary is so to speak,How do you say our local officials/The media how to say,How to learn to speak.But I think now is,Maybe in the future hot air and jargon can big range reduced,But the rest are not necessarily the truth.


Southern daily:After the ruling party's new leadership,Xi jinping, general secretary of Beijing for the first time,Choose inspection in guangdong as the forefront of reform and opening-up,How do you see the signal?


Bai yansong:Guangdong xi general secretary should choose,Because this is China's reform and opening up is really the place to start.I pay special attention to the general secretary's speech in shenzhen,He stressed that,"Your courage to bigger,To more have the courage."We used to fight our way out,Touch stone across the river.That is it must be a little more courage,Be more daring?Reform can't be top pushes away.


Southern daily:Xi held in 18 major general secretary of the political bureau of the central collective learning for the first time after talk,Party committees at all levels should unequivocally against corruption,More scientific and effective prevention and control of corruption.so,Corruption has become hot topic,Network anti-corruption,What do you think about anti-corruption issues?


Bai yansong:I sum up more clearly,Anti-corruption must go through three stages,From don't want to,To dare not to,To be.We used a long time is to let a person do not want to rely on ideological education work,Want to rely on ideological education against corruption,Any without,Because the temptation there,As long as there are enough profit space,Someone will take risks.


We are now in such a"Did not dare to"The era of,Severely punished under,More people dare not corrupt,Wearing a nice table can't come to light,With luxury goods will soon be human flesh,Corruption in more costs,People also gradually didn't.


If you want to effect a radical cure of corruption,We want to through the establishment of the law/Rules and regulations and mechanism,Let a person even with greedy also do not know how to start.Now we don't think of can't just in the stage,Need to quickly drive to dare not to be.


Southern daily:What problem at present in China let you feel the most profound?


Bai yansong:I think there are three aspects,Primary issue is the development of China,China is a bicycle,Riding is stable/Stop fell,Must go through a proper development,Have to at least 20 years,Perhaps more than.The second problem is population aging,Who to pension for us?The third reform is a key in a heart,Along with the economic system reform and political system reform,If you don't open heart reform unfolds,China is still dangerous.Why we have been looking for faith,Because faith is behind the fear,Fear is big rivers on both sides of the river bed times,As long as there is in awe,River is very high,Regardless of is in the river pentium surging,It is always safe.


Southern daily:Xi general secretary in the visit[renewal]Exhibition deeply in this paper, the China dream,You are the theme of the speech is also a Yale university in the United States[My story and the Chinese dream behind them],How do you understand what we talk about the Chinese dream?


Bai yansong:The Chinese dream in my mind,Is effected by the generation, within the country rich and strong (powerful)/National rejuvenation in the pursuit of dreams,Slowly transition to state how to realize dream of opportunity for people to set up the platform.


What is the purpose of the country rich and strong?Purpose is to let the people of country rich and strong (powerful)/Each individual has more dignity/More happiness/Have a more equal chance to make my dream come true,I think this is the meaning of the Chinese dream.In the most simple sum up a word,The Chinese dream is a process from the home.

  南方日报记者 杨大正 北京报道 实习生 姚雪乔 朱煜霄 陈攀

Southern daily reporter Yang Dazheng Beijing intern Yao Xueqiao Zhu Yuxiao Chen Pan

  统筹:梅志清 郑春峰 胡念飞

As a whole:MeiZhiQing Zheng Chunfeng Hu Nianfei
