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湖南一大学原校长被判无期 曾一夜豪赌输40万元--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  华声在线-三湘都市报2月27日讯 老婆和女儿去香港,有人送上几十万“购物费”;在赌场沉迷,企业老板送来港币做赌资;受贿得来的几百万,大都在赌场上被挥霍,曾经一夜输了40万……

Hua sheng electronic online - sansho metropolis daily on February 27 - his wife and daughter to go to Hong Kong,Someone send you hundreds of thousands of"Shopping fee";In the casino to indulge,Enterprise boss send hk do gambling;Millions in bribes,Mostly on the casino was squandered,Once a night lost 400000...


The reporter understands from ShengGaoYuan today,It rejected the original principal Zhang Xiaoqi appeal of hunan industry university,Maintain the xiangtan city then the original judgment:For taking Zhang Xiaoqi was sentenced to life imprisonment,Deprivation of political rights for life.


The illegal received RMB 2.156 million in 12 years/2.515 million Hong Kong dollars and other property of the principal confession in prison:I just want to seek a kind of medicine,That is"Regret medicine",If I had known today,Why at the beginning...


校长受贿数百万被判无期 The principal of bribery millions was sentenced to life


Doctoral tutor/The ministry of education undergraduate course evaluation experts/Discipline evaluation experts/The President of the university of...These are Zhang Xiaoqi aura,He was as zhongnan mining and metallurgy college in central south university,Worked in xiangtan university for 15 years,In zhuzhou institute of technology(Hunan university of technology)For short,Successively served as its dean/Vice secretary of party committee/The secretary and so on,Officer to the main hall class.however,His good fortune ended abruptly in 2009.


On June 25, 2009,ShengJiWei on suspicion of serious disciplinary violations in the hunan industry university, former secretary of the party committee/The principal Zhang Xiaoqi to initiate an investigation.In the same year in July,Zhang Xiaoqi is being held without bond on suspicion of bribery crime,Then was arrested.


In October 2011,Xiangtan city intermediate people's court of first instance verdict, unveiled Zhang Xiaoqi bribery case,Court ruled that the former several colleges and universities in hunan has 115 inauguration President in 12 years time accepting others' property illegally totaling 2.156 million yuan/The sum of hk $2.515 million/$15500 and 34 inch SONY brand color TV sets/A gold necklace.The court of first instance verdict Zhang Xiaoqi taking bribes,Sentenced to life imprisonment,Deprivation of political rights for life,All and concurrently be sentenced to confiscation of personal property,Recovered from crime income at the same time.

  张晓琪不服判决,上诉到省高院,他认为一审判决量刑畸重。记者今天从省高院了解到,该院做出终审裁定 ,驳回了张晓琪的上诉,维持原判。

Zhang Xiaoqi will appeal the decision,Appeal to the ShengGaoYuan,He thinks the first-instance judgment abnormal heavy punishment.The reporter understands from ShengGaoYuan today,The court to make a final order ,Reject the appeal Zhang Xiaoqi,Upheld the conviction.


贪污几百万大都输在赌场 Millions of corruption mostly lost in casino


"To macau's gambling,I think I use public money to gambling,This is not a crime,Leisure is a holiday,A kind of stimulus.Didn't go to want to‘A friend’Why give me money to gamble..."It was shortly after Zhang Xiaoqi write down the contents of the confessions.


The reporter understands from ShengGaoYuan orders,Zhang Xiaoqi love gambling,Several times with his wife/Daughter from Hong Kong/macau.His hotel,The best place for others to send money.


Tang dynasty(Not his real name)Zhuzhou is a real estate company chairman,Close relations with the Zhang Xiaoqi,Zhuzhou institute of technology of employee benefits in the room"Book in hunan"Is responsible for the company.Zhang Xiaoqi wife shopping in Hong Kong,Tang dynasty tried to send to"Shopping fee";Zhang Xiaoqi live in macau's casinos,Tang dynasty several times to send tens of thousands of RMB and HKD visit;Zhang Xiaoqi mother in the hospital,Tang dynasty sent zhang mother in Beijing"Medical bills"......Not to mention at the feast/Zhang Xiaoqi birthday time, etc.


Court to find out,2003-2009 period,Zhang Xiaoqi successively from tang dynasty had sent 43 times 474000 yuan/The sum of hk $1.69 million/$10000 yuan/Article 1 the gold necklace,Using Zhang Xiaoqi position to take care of the tang dynasty is responsible for the company"Book in hunan"project.


Similar scenes appear in the project on the construction of zhuzhou institute of technology gymnasium,This time to send the money a construction company boss is changsha,Gao peng Zhang Xiaoqi 17 times successively from the company boss(Not his real name)RMB 960000 yuan/The sum of hk $560000.


In addition to the engineering construction,Zhang Xiaoqi also lean on in such aspects as people transferred out of a lot of benefits.

  拿了这么多钱,张晓琪把它们都投进了自己的爱好赌博上。检察机关曾统计,从2001年到2008年,张晓琪受贿所得的253万元,先后分20多次输掉了233万元,其中输钱最多的一次高达40万元,最少的都有两万元。记者 虢灿 实习生 张波 杜洋 通讯员 向曼琦

Take so much money,Zhang Xiaoqi put them both into his hobby of gambling.Procuratorial organs have statistics,From 2001 to 2001,Zhang Xiaoqi bribery, income of 2.53 million yuan,Order more than 20 times lost 2.33 million yuan,One lose money most of The Times as high as 400000 yuan,A minimum of twenty thousand yuan.Reporter GuoCan intern adenocarcinoma Du Yang correspondent to the march
