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延大附中为西安高新一中学招生 收取百万考试费--亲稳网络舆情监控室

本报延安讯 这两天,本报接到延安市民打电话反映:延安大学附属中学(以下简称延大附中)与榆林育林教育的部分工作人员互相联合,借西安五大名校的名义组织多场小升初招生考试,牟取暴利。记者调查发现,1月26日,在延安大学附属中学确实有部分学生参加了一场考试,但延大附中黄校长称“不知学校有考试!”
This newspaper yanan these two days,We received from yan 'an citizens reflect a call:Yan 'an university high school(Hereinafter referred to as the delay big school)With yulin yulin education part of the staff of each joint,Take xi 'an five big organization field among the recruitment of students test more in the name of the school,For profiteering.Journalist survey found that,On January 26,,In yan 'an university high school, there are some students take a test,But delay the affiliated high school of yellow the principal said"I don't know the school have an exam!"
爆料:有人非法组织小升初考试 fact:Some illegal organization among the exam
According to the insider reflect,She said a friend a few days ago received a message,Xi 'an high and new one in delay on January 26, staged a among the recruitment of students test high school,It also provides contact phone,It was signed enrollment office.Hair short message is yulin cultivation education.
After she heard that,Through a friend came to know that,This is yellow the principal and yulin yulin of the affiliated high school of yan 'an university education teacher surnamed gao,Many times under the guise of illegal organizations on behalf of five famous universities in xian among the recruitment of students test,Test charge.We have accumulated 15 games organization,Test charge for nearly ten thousand yuan.
"Mentioned five famous universities in xian and I checked,Xi 'an in response,They didn't come to yan 'an admission examination,No authorization delay big accessorial middle school entrance exam!"This person said.
记者实地采访发现:延大附中确有考试 Reporter field interview findings:Does examination of the affiliated high school of big
On January 26,,Reporters came to the field survey of the affiliated high school of yan 'an university.In accordance with the regulations,High school has all the holiday,But 13 PM that day,Reporter found in yan 'an university high school campus outside the door has stopped many private cars from all over the world,Around the accents of parent groups together discuss in xian"The five schools"situation,Mentioned in the conversation:Xi 'an jiaotong university affiliated high school of/Xi 'an high and new one/Xi 'an iron one/Ms affiliated high school of xi 'an, etc"Famous universities".
Test from 12 noon to 14 points,A total of 2 hours,Five schools every enrollment only.See the reporter in a recruitment list,Student 115 people,Not including other of failing to master list.14 when,The test finished,,Come out of the classroom of the affiliated high school of yan 'an university many students look 12 years old.One parent told reporters,He come from smaller,Primary school children in show,The exam is specially took the kids to come over.Entry fees amounted to 200 yuan,Respectively to the big delay and yulin yulin of the affiliated high school of education.He had heard from yulin and xi 'an,Attend the xi 'an high-tech in the recruitment of students test.
家长:从未听说有人考上过 parents:Never heard that some people succeed
According to people familiar with the,25, 1 PM,She saw the recruitment of students test application form,The organization of examination has been 115 students to sign up."On January 12,Extending high school also organized a national chengchi university entrance exam in the ms attached,Was scheduled at 9 o 'clock in the morning test,Then don't know what reason for two hours in advance!……As far as I know,In the past ten exam organization,None of the students can pass the exam,Travel to xi 'an at!They are caught on the part of parents to let children school,Have a good future in the future psychological exam fraud!"
校长:不知道学校有考试 The headmaster:Don't know the school have an exam
Because the school has the holiday,Yesterday afternoon,Reporters call to the school principal huang,Yellow President said on the phone,A school holiday he has back to xi 'an many days,The school is not clear,Test whether organization also don't know,Need to ask the other vice President after reply.later,Yellow President said on the phone,A competent vice principal back to hometown in shandong province,The school organization of the examination also don't know.On January 20, 2012,The ministry of education/The national development and reform commission/Auditor to teach a no. 1 [2012] of the printing[Governance of compulsory education school selection fees of eight measures]Article 2 and article 3 of the specific provisions:Put a stop to cross-regional enrollment and fee;Stop enrollment and charge behavior by way of any test.During winter vacation, so delay the affiliated high school of the organization test what is the nature of the test?Whether the ban on eight related content in violation of the ministry of education,We will continue to focus on.(Reporter Chen tao LiuMeng)
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