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》》》进入“向教育提问”2012搜狐教育年度盛典专题 ]]]To enter"Ask the education"2012, sohu education annual festival
The event held at the same time,Also released[White paper 2012, sohu education industry](Hereinafter referred to as the"The white paper").The paper study lasted more than a month,Effective samples from more than 90000 copies,Covered the after-school tutoring/Early education/Children's English/Vocational education/The network education/Go abroad to study/School of business/Immigration services eight areas,More fully reflect the current domestic education market and industry.Sohu education chief introduction,Can be found from white paper,In 2012 Chinese consumers high education spending,While the education calls for consumer rights protection is also increasing,Side is welcome,Industry participants in hard skills, too,Perfecting the industrial ecology.
"China's early education market boom,Early education class section 45 minutes worth 200 yuan,A full set of 200 class would cost nearly 30000 yuan,Price is breathtaking,But not many parents prefer to walk the children to early education."White paper display,About 70% of the children participated in the English and Olympic math classes,Extracurricular remedial class spending per month in more than 2000 yuan households accounted for more than 50% of the total vote.
Early education market,Especially in 2012"Newly rich"Is the school education in entrepreneurship,White paper display,The opening of school of business, such as central Europe about entrepreneurship,Independent entrepreneurs to enter oneself for an examination the number of business schools than in the past have greatly increased,More than 26% growth,"Although tuition fees increase every year,Still have 60% of people choose the business school education,This results increased year on year."
"By private education in the niche of subsoil,Private education market more intense desire for money,Can be expected in the next few years will usher in a huge funding."Sohu education chief introduction,Survey can be found in a lot of companies have financing needs,But the bedding bag into the circle of VC/PE is also huge pressure to quit,In the next few years to restart again listed will be the inevitable result,But given the education after China concept stocks in the United States market hype/Financial fraud risk/Risk of the VIE/Audit problems and so on factors,Outlook is not optimistic.
In fact,,In 2012 China's listed in the us education stocks has experienced a big setback.According to the survey of white paper,Eight education listed companies(Regardless of the retired to over-the-counter (OTC) market)Total market capitalization of $4.632 billion,Down 18.58% compared to $2011 in 5.493 billion.In the total market value of $4.632 billion,New Oriental is still in the absolute leading position,The total market value is 7 other companies(Us $1.555 billion)Twice as many.With the corresponding,New Oriental as much as $835 million in revenue and 2-5 four companies total revenue was flat.
White paper display,add/beauty/Australia in The Three Kingdoms is 74% investment immigration,Proportion of 27.9% respectively/26.8% and 20.3%.Among immigrants,Because nearly a quarter of people dissatisfied with the current domestic education environment,Emigration expected to seek a better future for their children,High for other reasons.
Along with the market output high economic profits,Industry chaos mount,[In the first half of 2012 the national disappear assist organization accepts the complaint situation analysis]According to,In the first half of 2012,Disappear assist the country had to accept the education training service complaints since 1644,More than 1598 from the same period last year.
自去年开始,搜狐教育开通了“3.15消费者投诉平台”,征集消费者维权案例,梳理出消费者投诉主要问题和集中领域,并推出 “教育培训机构投诉率排行榜”,即“消费维权灰榜”,这也构成了2012年消费者的投诉重点,调查显示,教育培训服务投诉排行中,早教机构、幼儿园、少儿英语、课外辅导、职业培训、留学中介名列前茅。
Since last year,Sohu education opened"3.15 consumer complaints platform",For consumer rights protection case,Comb out the main problems and consumer complaints focus areas,And roll out "Education training institutions of complaints",That is"Consumer rights protection grey list",This also constitutes the consumer complaints focus in 2012,According to the survey,Education training service complaints rankings,Early education institutions/The kindergarten/Children's English/After-class tutoring/Vocational training/Agents are among the best.
而最让消费者难以接受的问题包括:办学机构虚假宣传,随意编造教师学历、培训内容等误导消费者;培训学校巧立名目乱收费,设置不平等条款;培训课程设置随意更改,开课后随意更改课时,随意合并班级,甚至取消课程,消费者得不到预期教育效果;主办方无办学资质,培训机构无照经营或超范围经营等。(张雨 周艺冰)
And the most let consumers to accept problems include:Cooperatively-run school false advertising,To include teachers' qualifications/Training content such as misleading to the consumers;Training schools are collect fees in disorder,Settings is not equal terms;Training curriculum change,After the commencement of the course change class time,Optional merge class,Or cancel the course,Consumers can not get expected effect of education;Organizers of the teaching organization,Unlicensed or beyond management training institutions.(Zhang yu.my Zhou Yibing)
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