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参考消息网1月12日报道 Reference news network reported on January 12
According to foreign media,Published in the January 10[science]The research results show that in the magazines,China's one-child lack basic coping skills.
According to a report in the January 10, the dpa,The research report titled[Little emperors:The behavior of the China's one-child policy].Research suggests that,People who grow up under the one-child policy are more pessimistic/More sensitive/More anxious,Not easy to trust others,Don't too hard.
Australian researchers found,These only children say again"Little emperors"Grow into adults,Less competitive,Unwilling to take risks,Don't want to trust others.
Reports said,Research on some 400 Beijing residents,They are born in before and after the one-child policy.But the report notes,The result was only on behalf of the Beijing,May be other parts of China also is such,but"Does not necessarily"That other countries only children behavior characteristics and other times.
The UK[The independent]On January 10, the site points out,China after the rapid growth of population in the fifties and sixties of the 20th century,Launched the one-child policy.Chinese authorities said,The one-child policy has achieved great success,From 1980 to 1980,To reduce the more than 250 million of the population was born,Let China's demographic structure on the right path,Keeping the economy with astonishing growth.
however,After the one-child policy for 30 years,A kind of unintended consequences:Scientists say,A policy that fundamentally changed the Chinese young people's psychological.
Researchers had China's young people to participate in the design of economists used to test the game behavior and intentions,And one-child policy a few years ago was born born after the policy of the two age groups and compares the two age groups,Was surprised to see that affects the social personality traits show significant difference,This could have far-reaching consequences for China's future.
Quoted professor of economics at Australia's monash university/Study lead author lisa Cameron said:"Only child's behavior characteristics besides will bring more obvious social effect,Also can bring economic effects."
Reuters quoted Cameron said on January 11:"We found that people born after the one-child policy is not willing to take risks,Engaged in high-risk work such as the individual professional or financial sector are much less likely.""Say to the influence,broadly,Because people are not willing to take risks,Don't want to compete,It may be concern for entrepreneurial ability decreased.May be, is worried about a lack of trust in the society,Because even in commercial transactions,Trust is also very important."
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