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2013艺考大幕开启 近万人争表演系50名额--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室



 yesterday,The Beijing film academy BaoMingChu undergraduate admissions,The examinees are queuing for registration.


yesterday,Central academy of drama performance first,The Beijing film academy began to confirmation,Art take an examination of the curtain opened in 2013.Performance of both schools registration is still hot,Only recruit 50 people acting has attracted more than 9700 people across the country to enter oneself for an examination,Admission ratio close to 1:200.And behind the scenes such as film and television technology professional is to sign up.


近万人争中戏表演系50名额 Nearly ten thousand people for acting 50 places


This year,Central academy of drama this specialized subject plan recruit students 596 people,Until yesterday,A total of more than 23000 people to enter oneself for an examination.Among them,Performance this year undergraduate program admissions 50 people,Confirm there are more than 9700 people who take the test.


On the same day,The Beijing film academy entrance registration confirmation,After net at film school students also reached 23000.As of 5 PM,Enter oneself for an examination confirmed a total of 5305 people.The acting school/literature/Directing is the most popular,Candidates are more than 1000 people.

  虽然昨天寒风呼啸,但一大早,从全国各地赶来的学生已在中戏校门外排起长队。“北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘……”上午9时许,刚走出考场的黑龙江姑娘苏子嫣意犹未尽,在媒体的镜头前兴奋地朗诵《沁园春·雪》。虽然她没学过表演,但也想圆“明星梦”。接下来的几天,小苏还要参加北京电影学院、中国传媒大学(微博 招生办)等校的艺考。

Although yesterday cold wind roar,But early in the morning,Students from all over the country come here to have the play within school outside the lines."Northland scenery,freeze,You spend a lot……"At 9 PM,Heilongjiang girl Su Ziyan fresh out of the exam room,Excited to read before the cameras[QinYuanChun · snow].Even though she had not learned,But also want to round"Star dream".In the next few days,Little su will take part in the Beijing film academy/The communication university of China(Weibo admissions)Test, etc. The school of art.


This year,Acting professional examination of thin body,Only the first and second interview,Cancel the three test.Within the acting department Hao Rong is introduced,In the past exam have read three times,This year,They have reduced the number of repeat,First try only recite,The second-round exam includes vocal music/The form/recite/The four parts of the show,Focusing on the examines the examinee's connotation and quality,Such as a sense of humor/creativity/Resilience, etc..


 歌剧戏曲专业遇冷因“门槛”高 Opera drama professional as they get cooler"threshold"high


This year,Within the new musical system/Peking Opera is set up and recovery GeJuXi plan each recruit 25 people,Compared with the performance and so on popular major,These professional sign up some cold and cheerless.As of yesterday,Within a musical about overland department applicants,GeJuXi nearly 300 people signed up,Beijing Opera is almost 200 people signed up.


Silliness, deputy director of the office of the Zhang Na analysis,Because the new major to enter oneself for an examination in the first year,Some people don't understand the professional,So the turnout is affected.And the professional"threshold"higher,It takes years of vocal music and performance skills,Eligible students are less.


Beijing film academy of film and television professional registration is also behind the scenes.This year for the second time of recruit students, film and television technology department identified candidates only 304 people.


艺考重本色演出而非模仿秀 Art exam himself rather than the imitation show


In recent years,Art continuous high temperature test,Many parents to help their children to art colleges and universities,In position on the money.Yesterday reporter interviewed a dozen candidates that are involved in helping,Thousands of spending less,Frequently over ten thousand yuan.


Taiyuan in Shanxi Province in the woman's son to enter oneself for an examination the silliness/Film institute/The communication university, etc. Many schools.Ms to calculate bill,Recent half a month in art school assault studying acting/lines/Reading, etc.,Tuition fees alone more than ten thousand yuan,That would not be in Beijing to prepare for LiuQiQian yuan cost at the end of the month.Hunan xiangxi girl xiao Yang for more than two years have been in preparation for art,This half a year in Beijing alone/Changsha respectively, please the teacher guidance has spent more than 10, ten thousand yuan.

  对于考生和家长对培训的过度依赖,有着多年招生经验的郝戎并不赞同。“明明是十几岁的年轻人,朗诵起来像五十多岁的老头,老气深沉,这就是辅导班给教‘歪’了。”郝戎强调,很多上过辅导班的学生不是展现自己,而是模仿老师,中戏不要模仿秀,希望考生展示最质朴、本真、自然的一面。(和冠欣摄 记者 任敏)

For students and parents to rely too much on training,Hao Rong with many years of experience of recruit students didn't agree with you."Clearly is a teenager,Read like a old man in his fifties,Old deep,This is the remedial class to teach‘crooked’the."Hao Rong stressed,Many students attended classes not show up,Instead of imitating the teacher,Don't release silliness,Hope examinee show the plain/authenticity/Nature of the side.(And the crown xin perturbation Ren Min journalist)
