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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,By sohu net/The auspices of the joint sohu education channel"Ask the education"Sohu education annual festival was held in Beijing,This is a thinking belong to education across the years.Has always been,Education reform/Education innovation/Public education subject are popular issues concerned by the whole society.Sohu education channels as the country's largest education one kind of new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,The deepening education industry for a long time,Aggregate a number of well-known scholars and activists to education field,Focus on the present situation of the domestic education industry together/Focus on education industry's prospects,In sohu education annual festival,The expert gave special attention to these topics.The following guest interview transcript for celebration.

]]]To enter"Ask the education"2012, sohu education annual festival


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:过去一年里,您是怎么看待这个行业里的变化?您的切身感受有哪些?

Over the past year,What do you think the changes in the industry?What are your feelings?


岳文松(海天教育集团副总裁): YueWenSong(Haitian education group vice President):作为一个教育从业者,有很多感想、感触。总体来说,在2012年我们感觉到教育市场化的走向更加明晰:细分化更强。就像刚才主持人提到的,我们的教育,特别是在职业教育这一块,它的方向分析,以及在未来的走向上,可能有很多很清楚的脉络基本上都已经出来了。首先第一点是整体上职业教育的发展方向。在过去一年,我们自身除了把职业教育做的更好,同时我们对市场做了一些分析、研究,包括配合个别高校也做了相关的课题。在这一块,细分化我认为有两点:第一,市场培训范围细分更加明确。所谓的蓝翔、新东方的厨师培训,这我认为是一大块。另一大块,这两年行业进步比较快的是高等教育的后续职业教育的培训,这跟我们联系比较紧密。厨师、技修各种各样的技术培训,因为它的起步时间早,特别是在当时我们国家的职业补充性的培训还不是很多的情况下,产生了厨师培训学校。最早我们驾驶员的培训就是一种职业性的。现在这种培训更家常化、市场化。因为受众群体不像以前职业性那么强了。我们感觉这一块市场没有像我们现在所从事的高等教育后继类的职业教育的培训那么强。

As a education practitioners,There are a lot of feeling/touch.In general,We feel the marketization of education in 2012 to more clear:Differentiation is stronger.As the host mentioned just now,Our education,Especially in the vocational education,It in the direction of the analysis,And in the future,There could be many clear venation basically all had come out.First of all, the first is the development direction of vocational education as a whole.In the past year,In addition to vocational education do better we are,At the same time, we did some analysis on the market/research,Including with individual colleges and universities have done the relevant topic.In this block,There are two differentiation I think:The first,More clear segmentation scope training market.The so-called lanxiang/The chef in the new Oriental training,I think this is a big.Another chunk of,Industry progress more quickly over the past two years is the follow-up vocational education training of higher education,This link more closely with us.The cook/Technical repair all kinds of technical training,Because it started earlier,Especially in our country professional complementary training at that time were not many cases,The chef training school.The earliest we pilot training is a kind of professional.This training is more GuChangHua now/The marketization.Because the audience is not professional as strong as it once was.We feel that a market is not like we are now engaged in the higher education of subsequent vocational education training is so strong.


We found it very hard learned undergraduate students in colleges and universities after graduation can't used.If only from a macro perspective,This is our some of the problems of higher education.Such as medical/Law classes, and other engineering,I am referring to social science education.The things they say 50% to 60% for a college undergraduates,After these things he learned out of the campus is sure not to use.20% to 20% of the knowledge for a college student,Is the expansion of knowledge.Only the remaining 10% to 20% of college students is after him useful to society.


In the face of such situation,As a education institutions,From a business perspective,To see the business opportunities.From a social point of view,We want to see the social demand for cultural industry.What students need is we need to provide.We now many of the law school classes/Of the business/Medical students walk to the future society,There are all kinds of professional qualification certificate.For example, as a law undergraduate students from colleges and universities,Don't get legal professional qualification certificate,Means that you cannot be engaged in legal and related occupations.Such as business,First of all want to still study accountant evidence,Then have certified public accountants,Title class has a primary/Intermediate and advanced,These certificates is a simple accounting certificate can get at school.After the rest of the things need I go to society,Through their work experience,And then to a higher level of vocational training,He to get related certificates.Such as these have a lot of industry and I just said the two are very similar.This for our vocational education,Is an opportunity.Including after two to three years in the whole of 2012,I personally think that the traditional vocational education is the smooth development,Won't have too big changes.Higher education/Subsequent sexual vocational training demand expands year by year.Because we have so many students graduating from university every year,Them to the society/To all sorts of professional,All need to have such institutions to him in front of the professional to professional/Professional services.This is my understanding of education market in 2012.


Our Haitian education group,Also made some adjustments in this area.Since around 2000,We did some adjustments when dealing with this problem,In 2002,,From Haitian education group below to set up an independent branch of learning of vocational education practice training,Is the judicial examination training.Later gradually in these years,We in the civil service exam/Examination of doctors' qualifications and training of accounting class set up branch offices.We respond to the market,Especially after the higher education,Market has the demand for training institutions,Have been trying to do adjustment.Now also in several industries/Field inside,Especially in the judicial examination/The examination for the qualifications of doctors,It is belong to lead.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您刚才也谈到战略这方面的东西。我这边还想问您对中国教育的期许是什么?因为您刚才提到我们现在关注的领域是大学生后续的职业教育。但是放眼整个中国教育,甚至从学前考试,从您个人来讲,期许会是什么?

Just now you also talked about this aspect of the strategy.I also want to know what is your expectation of Chinese education?Because you just mentioned our areas of focus are college students now follow-up vocational education.But in the whole China education,Even from pre-school exam,Personally from you,Expect to be?


岳文松(海天教育集团副总裁): YueWenSong(Haitian education group vice President):作为一个教育从业者,谈过去、谈现在、谈未来,应该要从各个方面思考这个社会性的问题和走向。我们这种民办教育的起源可能是随着中国经济改革开放应运而生的。市场开放了,作为教育,不简简单单是大学可以进行教育。我们民办的教育机构,也涉足这个行业,最早是做教育培训,可能也就是职业类的:驾驶员培训、厨师培训、汽修培训。九十年代以来,我们国家在文化产业方面又提出了一个科教兴国,这一块也抓的比较紧,国家也注重这方面的投入。随着民办教育促进法的出台,那个时候,是民办教育,特别是职业教育类的机构的春天。现在很多做的比较有名的学校,包括新东方、海天等其它机构也都是在当时成立的。这十年来我感触比较深的就是,在发展的过程中遇到很多困难的不单单是我们海天一家,可能在整个教育行业里面大家都有这样的认识。特别是经过了九十年代末、二零零几年那个时候,民办教育非常火,当时迈的步子比较大。但是自从2005、06年以后,高等民办教育出现了萎缩。原因有两个:一,公立高等院校扩大规模,挤压了民办教育的市场。二,国家政策性的收紧。以前国家主管机关对民办教育、民办高校给予了很多政策性的支持。有补贴、有自主颁发学历的权利。后来随着公办院校对民办院校的挤压,高等教育主管部门也把政策收紧了。

As a education practitioners,Talk about the past/To talk about now/Talk about the future,Should be from all aspects and to think about this social problem.We the roots of the people-run education may be as China's economic reform and open policy arises at the historic moment.The market open,As a education,Don't simply is university education.Our private education institutions,Also involved in the industry,First is to do education and training,May is the professional class:Driver training/The chef training/Motor repair training.Since the ninety s,Our country in the aspect of cultural industry and proposes a. Relying on science and education,This block will catch more tightly,Countries also pay attention to this.As private education promotion law,At that time,Is run by the local education,Especially the vocational education class of spring.Now many do more famous school,Including new Oriental/Haitian and other institutions are also formed at the time.This decade is I more deep feelings,Confronted with many difficulties in the process of development of not only is our Haitian company,May be in the whole education industry all have such knowledge.Especially after the end of the ninety s/At that time in 200,Private education is very fire,When Michael steps is larger.But since 2005/6 years later,Higher people-run education appeared atrophy.There are two reasons:a,Public colleges and universities to expand,Squeezed the private education market.(2),National policy tightening.Before the national competent authority for private education/Private colleges to give a lot of policy support.There are subsidies/Have the right to free issue the degree.Later with extrusion of private colleges and public colleges,Also by the competent department of higher education policy tightening.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:所以您的观点我总结为就是人口红利和政策红利有逐渐下滑的趋势?

So your view is summed up in demographic dividend and dividend policy has a tendency to decline gradually?


岳文松(海天教育集团副总裁): YueWenSong(Haitian education group vice President):基本上是这样。我作为十年的从业者这样的认为:实际我们国家真正缺的还不是有多少民办高等院校,而是真正有多少有规模、有实力的像我们这一类的社会教育办学机构,不管是国家的高等院校还是民办高等院校的一个所谓的后院,我们是他们坚强的后盾。他出来的学生通过我们这儿的再塑造,实现能力达到既有理论性的东西,又有实践性的东西。这是我对现在整个教育的看法和观点。

Basically it is.I think practitioners such as ten years:The actual country we really need is not how many private institutions of higher learning,But how many real size/Strong as we this kind of social education institutions in education,Whether state or private institutions of higher learning of institutions of higher learning is called a backyard,We are there to support them.He came out of the students through our shape again here,Ability to achieve both theoretical thing,And practicality.This is I now the entire education views and ideas.
