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today,Mr Yu no longer poles at school with the recruitment advertisement.As a new Oriental's chairman and chief executive,He helped a lot with"Study abroad dream"The students to realize the dream.


However, times have changed,In those days"Poor boy"But still a lot of face trouble.Rising costs by expansion cost down,Offset the revenue growth/Students increase bring performance boost,Bring a new Oriental"Worried about"In the second quarter earnings report.At the same time,The company's one thousand people planned layoffs is underway.


 千人裁员计划严控成本 Cost of one thousand job cuts to rein

  “今年5月之前,公司还将关闭15至25个盈利能力不佳的教学中心,预计裁员1000至1500人。平均遣散成本为6000至10000美元/人。”在近日的一次电话会议上,新东方总裁兼C FO谢东萤这样表示,由于过去四个季度新东方扩张大大高于预期,因此,未来新东方将考虑启动裁员计划。并且未来3至5年内,将严格控制新增学校和教学中心。

"By may this year,Company will be closed for 15 to 25 poor profitability of teaching center,Is expected to cut 1000 to 1000.Average severance cost $6000 to $10000 per person."During a conference call,New Oriental's chairman and C FO hsieh said,Because over the past four quarters expansion of new Oriental school are much higher than expected,so,In the future, new Oriental will consider starting the planned layoffs.And the next three to five years,Will strictly control new schools and teaching centers.


In recent years,The rapid expansion of new Oriental also make its costs continue to rise,The rapid expansion in the past year,New Oriental costs surge in net profit losses.In new Oriental,The losses summary from net income to the human cost is high/Industry off-season and harvesting policy etc,But the personage inside course of study points out that analysis,New Oriental has long expansion strategy leads to a high human cost burden,Restricting its profitability.As the training market competition is increasingly fierce,Recruit students become more and more difficult,After the expansion of network teaching,Admission status is still not improved,Eventually led to the operation cost is higher and higher.

  裁员是降低成本的最直接方式。公司最新发布的财报显示,二季度裁员扭转了公司连续三个季度员工环比均增加的趋势。在此前的一季度,新东方营收同比增长25.8%,员工人数也同比增长40%。不过,财报同时显示,新东方二季度行政管理费用同比增加62 .1%,营收占比激增至46.86%.

Downsizing is the most direct way to reduce costs.Company's latest earnings report showed,Cuts reversed in the second quarter of the company employee has increasing trend from three quarters in a row.In the previous quarter,New Oriental's revenues grew by 25.8% year-on-year,Number of employees is up 40% from a year earlier.but,Results also showed,New Oriental administrative fees rose in the second quarter of 62. 1%,Revenue share surged to 46.86%.


"Although by expanding our occupation of the market,And achieve the expected goal.but,In the past four quarters we opened 238 learning centers,It is too much!after,New Oriental's plans to open 80 to 100 a year learning center.But in fact we a year opened 238 learning centers,It seriously affect the profits."Hsieh before, said in a conference call.


so,New Oriental will make a series of actions in order to improve the profits in the future,Including the visit/Profitability evaluation teaching center;Cut from 800 to 800 employees;Shut down for 15 to 25 unprofitable teaching center.The news has been confirmed by the relevant person in charge of new Oriental,He said,In order not to extend influence,So you don't go too fast.Major cuts is administrative personnel,Headed by Beijing teaching center.For the closure of the teaching center,The responsible person,Due to the blind expansion,Some of the teaching centre admissions,Resource utilization is low.For such a teaching center,Will consider closing.


The total number of staff is the most mass layoffs in new Oriental history.New Oriental's spokesman manhole jianlong are explained,This is because the reason for the increase of the total number at present,In fact the year-end assessment similar proportion of layoffs and normal.According to the new Oriental's performance management system and evaluation mechanism,Institutions each year will be 5% to 10% of the staff appraisal results to C.For the assessment results to C,Will be cut/Adjustable duty or dismissal.


Kong Jianlong further illustrate said,"New Oriental fiscal 2013 second quarter in the red,So we increased the out unqualified administrative support staff,In order to better/More motivate outstanding backbone teachers.At present there are 15000 new Oriental national administrative support personnel,According to the proportion of 5% to 10%,Is 800 to 1500.We will be within the scope of the scientific and reasonable,Continuously for staff, especially the administrative support staff in order to streamline and structure optimization."

  根据美国投资公司T .H .C apital发布的研究报告称,预计由于冬季入学明显乏力,新东方2013财年第三财季预期可能不佳。寒假季通常是从1月初开始到2月末结束,基于该研究报告截至1月23日对其在线报名的追踪,报名已经满班的冬季课程占总课程比例只有约35%。作为新东方主要来源的重点城市(北京、上海、广州、武汉)仍然有大量可供报名的课程。

According to the investment company h. t. C apital published research reports,Entrance obvious weakness expected due to winter,New Oriental fiscal 2013 q3 expectations may not beautiful.Winter holiday season usually from the beginning of January to the end of the end of February,Based on the study as of January 23, tracking of their online registration,Registration has been full of winter course accounted for only about 35%.As a key city in the main source of new Oriental school(Beijing/Shanghai/guangzhou/wuhan)There were still a lot of courses available for registration.


 激进扩张时隔4年首现亏损 Radical expansion after 4 years of the first loss


Cost rises behind,Investors see the new Oriental in recent years"Aggressive growth",And the company itself admits.


On January 29th,New Oriental announced on November 30, 2012 in fiscal 2013 second quarter earnings.According to the reported,In the second quarter net loss of $15.8 million,The distance last earnings losses in 4 years.

  新东方上一次季度净利亏损还是在2007财年的第四财季。对于为何5年后出现1580万美元的亏损,新东方董事会主席兼C E O俞敏洪表示:“在过去的四个季度中,我们净增加教学中心超过200个,而在2011年11月30日之前的四个季度我们只增加了80个,这给我们的成本费用带来重大压力。”他还表示,本季度亏损中也有部分是由于SE C调查使得新东方在内部调查和监管程序上发生的费用。

New Oriental last quarterly net loss in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007.Why to appear losses of $15.8 million after 5 years,New Oriental's chairman and C E O Mr Yu said:"In the past four quarters,More than 200 net we increase teaching center,And before the November 30, 2011, four quarter we only increased by 80,Which bring great pressure to our cost."He also said he,This is also part of a quarterly loss due to SE C makes the new Oriental in internal survey fee and regulatory procedures.


For this,Analysts pointed out that,New Oriental is the main reason of the loss of this quarter's most profitable business and weak areas,The fast growth area((2)/Third line cities)And business profitability is relatively weak.As the most profitable school of new Oriental school,Beijing Shanghai second quarter performance remains weak.Mr Yu said,Beijing Shanghai this quarter revenue growth was only 20%,Net income fell more than 50%,Studying business is faced with increasingly fierce competition."According to the needs of the market,We continue to reduce shift capacity.In the second quarter of students studying abroad business passengers down 7% year on year,Revenue increased 22% year on year."


Behind the rapid expansion,From the pressure of investors is not without relations.Market participants pointed out that,Pursuit of investment returns and the law of education itself has a gradual contradictions appear incompatible.How to meet the high demand of investors,Simple way is expanding rapidly,But now only on expansion of training market and does not guarantee enrollment increased steadily.so,New Oriental in the loss of the expansion,The expansion of the loss of cycle.


New Oriental problems under pressure from investors,From place to place at the start.A top in chengdu new Oriental's departure is said,In his eyes, he thinks new Oriental decline first frequent replacement of the principal.After chengdu market share from more than two thousand ten thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan,And doesn't seem comfortable with headquarters,Repeated replacement of the principal.And the management of the new headmaster,Let employees not too used to it,Some executives have left.A departure is admitted,Leaders for business and don't know the operation of the market,This is also the reasons of the loss of many talented people.


After listing in new Oriental,Mr Yu has shed regret on multiple occasions.As a public education institutions,While maintaining the sustained growth performance,To ensure the quality of teaching,This makes Mr Yu pressure is quite large.In order to short-term interests of investors,Brand new Oriental have to on to support the expansion,To expand support p/e ratio,With high p/e ratio to strengthen brand road."But education is not normalized product,Higher special long-term goods belong to the user experience degrees,Good teachers is the core competitiveness,Rather than marketing expansion.In spite of‘Teacher yu’Know the importance of teaching quality,But under pressure from investors,On this road is necessarily a cannot be satisfactory to both quality and quantity,So they made him feel very tired."One analyst said.


In addition to itself,Education and training industry increasingly fierce competitive environment,From college of international education programs and a batch of new Oriental teacher leaving small study abroad training group,Has begun to pose a threat to the core business of new Oriental.Hsieh said,"From the international class and small trade competitors indeed have a negative impact on company's study abroad business.But as of last weekend's enrollment increased 15% year-on-year,Cash revenues up 37% from a year earlier,So I think the profit to be able to maintain a healthy growth.""Chinese students study abroad test people's data is slow,According to the ministry of education last year, about 390000 people study abroad,Rose only 15%,However in the past few years the growth is more than 20%.So I think these are the challenges of our business in abroad."


According to,Now to send their children to study abroad trend quickly spread to the primary and secondary schools from the university,Judging from the whole market,Overseas study consulting business revenue growth of 60% to 80%.By rights,This is advantageous to the expansion of new Oriental school,But market analysts said,In fact increase competition,To a certain extent, tap the new Oriental's market.Public schools have launch international class in weekend or evening classes to compete with new Oriental related business.This performance is particularly acute in new Oriental Shanghai area.To do this,New Oriental has replaced the Shanghai President and management team,But the problem is not a quarter or two will be able to solve.


In addition,New Oriental has also faced with the impact of network education.The relevant person in charge of new Oriental,The enterprises have to join online competition,Founded in 2000, new Oriental online.Online education has been increasing over the past few years,Especially in the north to guangzhou and other first-tier cities.But in China the second/Third line cities,Due to various reasons such as network coverage,In the next few years will continue to give priority to with line development.At present,New Oriental has 58 divisions in 49 cities in China and more than 700 learning centers.


In fact,,Class education is another home companies learning and thought also slowing its expansion plans,And closed some teaching center.As of November 30, 2012,Learning and thought operations center number 259,The August 31, 2012, 257 increase in the number of operations center is only two,But is still below 2011 on November 30, 275 numerical peak.


 浑水“搅局”海外上市非坦途 Muddy water"A spoiler"Overseas listing the royal road to learning

  除了扩张影响外,俞敏洪指出,本季度亏损中也有部分是由于被浑水公司做空而导致的SE C调查,使得公司在内部调查和监管程序上发生的费用。

In addition to expand influence,Mr Yu said,This is also part of a quarterly loss due to short by muddy water company SE C survey,Enables companies in the internal investigation and fee on the regulatory process.


For this,Hsieh is emphasized,"As of August 31, the related total cost of more than $5 million,Is expected to complete will be between $8 million and $10 million,That doesn't include any class-action lawsuits.I think in the second quarter operating profit margin will be affected,Because involves to the securities and exchange commission investigation fees and other expenses".


Every encounter with muddy water shorting u.s.-listed Chinese companies, nine times out of ten will be disastrous,And instead of muddy water institutions will fill their carts,No exception of new Oriental school.

  2012年7月18日,浑水机构向美国纽交所所有的注册读者发布了一份有关新东方的调研报告。浑水公司在长达90多页的报告中,详细讲述了浑水的调查过程,质疑相当“有料”。从伪装成投资者与新东方的工作人员对话希望加盟,到各种财务数据和对比报表,甚至与新东方C FO在美国的对话细节,甚至一些“花边”和“八卦”新闻,都被收罗详尽。

On July 18, 2012,Muddy waters to the nyse all registered readers published a research report about the new Oriental.Muddy water companies in over 90 pages of the report,Detail of the investigation process of muddy water,Question is"Have a material".From the disguised as investors dialogue with new Oriental staff wants to join,To all kinds of financial data and reports,Even with new Oriental C FO the details of the conversation in the United States,Even some"lace"and"gossip"The news,Have been collect detailed.


The biggest criticism is about"fraud",Muddy waters report claims that new Oriental past the gross margins of more than 60% of suspected fraud,Because of its with other non-listed companies to explore,Gross profit margin will be around 20% to 30%,New Oriental's data are far higher than this.Muddy waters also claims that the new Oriental school facilities are owned by the state assets,For consolidated balance.


Muddy waters report [east hotaru in June 2012 when asked joining partner and whether there is denied and said"Company all 650 teaching centres is a 100% wholly owned assets".But the muddy water 6 months found new Oriental lying to shareholders in terms of joining,There is evidence that new Oriental franchising involves dozens of cities,But the company has been didn't disclose any information relating to the franchise.In addition,New Oriental claim that fiscal 2011 revenue of $2011,But the business tax is zero,Muddy waters that new Oriental unreasonable tax breaks.

  浑水报告认为新东方将加盟店业绩当作直营店对待粉饰报表、认为新东方利润率远高于同行,高得不正常等等。并称新东方的问题远比一个不稳定的V IE结构严重。在发布这份报告的同时,浑水将一段于2012年6月与新东方C FO通话录音上传至其网站,作为支撑报告结论的证据。

Performance as a muddy waters report argues that new Oriental will napa stores stores to whitewash statements/That new Oriental margins are far higher than peers,Unnaturally high and so on.Adding new Oriental far more problems than an unstable V IE structure is serious.At the same time in the release of the report,Muddy waters with a June 2012 new Oriental C FO voice recording uploaded to its site,As evidence of support report conclusion.

  报告发出后,不少机构投资者和个人第一时间抛售股票,掀起了国外投资者抛售新东方股票的狂潮。仅两个交易日,新东方累计跌幅高达57.32%,股价创下5年新低,市值蒸发近20亿美元(约合127亿元人民币),股价降至9 .5美元。受其影响,在美上市中概股大多跟随暴跌,联游网络跌幅超过30%,赛诺国际跌幅也有18%.

After the report issued,Many institutional investors and individuals selling the first time,Sparked a frenzy of foreign investors to sell shares of new Oriental school.Only two days,New Oriental accumulative total losses as high as 57.32%,Shares hit a five-year low,Wiping out nearly $2 billion(About 12.7 billion RMB),Shares fell to a 9. $5.Affected by the,In the most of any shares in the listed following the crash,Swim down more than 30%,Senor international drop 18%.

  选择了海外上市,就要有充分的准备面对诸如浑水、香橼这样的做空公司,而这条路也注定是坎坷的。根据斯坦福大学C harles Lee等教授的最新研究,通过反向收购在美国上市的中国公司已经占所有在美反向收购上市公司总数的34%,占反向收购上市外国公司的85%。利用其中的监管漏洞,许多中国公司在存在诸多问题的情况下也得以顺利借壳上市。中概股的退市公司中,大多是此类公司。

Choose the overseas listing,Need to be prepared to face such as muddy waters/Citron such short company,And this also is doomed to be bumpy road.According to Stanford university C harles professor Lee and the latest research,Via a reverse takeover in U.S. listed Chinese companies have accounted for all reverse to acquire 34% of the total number of listed companies in the United States,Accounting for 85% of the reverse takeover listed foreign firms.Use of regulatory loophole,Many Chinese companies also smoothly in the presence of many problems backdoor listings.Any shares delisted in the company,Mostly such companies.


After wealth troubles


On September 7, 2006, 9 a.m,New Oriental education technology group in nyse stocks bell rang.With the"Looking for hope from the despair,Life will be brilliant"Such a slogan Mr Yu finally on the road to his listed founded by new Oriental.The listing of new Oriental has set a new education in the United States zero record.Was incorporated in 1993, one of the primary school to financing of listed companies,New Oriental school this article"Looking for hope"The road is not easy.And on the same day opening price to $22,A rise of 46.7% in the price,Also holds a 31.18% stake in the company's chairman yu minhong assets over 1.8 billion yuan.The new Oriental education technology group chairman and President of Mr Yu,Born in 1962,Jiangsu jiangyin people,Graduated from Beijing university international,Founded in 1993 Beijing new Oriental school,Founded in 2003, new Oriental education technology group.


Looking back over the past more than ten years of entrepreneurship,Mr Yu said the first thought is regret to do so much.He said at the beginning can make income, especially in the north of the boutiques,The essence character on there,Limited development.A small scale also can realize the ideal,Whether transformation or give up,Are more likely to."I give myself made a cage,Can't go toward outside drill,Otherwise the cage a tightening,I'll be hanged."He had so said wryly.


In telling their own entrepreneurial journey,Mr Yu himself has admitted:"At the time being too ambitious,Now for me is difficult to bear.When you find yourself making a difficult target to bear,To the suffering and pain.When do I feel very tired,I'd like to turn off the new Oriental school,Don't do it,Because I found responsible for 4000 employees,Responsible for the shareholders,Responsible for yourself.New Oriental is a point of no return,Let me have to go on."


Many people are asking:New Oriental is not lack of money,Also do not need money.Why do you listed?According to Mr Yu,He wants to use harsh U.S. listed companies to strengthen internal management rules,Spoke with system,Avoid appearing in front of the human sentiment and interest,So as to realize their own salvation,Let the enterprise smooth development."In the new Oriental,The backbone over rules about feelings very easily.After the listing,External rules are more powerful than internal rules/More powerful."


but,The listed after Mr Yu,Seems to have added a lot of trouble.He has pointed out,As a listed company,How much to achieve revenue growth,How much profit growth,And how much increase.But for an education organization,It is the biggest guarantee of sustainable development,Is that the teaching quality,Is not that how many students per year,This is contradictory,But also difficult to balance."I prefer leisurely to do a thing.this,Ruined what was listed.After the listing,When I have been quite right,Is not I want that kind of state.I actually is a man of follow one's inclinations,But now in order to the interests of others,Must do a lot of things,Your space is more and more small."
