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教辅市场暴露侵权乱象 作家“讨薪”谁来撑腰--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  文著协将起诉人民教育出版社教辅侵权,为会员追索稿费 The association will prosecute infringement of people's education press, such as teaching assistant,Recover the payment for the member
The writer"unpaid",Who is going to by

宋 嵩绘 Song song painting


recently,Member of Chinese text copyright association for backing,Will be a civil lawsuit against people's education press, etc,The reason is that press unauthorized use of works in the teaching books,And refused to pay royalties.Imminent lawsuits,Not only shout out"Writer for the unpaid"The slogan of the,The interests of the copyright of the work will be disputes,Once again into public view.


From the standard rates to the authorization certificate,To pay the sincerity from the operating process,The two sides tit for tat/divided.Through the tort of the smoke,Exposed the revising market quoting at will/acting/Owe the rampant infringement mess.Evidence is difficult/The high cost/Pay is low,this"Three mountain"More let the holder of the rights to/ACTS teeth.The association with the press of the game,Who can the last laugh?In the face of time and of tort ills,When we can see the dawn of the cure?


The editor


争议 controversy


文著协指责对方故意欠费,人教社要求先出示授权证明 The union accused the other of deliberately owe fee,Required to show proof of authorization pep


It seems to the personage inside course of study,Association with the press of the case,The focus of conflict"authorization".


According to introducing,In the copyright law,Textbooks and teaching assistant books have obvious difference.Textbooks published works"Legal license",Which can be without the permission of the copyright owner,Choose first, then pay.With the different,Teaching assistant books, including teachers' book, do not belong to"Legal license"The category of,That must be prior to obtain the authorization of the author,After agreed the payment standard,Can write and published.


"With people's education press as an example,Its more than 20 species of teaching assistant selects the works of Lao she 56 articles,Choose 15 Taiwan writer liu yong's works,Confirmed by the ShuYi and liu2 yong,Did not get their authorization."The association director general Mr Zhang said,At present,Including ShuYi and liu2 yong, some writers have made it clear that full authority, the association to help them deal with the problem by revising tort.For these writers claim the payment,Is the association more immediate task.


but,To deliberately owe fee charges,Pep is loud cry foul."We are not not willing to pay for it,But haven't had the writer's contact information,Only through the association of this platform to pay the payment."Copyright, director of pep Zhang Xiaomei said,"But the association must first obtain the authorization of author,otherwise,Even if we paid the payment,Writer himself can ask us for money.But, the association has been reluctant to provide authorization certificate to us."She even think that,Article of association, the platform has lost its due role,"We have been trying to contact writer,Paid the payment".


On the surface,A party claiming the payment,One party is willing to pay,But is the controversy whether provide authorization certificate.But Mr Zhang says,The only excuse pep."We have always placed the member information website,It is very easy to find.As for the author the authorization contract signed with us,Belong to confidential documents,Publishing house had no right to ask to see our.Really pay the payment to them,We will provide the relevant certificate."


Mr Zhang said,He once told a press part of the members of the authorization certificate,Found that the publishing house secretly egged writers out of the association/By them to send the payment directly,So you can save the XiangWenZhu association of pay management fee.


稿酬 remuneration


出版社按千字30至100元付费,低价让文著协难以接受 Press pay by thousand words between 30 and 100 yuan,Low prices for the association, it is very difficult to accept


Article union press,Actually not only authorization.To pay remuneration standards,The two sides could not agree on.


We have learned,Pep did by the association to author had sent the payment.And they are according to the standard of national copyright administration worked out in 1999[Published writings compensation rules]Original work 30 yuan to 100 yuan per thousand words.Just like the price,Let the association, it is very difficult to accept.


"In accordance with the law,AIDS is chosen,Should negotiate the payment with the author.Not only failed to negotiate pep,Persist in only after the incident in accordance with the same low standards and textbooks to pay,It's not legally it is not reasonable."Mr Zhang said.


If agreed upon in advance,The author whether willing to authorize press use works at such a low price?It seems to take,It is not clear,Press only talk about they are willing to pay the payment,Dispute payment standard,"This is the brief".


But Zhang Xiaomei disagree with this view,Think price is low,Is conform to the standard.[The copyright law of the People's Republic of China]Article 27 of the rules,Use of works of remuneration may be agreed by the parties,The agreement is ambiguous,According to the relevant departments of remuneration."The association, points out the contract not clear,We pay 100 dollars per thousand words,Is in accordance with the provisions of the highest standard in execution."


乱象 mess


教辅市场侵权泛滥,知情和取证成维权两大路障 Infringement of revising the market,Knowledge and evidence into two major roadblocks to protect their rights


In the teaching market,Infringement dispute is only in court"The tip of the iceberg",Many infringement mess behind its more serious.Open the market on a wide variety of all kinds of teaching books,Selects the entire article,Some quotation of paper clips,Some random censored.Choose pieces of,Mostly no origin/No article/No signature,Was cut and the modified articles are usually not indicated.


"Now teaching auxiliary market is messy,And are mostly doing some private enterprises.Many press will cooperate with private book company,Provide only published book number,Fundamental regardless of the content.And these private companies is almost impossible to consider the author's copyright issues."Associate professor, school of law, tsinghua university Wu Weiguang admits.


Even if the author wants to justice,Informed and forensics become two big obstacles that stand in way to protect their rights.According to the personage inside course of study,Currently on the market all kinds of teaching very much,The author can't one by one,If the press does not take the initiative to inform,The author used is difficult to know his work.And from the point of view of distribution channels,Now a lot of teaching assistants have special channel sales,Don't appear at the bookshop.so,In addition to professional organizations,Generally it is difficult to find the author of his work is evidence of infringement.


More generally,As a result of a weak concept of copyright,Many authors have no awareness of rights protection.It is said that,Along with the[Textbooks used payment method](Comment draft)Come on stage,Many people know the first time,The original textbooks of selected article is not"As a free lunch".But in fact,As early as in the copyright law is born in 1990,Use work was no longer free textbooks.As to the rights and interests of textbooks and teaching,But very few people understood.


High costs for protection of rights,Also let many authors.Even if they know their work is used by tort,Compared to the pay a very low price,With the publishing unit of spent energy obviously"Do more harm than good".


追责 Held accountable


侵权成本低维权成本高,利益诱惑让出版社无视严规 Tort low cost high cost of safeguarding rights,Let the press ignore YanGui interests temptation


Choose in court,Be take as a helpless.According to introducing,Previously, the association has a long and pep representations,It was in many obstacles."Litigation is not a purpose,Also is not a way to solve the problem.We are hoping to arouse the press attention."Mr Zhang said,"On the premise of abide by the laws and regulations,To cooperate with us for press is good actually.This can reduce the cost of they get authorization."


Compared with the author representations,Concentration by article of association, such authorized organization,Really can save a lot of time and energy,Ensure that published time.however,It seems to some press,Completely bypass the author"The cost"Will be lower,Get economic interests are much larger.Even though some authors found infringement,May also have trouble and bother"wrangling"/Give up rights.Such a temptation,Make a lot of press ignore YanGui.


"According to the current law,Tort low costs and the cost of rights is too high."Wu Weiguang pointed out,"Even if like, the association will infringement lawsuit case,Relative to individual lawsuits,Also can save some costs,Can obtain the compensation is still very limited."


In respect of liability,There are no small holes."China's copyright law at present the punitive standard,only‘Fill and level up sex’standard,Still stay in‘How much difference how many’The stage of."East China normal university professor David llewelyn pointed out,This existence not small disparity with the developed countries.In the United States,Intentional tort's legal compensation up to each $150000,If the loss is huge and sufficient evidence,Court can also be an infringer amount according to the actual loss compensation,Also on the interests of the gain.

  “我国著作权法正在进行第三次修订,提高了法定赔偿标准,增加了惩罚性赔偿的规定。如果能够顺利实施,这将是著作权保护的一大进步。”王迁说。(记者 周飞亚)

"Copyright law in our country is a third revision,To improve the legal compensation standard,Increase the punitive damages.If you can smooth implementation,This will be a big step forward for the protection of."The king said to move.(Reporter weeks fiat)
