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  春节,孩子们除了对新衣服和放鞭炮无限期待外,最令他们魂牵梦绕的就要数压岁钱了。郑重地俯身鞠躬,诚恳地点地磕头,或是轻松地奉上一句“过年好”,长辈们都会慷慨地掏出几百元崭新的大钞,表示对小辈们的关心和爱护。压岁钱的施与取,像是一出热热闹闹的戏,既表达了共度佳节、喜庆热闹的意思,也体现了长辈的慈爱。对于孩子们来说,收到压岁钱的那一刻,年也就到了高潮,可是这动辄几千上万元的压岁钱都花在哪了,大家还有印象吗? The Spring Festival,Children in addition to look for in a new clothes to set off firecrackers and infinite,The most to their prospects for New Year's money.Solemnly stoop and bow,Sincere to kowtow,Or easily give a word"New Year's day good",Elders are generous took out several hundred yuan new bills,Said to the young players' care and love.Give get lucky money,Like a style of play,Both expressed for the holidays/Festive and lively,Also embodies the love of elders.For the children,The moment of receive lucky money,Years at high tide,But this New Year's money is spent where thousands of tens of thousands of dollars,You still have impression?


统统上缴型 All the pay type


In recent days,Some netizens post said,Children spent their own money,Children said rights have been violated,Can tell her on the court.Lawyers said,Adults give children"A red envelope"Belong to the nature of the gift,Money is the child's personal property,Parents can help children custody,Or to dispose of property of decision for child benefit,Other cases can't use.The article a,Are most of the netizens in regrets"But it was the law",be"Help you keep"A few words cheat for many years.


Shenyang evening news reporter interviewed a random microblog users,Over seventy percent said money is parents in childhood"confiscated".Zhang Wang, 26, said this year,Each had just worship the year receive lucky money,A turn round and then find mom"To pay money"the."Not only is my,Home elder brother elder sister also do,At that time small,No concept of money,The book/stationery/Clothes are the mother to buy,Which does not have the concept of shopping."She also said,New Year's money is to go to relatives,Although she has received the money,Mother also gave each other children money,This is a flat,New Year's money to mother also reasonable.


Just graduated from the university of hong lei said,Although their lucky money also"Shall be turned over",But parents also give yourself some more pocket money on New Year's,"Actually is 5 pieces/Ten pieces of,New Year's day all the time to buy a whip."


按比例分账型 In proportion to the fashionable style


As 90 meters after the snow didn't feel lucky money ownership belongs to the parents,"Speak well with their parents when I was small,New Year's money can be fashionable.Uncle aunt to give money,Parents need to requite them,The money can be‘Shall be turned over’,But grandma grandmother give money,This belongs to me."Meters of snow's parents said,At ordinary times m snow received red envelopes of old man,They don't"Worth of","This is a wish for the elderly,They said this is for children to buy stationery,Or give their children pocket money,We also don't sent the money,Don't have to use children red envelopes of cash."Meters of snow's mother will guide her reasonable use this money,"Such as when she was in high school,Want a wanted,I would say to her,Immediately to the New Year,Your money should be used where appropriate."And sure enough,A year after,Meters of snow with his own money go to the mall shopping with my mother,Although my mother back to her pay hundreds of yuan,Just buy rice snow like models,But m snow mother thought,Such not only to hold the festival atmosphere of New Year's money,Also cultivate the child's managing finances idea.


物超所值型 A value type


At the beginning of the year,Li bo was born in 1986(Not his real name)In I bought a set of more than 80 flat commercial housing,He told you,The money in addition to his work for two years to save twenty thousand yuan of money,Other 130000 yuan is he saved up for 20 years"New Year's money"And his parents to the open"wages",Parents hadn't a penny to buy a house money to pay extra.For li bo's story,You have said"Envy envy hate",Never thought money adds up can have such a big role.


High school students in shenyang Li Shiping story after shenyang evening news reported,Has caused great sensation.The winter of last year,Li Shiping himself received 2700 yuan of money,Purchased the 600 seats,In 149 bus seats,Bus passengers moved by in the winter the thick love,The wish is lucky money for not only is your elders to Li Shiping,Is the shenyang high school girls love.


Learning machine/Classic books,New Year's money is sent out"A new way".This year 6 years old little poem the first time to shenyang to celebrate New Year's grandparents home,Grandparents prepared a red envelope,Not thick"One hundred dollar bill",But a point reading machine.Said the little poem grandma is introduced,"Children parents income is not low,Is the old couple package to us a red envelope at Chinese New Year,I give money to children,They also can't want to.This is I and his wife carefully chosen gift,Although can't accompany children do their homework every day,But want to send New Year academic progress with the children."

  “奶,这钱给你,过年也没给你准备啥,自己喜欢啥买点啥吧。”去年,刚刚大学毕业的陆华,拿着几百元钱,恭恭敬敬地交到奶奶手中,虽然钱不多,可是陆华奶奶高兴地合不拢嘴,逢人就夸,“我这孙子有出息,赚钱了就想着奶奶。”陆华说,以前都是老人给自己压岁钱,如今有了工作,理所应当给老人包红包,既图个吉利,更是庆祝自己开始自食其力。给侄子的“压岁钱”,也是陆华精心准备的,“我在网上书店订购了《艾丽丝漫游奇境记》《鲁宾逊漂流记》《环游世界八十天》等这些名著,送给小孩当新春礼物。”陆华说,现在孩子天天围着电视、电脑看,假期期间根本没个学习氛围,“我一直觉得,书籍才是最好的礼物。”(沈阳晚报记者 姜渌波)

"milk,This money for you,Chinese New Year also didn't what to you,Like what buy something yourself."Last year,,If you just graduated from college,With hundreds of yuan of money,Respectfully to your grandma,Although money is not much,But if grandma happily from ear to ear,People will boast,"My grandchildren have ambition,Make money is thinking of grandma."If you say,Before is the old man for his money,Now have a job,Due to old people pack a red envelope,Both a luck,Is to celebrate her began to self-reliance.To nephew"New Year's money",Also if you prepared,"I ordered online bookstore[Alice's adventures in wonderland][Robinson Crusoe][Eighty days to travel around the world]Such as books,Baby when New Year gift."If you say,Now children around the TV every day/The computer to see,No learning atmosphere during the holiday,"I've always thought,The book is the best gift."(Shenyang evening news reporter ginger green wave)
