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高校图书馆陆续敞大门 图书馆不再只是校内风景--亲稳舆论引导监测室
读者来信 Letters to the editor
Chutian metropolis daily:
I am a reader in lu xiang,There is no other hobby at ordinary times,Is like to read books.But provincial library too far away from home,Run a trip is not easy.On our side with colleges and universities,I heard there are a lot of colleges and universities library has been open to the public,This is a big wedding for me.Hope journalists to interview in various universities library,For us ordinary citizens"The ivory tower"The library,At the same time also let us know,How should people deal with university library application card?
鲁巷读者 熊先生
Reader surnamed xiong lu lane
Has been hailed as the university library"University spirit home",is"The heart of the university",For the students continuously conveying knowledge of energy.
wuhan,Is a gather in colleges and universities/Aroma overflowing city,Only 27 universities library is up to more than 4000 copies,Along with the"The city of reading"Construction starts,"The ivory tower"The library door tried to open to the society.Outside school readers,Colleges and universities library is no longer just a scenery of the campus.
市民 想把看书变成生活一部分 People want to read a book into a part of life
Last Thursday afternoon,In get that piece of blue application card with their name,Citizens XiaoYao to walked into the central China agricultural university library reading room is spacious and bright.In the evening,He wrote in his own microblog:"To periodical room until it is dark,Wandering through magazines,Feel the heavens and the earth is really large.The ancients speak read thousands books view,Party to think so far."
XiaoYao work in the text,Is a man of love of books.In 2006,,XiaoYao when graduated from university,Worry about later can't use such a treasure of school library resources,"importunity"To run a school library application card,"Quite a trouble,Need to find a school teacher,And then to pay three hundred yuan deposit,Have to sign the librarian."after,He went to the library of wuhan university,Every time buy 2 bucks temporary access to tickets,But Wu Daxin built after the library,This for"People in the society"The welfare has been cancelled.so,Live in HongShanOu XiaoYao began in and figure of province and city"guerrilla"career.
now,XiaoYao has a foothold in the city,Settled in the south lake garden,Now China farming can have a free and out of the library of documents,Again for a long time to find a place to let him quiet reading a book.
Need this place,More than one person has XiaoYao.
According to the 6th census data in 2011,Wuhan has a population of more than 8 million at the age of 16-65.Province figure library collection of more than 1000 copies,Wuhan library of some 300 m copies,Combined with sporadic street/Community resources,This book ownership per capita is less than 2.According to another,In 27 universities has reached more than 4000 books,If combined with digital literature resources,Total more than 70 million books,Is 6 times that of the public library resources.And the diversity of the university library and database and professional,Is out of reach of public library resources.
走访 高校图书馆开放的门槛不一 On the threshold of the university library to open
The spring of last year,Several universities established wuhan library alliance,And promised to gradually open to the public library.Almost a year has passed,The schools library open degree is differ.
Open to citizens of jianghan university and hubei university started relatively early,Citizens can travel to handle application card,And the school teachers and students,Enjoy the library services.
Huazhong agricultural university in November last year"Test the waters",For communities near more than 200 residents to handle application card of the first books.On 7 December last year,The school is open to the public,Citizen id card can deal with card,Hen check data/Reading a book.
then,Wuhan university of technology/Such as the university library of wuhan university of science and technology is targeted to open.
Central China normal university library open to the public forum and book club activities,Hen: reading books, but people can't process documentation.
Huazhong university of science and technology and the library of wuhan university,All had the history of the open to citizens in different forms,But now because of various reasons,Happen to coincide to choose"Service to all the teachers and students in school".
校方 全开放是趋势,但得慢慢来 The school is completely open trend,But have to take your time
In the 17th century,Library scientists, nords are pointed out:"The library should be open to all the people who were willing to learn."Wuhan university library staff think so, too,But they said the school also has difficulty.Borrow books management,Library's hardware resources co., LTD,As the biggest problem.
"School of social readers receive deposit,Mainly consider borrowing books one thousand lost cost problem."Wuhan university of technology library a teacher explain the deposit 200 yuan"The price is almost 3 books."Liao teacher thinks,Although the charge the deposit,But readers borrow books have certain risks to the society."Such as have been out of print books,If you have lost will be unable to compensate for the loss of money."
For a seat on the library's most unpopular,Huazhong university of science and technology library director hao to calculate a simple math problem:Main campus school student 40000 people,The library seat more than 1000 only.Even the solution"Domestic demand"Have a problem,How to open?
But hao, director of the said,After the completion of huake new library,Will open policy and the detail research on society reader."Once you open,There will be complete/Have a continuity of policy,Don't constantly changing."
Even in the midst of a library of China farming can accommodate up to 4500 readers,Also have this aspect of the problem,The library Jiang Hao said the teacher:"All open is the future trend,But want to do their first book resources/Seat and other hardware,Step by step to."
已经对社会读者全开放的高校,反而对这两个问题比较淡定。湖北大学图书馆副馆长周厚洪表示,学校对外借书籍有明确登记,快到还书期限时会给读者打电话或发信息提醒。他认为,开放图书馆是一个服务社会的好事情,高校应该坚持下去,希望校外人士和学生能形成良好的交流互动,共同营造浓厚的学习氛围。(楚天都市报 记者李菡 吴质 大学生记者朱思洁影:记者王永胜)
Has been open to the whole social readers of university,Instead of the two is more calm.Deputy director of the hubei university library Zhou Houhong said,School borrowed books with clear registration abroad,Faster when they return the book to the deadline to remind readers to make a phone call or send information.He thinks that,Open society is a service of the library of a good thing,Universities should stick to it,People in the hope school and students can form a good interaction,Create a strong learning atmosphere together.(Chutian metropolis daily reporter Li Han wu college student reporter Zhu Sijie shadow:Reporter wang yongsheng)
部分高校图书馆开放信息 Part of university library's open information
江汉大学 Jianghan university
certificate:Id card;cost:10 yuan handling charge;15 yuan fee per year,Deposit of 100 yuan;Can borrow two books
Wuhan university of technology
certificate:Id card;cost:Deposit of 200 yuan;Can borrow three books
华中农业大学 Huazhong agricultural university
certificate:HongShanOu residence booklet,Id card;cost:15 yuan handling charge;Available in the library,Cannot be checked out
湖北大学 Hubei university
certificate:Id card;cost:100 yuan deposit;Can borrow five books
武汉科技大学 Wuhan university of science and technology
certificate:Introduction letter and id card;The library
Wuhan university,/Huazhong university of science and technology/Central China normal university readers temporarily not to accept the society to deal with documents
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