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家长孩子寒假困惑不少 专家:期望别太高--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Although there is no summer winter vacation so long,But including adult children can relax the 7-day Spring Festival holiday,If can have a good arrangement,So the family can be a very rich and colorful leisure time.but,Reporters found that,Many parents (microblogging) children confused a lot. In the winter vacation,Poor test scores,To do?Homework how to reasonable arrangement to the most?How can the child out of the online world?In fact,Calm down,Don't is too high expectation on winter vacation,then,Parents and students will find,That there is no confusion.
成绩之惑 Scores of humbug
Before each holiday,The students have to pass along"Gate of hell",Is the test.After after such test was during the holidays,Only to find that performance level or the way"Dead hand"To everywhere.
Go to relative's house door,Always ask elder's first words,How about this?On the bus ran into a friend,Mother must also be the first to ask somebody else.There is no denying that,Some parents make"score"The nature of the mistake,The child does well,The oneself to have face in front of the relatives and friends,This can have a pleasant holiday.Once there is a gap with their expected scores,Holiday atmosphere of family is more heavy,Command to the cram school children at home, too long.
Under the current education system,Scores have been pushed to an extremely important position,Parents will stop.This holiday season,Please hold his own mouth,By the way, also want to hold their relatives and friends,Don't inquire about the child's grades.
作业之惑 Job creating
Looking forward to have long winter vacation finally arrived,But winter vacation homework let the children had a sunny mood suddenly dark.Although the related department has repeatedly stressed burden,Ask school to grade the quantity and quality of student work must have the management measures,Strictly control the student's writing assignments,Let the students have sufficient rest time.But the reality is not optimistic.
蔻蔻刚上小学二年级,虽然学校留的寒假作业并不多,但妈妈表示并不能如此放松,已经给她购买了下学期各学科的课本,打算让她在寒假都提前预习一下。“不能玩散了呀,否则开学都收不回来心了,所以天天都应该安排一定的学习时间。 ”记者采访大连市几个大型书城了解到,目前最热销的书籍就是下学期的课本,看来和蔻蔻妈妈抱着一样心思的家长都不在少数。
KouKou just elementary school second grade,Although school winter vacation homework is not much,But mom said not so relaxed,Have to give her to buy textbooks of each course next semester,Going to let her prepare ahead of time in winter vacation."Can't play ah,Otherwise, heart close not to come back school,So should arrange some learning time everyday. "The reporter understands to interview several big book city in dalian,At present the most popular books is the textbook next semester,Seems like KouKou mother holding the mind of parents are not in the minority.
An American educator did an experiment.He chose the two levels of schools do the experiments,A school teaching according to routine,The children is in school classes and homework,Similar to state schools in our country now;Another school children learn for half a day,Activity for half a day.Content is to do by hand,There is wood/sewing/cooking/Breeding, etc.,No written homework.As a result,A few years later,As the two schools.But after a school children's comprehensive ability significantly higher than the previous school.
See here,You'll also struggle with children this is how to arrange your vacation homework?Let the children respect their choice belongs to own holiday is the best embodiment.
网络之惑 Internet and confused
After the coming winter vacation,Many parents are worried about actually contact network a bit more or less,This a vacation,Parents have to work,Children at home or by the old man care,Lack of effective supervision,Children surf the Internet and shall not be crazy.Because of this,Home even pinched off the Internet;Because of this,Many parents send children to the remedial class or simply managed class;Because of this,Children and parents to play all day,Only in order to be more than an hour or even minutes of time online...
Famous family education expert Yin weibo professor in her post,In fact,Video game is a game,It with alcohol, tobacco, no comparison,And drugs more be miles apart.In its essence,And play basketball/Playing chess/Hide and seek no difference,The difference is just it as a toy,More complicated,More interesting,More attractive.As for some violent video game/porn,These are not the nature of the game;Like pornography and violence is not the essence of the book.Don't let the children read bad books and to avoid children to play a bad game,Must be in the reading and to allow the game on the premise of solve,Rather than cancel the reading/Cancel the game.
家长总是会担心“五花八门”的网络让孩子分散太多的精力,影响孩子的学习和健康。但我们的生活已经离不开网络,如何让网络为孩子的成长“加分”?这或许才是家长要面对的课题,粗暴的干涉、武断的拒绝只能更加增加孩子对网络的热情。 记者范丽珍
Parents always worry about it"A wide variety"Network let a child spread too much energy,Affect children's study and health.But our life is inseparable from the network,How to make the network for a child's growth"Bonus points"?This perhaps is the parents to face the issue,Rough interference/Arbitrary rejection can increase children's passion for the network. The reporter Fan Lizhen
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