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崔其升:支持“减负” 教育等同于考试--亲稳网络舆情监控室
2013年3月1日,搜狐教育特别连线杜郎口中学校长崔其升一解其中的奥秘。 On March 1, 2013,Sohu education special attachment Du Lang mouth high school principal cui the liters of a solution.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:之前,北京颁布8条“减负令”:小学取消期中考试,全国很多地方也同样在提倡减负、取消了期中考试,对于这一举措,您怎么看?
before,Article 8 issued by Beijing"Enquiring for":Primary school cancel the mid-term exam,In many places around the country are also calling for a burden/Cancelled the mid-term exam,For such a move,What do you think?
崔其升(中国“最受关注乡村教师”、山东杜郎口中学校长): Cui the l(China"Rural teachers attracts the most attention"/Shandong Du Lang mouth high school principal):我觉得非常必要,这个是相对而言的,考试没错,但是现在一些教育部门和学校都形成了一种风气,认为学校教师教育学生就是考试的,考试占的分量太大,教育不是考试,考试是教育的其中一部分。现在往往把教育等同于考试,甚至考试大于教育这种思想如果不纠正,我们整个民族没有未来,把局部代表了整体,把一个走偏了的代表一个正确的方向,这种错误,这个非常必要。山东也是淡化考试,甚至山东这里面高考当隐私,学生得分谁也不能报道,更不能说高考当中全市第几位全省第几位,我的学生是状元,不能让这种氛围太浓了,会影响整个社会对教育的理解。我的意见非常必要非常及时,不然会越走越偏,现在很多家长功利心太强,一张试卷定终身,考上大学就觉得我的孩子命运就有保障了,实际是错误的。
I think is very necessary,This is relative,Exam right,But now some education departments and schools have formed a kind of atmosphere,Think school teacher education students is the exam,Test of weight is too big,Education is not a test,Test is part of education.Tend to equate education with exam now,Even exam than education this idea if it is not correct,Our whole nation has no future,The local represent the whole,Take a walk wide represents a right direction,This kind of mistake,This is very necessary.Shandong is also down test,Even in shandong college entrance examination when privacy inside this,Student score and not reported,More can't say the university entrance exam of the whole city ranked the province ranked,My student is a scholar,Can't let this kind of atmosphere is too thick,Will affect the whole society's understanding of education.My opinion is very very necessary in a timely manner,Or you will more walk more wide,Now many parents heart is too strong,A test set for life,Admitted to the university feel my child fate was guaranteed,The actual is wrong.
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