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女孩“宅”家四年未出过门 窗帘从不拉开(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
"Dinner on delivery,Communicate by QQ,Shopping by Courier,Entertainment by network……"This is"Curtilage male curtilage female tribe"A snapshot of.In xining ChengBeiOu there is such a girl,Curtilage at home four years don't want to go out,The curtains of the bedroom also has never been opened.
A small area in xining ChengBeiOu chaoyang road,Stood a few old buildings,Due to the long time,The gray walls have started to fall off.A rusty iron window framed on the wall on the second floor,Room inside and outside the world completely separated by a dusty curtain.Who lives in the village residents have wondered,Clearly someone living room,Four years time never saw the curtain was opened.
The house owner called text,Is a girl of seventeen.On January 7,,Journalists and shall guide psychological counseling center in qinghai psychological consultant approached the computation,To listen to stories about ordinary people difficult to understand"Curtilage female"life.
一岁生日那天父母离她而去 One year old birthday away from her parents
Along with the"make"Open the door of the,Door to reveal a wrinkled face."How do you do,My name is zhang,Is the computation of grandpa."Uncle zhang let into the room after us,Take us to the living room.
这是一间面积仅十余平方米的客厅,被沙发、茶几和电视柜占去了大半位置。沙发上,斜坐着一名长发披肩的少女,她见到我们,抬了一下屁股后又坐下了。“她是个孤儿……”张大爷指着文文忧伤地说。而文文则双手捋着长发,用谨慎的目光在我们身上扫来扫去。 在与张大爷的交谈中,我们对文文有了更多了解。文文4个月大时,便由爷爷和奶奶抚养。在她一岁生日的那天,分开居住的父母不慎煤烟中毒,双双去世。文文从此成为一名孤儿,与爷爷、奶奶相依为命。
This is an area of only 10 square meters of living room,Be sofa/Tea table and TV cabinet takes up most of the position.On the sofa,Oblique sat a girl of long hair shawls,She saw us,Lift the bottom and then sit down."She is an orphan……"Uncle zhang said, pointing to the computation sadly.Whereas the computation hands smoothed her hair,With a careful eye on us and he. In the conversation with a big ye,We have more knowledge of the computation.Computation of 4 months old,Raised by grandpa and grandma.In her first birthday that day,Living separately careless parents smoke poisoning,Both died.Ah-dong and has since become an orphan,With grandpa/Grandma lived alone.
Despite the lack of parents' love since childhood,But under the care of grandpa and grandma,Computation of grew up day by day,With same age children to enter school,And good.Grandpa and grandma to see in the eye,Music in my heart,And determined,Be sure to get some raise the computation.
她初二辍学后4年不愿出门 She refused to go out. Second day after dropping out of school for 4 years
Accidents will happen,And tragedies will descend.Four years ago,Grandpa was full with love for the computation of matting road in the future,Grandma suddenly died because of illness.
The death of my grandma,To the age of 13, computation of great spiritual damage.After off my grandma,She doesn't want to go to school.Grandpa had just lost their loved ones,Don't have the heart to see granddaughter cry,In the case of several times to send her to go to school without compromise.
To grandpa didn't think of,Ah-dong and never don't want to go out,Not sleep at home every day,Is the sat there staring blankly.In order to let ah-dong walked out the door,Grandpa had to scold her,Begging her, too,Even to find friends or classmates when ah-dong lobbyists,Can always ah-dong unmoved,Resolutely refused to go out.
Computation of a stay at home is 4 years, just like that.meanwhile,In grandpa's persecution,She had to work in a clothing store,But only for two days just quit.Later on she importuned,Grandpa installed the broadband for her,She took most of the time spent online.In 4 years,All the articles for daily use are made by grandpa bought the computation.Just because she didn't let grandpa to buy her new clothes,She now wear clothes are 4 years ago.
"I this year already 76 years old,The body is not good,I now is the computation's mind at rest……"Grandpa said sadly,"If I have a gossip,What she do??"Grandpa told us,Computation of wrist have many scars,She left several times to commit suicide.Who said to grandfather ah-dong,If he passed away one day,Oneself also won't live again.
当画家和护士是她的梦想 When the painters and nurse is her dream
"Do not easily the wound opened to others see,Because the other people see is lively,And the pain is yourself……"With the passage of time,Computation of growing up with our words,Even took her paintings and diary, let's see.
When asked about why not willing to go out,Computation of said with a smile:"Why don't,Just don't want to go out,Good at home."She told us,She in addition to surfing the Internet at home reading novels/Watching movies and listening to music,Also can communicate with others by QQ,So don't feel lonely.She especially likes to read romance novels and comics,Don't surf the Internet,She will be alone sat on the bed or sofa,The plot of the novel,Occasionally, rethink the story according to oneself idea.
We propose to look into her bedroom,She readily agreed to.This is an area of less than 10 square meters of the bedroom,Because the window is completely blocked by the curtain,Indoor light is dark.We see through the light through the curtains,Middle of the room with a single bed,Bed is a desk and a wardrobe,A computer screen flashing from time to time.Computation of said,She has four years didn't pull the curtain,She has been accustomed to the dim light,Also don't want to see the world outside.
Under the guidance of we keep,Computation of us when we leave,Finally spoke of their dreams,She wants to be a painter or a nurse.
编后语 editorial
青海夏都心理咨询指导中心的心理咨询师通过与文文交流后认为,文文的情况属于创伤后遗症,是在相继失去亲人后,没有充分宣泄自己心中的悲伤和调整心态造成的。为了帮助文文尽快走出阴影,志愿者们专门把她带出来玩耍或参加公益活动,心理咨询师也有针对性地制订心理救治方案,对她给予心理帮助。(记者 龙腾飞)
Qinghai shall psychological consultant of the psychological counseling through the communication with the computation after that,Computation of case belongs to the trauma sequelae,After have lost loved ones,Not fully express their sadness and adjust state of mind in the heart.In order to help the text out of the shadows as soon as possible,Dedicated volunteers took her out to play or take part in public welfare activities,Psychological consultant also targeted psychological treatment scheme was worked out,Giving psychological help to her.(Reporter dragon take-off)
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