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18岁聋哑少女迷路走失 12年后携夫归来惊呆家人--亲稳网络舆情监测室

与弟弟母亲和丈夫(右一)合影 Mother and brother and husband(The right one)Group photo 12年后回家的吴清海 Wu Qinghai home in 12 years        “我当时看到她的时候,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛!”19日,在描述自己见到走失12年的女儿吴清海时,母亲周英梅说。2001年,琼海东升农场9队的聋哑 少女突然走失家人找寻无踪影。12年间,家人一直没有放弃寻找。2月17日,吴青海突然带着“丈夫”回来了,惊呆了家人与亲邻。         "I saw her at the time,Couldn't believe my eyes!"On the 19th,In describing yourself see daughter Wu Qinghai lost 12 years,Mother said Zhou Yingmei.In 2001,,Qionghai dongsheng farm 9 team deaf-mute girl suddenly lost,Family to find him.12 years,My family never give up looking for.On February 17,,Wu Qinghai with suddenly"The husband"Back to the,With QinLin shocked his family.
    "She was born,It is very naughty,But very agreeable."Zhou Yingmei said,Wu Qinghai was born in 1983,Their house was one ordinary peasant family 9 dongsheng farm team.Wu Qinghai has an older sister and a younger brother.Wu Qinghai father contract farming fields,Zhou Yingmei is a farm worker,Family is not rich,But don't have and.Wu Qinghai 2 years old,A disease has changed her life,Due to the improper treatment,Caused her to become deaf.


In a silent environment Wu Qinghai,Character become withdrawn."Because when I was a child is a grandmother with her,So meet unhappy things,She had to find the grandmother to peace of mind."Zhou Yingmei said.Because it is a deaf mute,Wu Qinghai haven't been to school,When I was a child at home and cattle,Grew up to help home to do farm work,Seldom to play around the villages and towns.


 花季少女迷路走失 Teenage girl lost lost


In 2001,,Have long Wu Qinghai to 18 years old,Because of the deaf is difficult to communicate with others,Has always had a special on my grandma.One evening in December that year,Wu Qinghai don't know what reason,Near from your home to live in grandma's house.Because it was already very late at that time,With no street lamp in the farm,Wu Qinghai soon lost on the country road.Knew she got lost,Wu Qinghai ran to a nearby country road,Saw a car coming the short-distance passenger cars,Jump on the car.


Because I didn't bring money with,When the conductor asked her to buy a ticket,Wu Qinghai don't pay,The conductor will Wu Qinghai booted out of the car.Who knows,Because Wu Qing sea after the car,Car has been driving a long distance,In this way,Wu Qinghai lost 12 years.


家人多年寻找无果 Family for many years looking for fruit


Wu Qinghai lost that night,Brother Wu Qingtao heard sister a person was seen in school in the city(About 4 km away from Wu Qinghai home one of the country).Wu Qingtao hurried to find after school,But didn't seen hide or hair of her sister.


"We were looking for very hard ah,Launch the whole village to find together."Zhou Yingmei said,Due to the Wu Qinghai don't usually go out at night,In the evening also didn't come home at 12 o 'clock,The whole family almost collapsed state.But without a break,The family to launch the whole night together.The whole village is divided into several groups,Start with a flashlight along the road/The mountains look for,The whole village for 10 hours,Didn't find Wu Qinghai eventually.


The third day,Family in looking for two consecutive days without a case,Wu Qinghai father dug out the photos,Out of home is not much savings,Putting cost nearly 600 yuan to copy a lot of zhang,From the village to surrounding each villages and towns along the way,Still no answer.


"After she lost,Became a pain in the neck of my whole family."Zhou Yingmei said,Wu Qinghai when grandma died,Have been chanting her name.Because her father missing daughter,Suffering from serious illness,Lost in Wu Qinghai died three years later.Zhou Yingmei said,Tell everyone to inquire about the whereabouts of her daughter. At ordinary times,Her husband also take time out to the surrounding countryside looking for every day,Finally is different village-by-village about along the way.In Wu Qinghai lost 12 years,Zhou Yingmei divination please people every year,Ask about the whereabouts of Wu Qinghai.


 女儿意外回家喜坏家人 Daughter unexpectedly xi bad family home


On February 17th this year,Already 30 Wu Qinghai suddenly with a man,Find home after 12 years,In front of Zhou Yingmei.After finding Wu Qinghai,Family hurriedly took her to the death of his father grave and burn incense,Rushed to the villagers,Buy fireworks setting off at once,Meet Wu Qinghai,And comfort her father died.


With Wu Qinghai Ye Haibiao back man,Lingshui people,45 years old this year.See lost Wu Qinghai he 12 years ago on the side of the road,See the helpless Wu Qinghai,Took her in,Wu Qinghai have been living with him for 12 years now,And 1 male and 1 female two children.


Ye Haibiao told the south China metropolis daily reporter,12 years ago,He works in a QiongHaiShi baishi ridge near the construction site,That night on the side of the road just see Wu Qinghai was driven out of the car.To see a woman so poor,He brought her back to the site,Give her to eat,Later found out that she is a deaf mute,Bad communication,Also can help her find family.He has received Wu Qinghai,Eat to live on the site,Until after the Spring Festival in 2002,He took Wu Qinghai lingshui back home life together.


Ye Haibiao told reporters,Now he and Wu Qinghai have been together for 12 years,And 1 male and 1 female two children,Daughter is 6 years old and a half,There are 2 years old son.Because Wu Qinghai hasn't handle id card,They could not to the marriage registration formalities.


About 2010,The local district police station to deal with missing census register,Wu Qinghai with memories of that year,Fuzzy remember"dongsheng"/"Wu Qingtao"And other relatives,The local police station via the system,Found the home address Wu Qinghai and loved ones.


"But when the second child born,Need to take care of,We will find time to go home later",Yahya nominal,"After the Chinese New Year this year,We decided to return to qionghai look for her family."


Zhou Yingmei told reporters,Now daughter finally came home,As for the daughter,Zhou Yingmei said,"Daughter came back,Hope Ye Haibiao can continue to good to her daughter in the future,Our family will bless them."
