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Back in school,Came to school pupils carry bag open happy heart,Put the winter vacation homework to the teacher.The teacher open the children's composition,It is not laughter,Can't help but post on weibo and Internet users.Netizens think,Elementary student's imagination can make adults happy,Be sure to encourage children's creativity.
现代快报记者 吴杰
Modern express Wu Jie journalist
36个“喵”字,让老师差点哭了 36"meow"word,Let the teacher almost cried
"Kitty was calling this morning.meow/meow/meow……In the evening,My brother and I go to bed."On February 25,,Net friend"Yoma Wu month"On weibo drying out such an elementary composition,And helplessly say:"Sign up on the first day,Let a person to vomit slot winter vacation homework,I almost cried."
According to the grid in the homework,The composition even punctuation marks a total of 100 words or so,One of 36"meow"word,Plus a lot of pause,Takes up to 69 characters.There is no doubt,The 36"meow"Is to fill words,Fill your books on the grid.but,Can come up with such an approach to word count,Also be very imaginative.So have a netizen,Said it was a skeleton template,The puppy of the home/The chicken/Mice can be for a guest.
Net friend said,This composition to let a person in distress situation,Let his own anguish to keep a weekly diary recalls a childhood,To the elementary student's bold practice was very admire.This small article yesterday"God made"Also got the attention of the media."Winter vacation is originally children relax,Work is more fun?"Some such questions.
老师点评 The teacher reviews
We have learned,Net friend"Yoma Wu month"Last name is Yang,Is a primary school teacher,In shaoyang city in hunan province is a primary school in grade three Chinese.
杨老师说,在她从教的3年中,常常遇到类似搞笑的事情,“ 孩子们组的词、造的句往往很容易戳中笑点,有一次还画一个‘男朋友’送给我,让我感觉很幸福。他们的纯真可以治愈我们这些大人。”
Yang said the teacher,Three years in her teaching,Often encounter similar funny things," The children set of words/Made of words are very easy to poke in the punchline,Once a‘boyfriend’Send to me,Let me feel very happy.Their innocence can cure us these adults."
Hand in a composition like this,Yang teacher criticizes the pupil?Yang said the teacher:"It is worth to encourage the freedom of creation,If the child is coming in for criticism,Don't just killed their childlike innocence and imagination?Actually think about it,Perhaps each involve the meow meows star people's emotions,The seemingly simple,Content is quite rich,Ha, ha, ha."She also said:"Everyone seems to like that oh meow body composition,What if later found that the children have a new lovely words,Must bask on weibo and share it with you."
从盘古到赵本山,历史就乱套了 From pan gu to zhao,History is confused
网友评论 The net friend comment on
@ east ridge people:The representative work of magical historicism.The zha to bear children:metaphor/irony/Through the/The magic...Is there anything else??
@ FelixXP:Writing a rarity in the world,Able to digest what they have learned is not easy,High superior superior player,The next worship!
"I believe history is like this."On February 25th in the afternoon,Net friend"Our class one"On weibo drying out one's own god as a pupil in the class.The pupil since pangu separated heaven and earth,Pangu stone in the world is the earthquake into small pieces,But there is a piece of"The palace city"So big stones,From the stone shot out of a small monkey,Is the Monkey King.
then,What a history began."Sun wukong to take come back,Married bones jing,Live in the pansi hole.After a few months,They gave birth to a daughter,Named the dowager."Even more shocking is yet to come,"She grew up will go to the temple to travel,Long screws up,Immediately turned into a temple in the role of the queen mother.At that time,Empress dowager cixi and ten grandpa four already had four sons,Two daughter……"So the relationship between the historical figures/gender/Career is rubbing,Spun until now,"Zhao4 ben3 shan is a famous comedy actor,Now exit."
Is the title of the composition[What a history],One of the most powerful imagination,Make a lot of netizens feel incredible,It is unbelievable!
老师点评 The teacher reviews
"Our class one"Ningbo is a primary school grade five Chinese teacher.Her comment is for the composition:"In the afternoon began marking winter vacation homework.To a strange,The child is Zhang Facai fans?"Zhang Facai has been called a book[One is not serious],Gossip say is history.The teacher can link the pupil with Zhang Facai,Explain to the child's evaluation is quite high.
As of the time,"Our class one"This message has been forwarded for more than 80000 times,On the top trending topic on sina weibo,Onlookers by millions of netizens."Our class one"Tell net friend said,This history is bizarre is a in the class she called"Big sister"The students to write."Our class one"To introduce,"Big sister"Is a can write is scripture could write talk to girl,"Just received a pupil magazine today,With her newly published articles.Can write proper composition in the exam,Can write talk,This is the"Big sister"The ability of.I am going to waiting for her call her treat after receiving the payment,I eat ice cream, please."
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