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另类辅导员受追捧 大学生找她谈心要排队一周--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Yesterday afternoon.,Zhejiang industry and commerce university lecture hall with 400 seats,Full of students,College students' counselors to power,Looking to the students,Please the students evaluation.Each student with a performance evaluation,The above points"Very satisfied with/Satisfied with the/Basic satisfaction/Not satisfied with"Four bar,Head can also write the impression of a counselor and Suggestions.


Counselor for activities,Has carried out six years in zhejiang industrial and commercial university,Scale expanding year by year.Counselors to other promotion/ZhengKeJi,All are linked to the assessment results of the students are given.


另类述职:我会卖萌我会傻笑 Alternative reporting on activities:I will sell MOE I will giggle


别觉得我烦,我爱你们 Don't think I bother,I love you


Yesterday came to visit counselors all look very young,Actually is very experienced,Most instructors have been working for 10 years,Basic it is master degree.Under normal circumstances,A counselor daily management of more than 200 college students.


Manages the institute of tourism and city management college counselor wang xin mei nine class,Standing on the platform when the reporting on activities hold your head high,No notes in his hand:"The classmates,I hope in your heart,The xin xin mei elder sister is always before mei elder sister,Rather than precise and inflexible image.I speak loudly/Language SuLei people,A bit like a machine gun,But forthright and direct,Can you accept?"


The words sound just fell,The students laughed.


Wang xin mei get into business:"From 01 to 12th,Students come and go,Go to again,But your xin mei elder sister is still in place.I've always kept the habit of record and the students talk,Last semester I talk with students in 270,Every day to talk with three classmates,Every conversation time in about two hours,About six hours a day.Someone asked I would not feel bored,Don't!Actually I have been very happy to have so much time talking with students,I always say,There is nothing more than students questioning the counselor actively let me proud.Do you need a man,It's good to……"


The last,Wang xin mei said passionately:"I am xin mei elder sister live in your heart,I'll sell MOE oh,Giggle when will loudly shout you go home to study,Don't think I bother,I love you!"


The students scream and clap,On the stage of wang xin mei responded to a bow.


There are"Just type"The counselor,Jiang Bing said on the stage:"Last semester,I am about my own capacity for overall assessment is limited,But people are warm-hearted,The sense of responsibility is strong.I am very agree with no love, no education concept,Work requires students themselves to heart.Parents and students,I genuinely hope that students can grow up well,All your progress every time can make me happy.Graduating class students,This year is going to look for a job,Are you ready to order?"


有三名辅导员是博士学历 Three counselors is the PhD degree


每天上QQ上微博了解学生心态 Every day on the QQ on weibo, understand a student mentality


Under the table,The counselor Jiang Bing told reporters,Our college twice a semester at most to see the counselor,now,Counselors like him,In 11 class QQ group/Micro letter group and weibo,Spend a lot of time watching the students every day QQ signature and weibo,And student interaction.


These have become Jiang Bing the indispensable part in the work,He learn about the state of the students,And take corresponding measures."Of course,,For there is no generation gap and after 90,Let them have a sense of identity to me,The counselor can't be out."

  在辅导员王歆玫看来, 90后大学生虽然已经成人,但有时会冒出很小孩子气的问题。王歆玫印象最深的,上学期期末,大一某女生给她打来电话:“王老师,我想换寝室,我真的不知道怎么和室友相处。”

It seems to instructor wang xin mei, Though college students have adult after 90,But sometimes come up to a small childish question.Wang xin mei the deepest impression,At the end of last term,Freshman year a girl phoned to her:"Teacher wang,I would like to change our bedroom,I really don't know how to get along with roommates."


Zhejiang industry and commerce university Dr. There are three academic counselor,Feng qin is one of them.He said:"Do the counselor before,Think this job is to chat with my classmates,Go to work until after the work is not simple,QQ/Micro letter/Almost every day to pay attention to weibo, etc,Because each student is in use,A watch is a few hours,His time very little."


"Every summer pta is an important task,We will go around the city,Bring together local parents open a parents' meeting,Communication of the baby."Feng qin said,Tutoring a student well,Parents play an important role,If parents can effectively lead to the child,Children can grow up better.


受欢迎的辅导员 Popular instructors


学生找她谈心要提前一周排队 Students find her talk to line up a week early


City consists with scientific management professional students,Is fill in the counselor CePingBiao seriously,He said:"Jiang teacher is a very careful teacher,More than two hundred, the names of the students can call him out,Where are from/What hobbies,He can say it."


Consists said,This is his first time to participate in the counselor's evaluation,Think this is a very good way,Can understand their ideas,Through the test to sure the counselor's work.


College students LiuQiuYi,Urban management professional,She said:"Xin mei elder sister is my role model,I'm just a freshman,Close contact with instructors offer few opportunities,So today to lecture very early,Rob to the front,Can listen more carefully.Don't look at xin mei elder sister's speed so fast,Actually her thinking is very clear,We all call her bosom sister these students."


LiuQiuYi told reporters,Looking for xin mei elder sister talk a lot of students,How to need to phone booking,Wait for more than a week before.
