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高中生撞死行人发微博称笑死人 父亲称他在赌气--亲稳网络舆情监控室

本报讯 据福建媒体报道,日前有网友爆料:“1月18日晚10时许,石狮一17岁高中生何某驾驶机动车撞死一行人。事发后,还发微博称‘一命抵一命?开什么玩笑?笑死人’。”面对这种漠视他人生命的态度,不少网友纷纷谴责。据石狮交警部门证实,何某下晚自习路上确实撞倒一名50岁的妇女吴某,致其21日死亡。对此,何某的父亲解释称,“微博是儿子在赌气的情况下发出的,并不是恶意为之”。
Report from our correspondent, according to media reports in fujian province,Has some Revelations:"Night around 10 PM on January 18th,Stone lions, a 17-year-old high school student He Mou drive a motor vehicle by a line of people.After the incident,Also tweeting said‘A life for a life?Are you kidding me?Smile dead’."Life attitude in the face of such disregard for others,Many netizens have criticized.According to shishi traffic police department confirmed,He Mou periods or evening self-study periods under the road really knocked down a 50-year-old woman Wu Mou,To its 21 deaths.For this,He Mou father explained,"Weibo is a son in the case of anger,Is not malicious".
【网友爆料】 [Netizen has]
高中生撞死行人,还发微博炫耀 High school students killed pedestrians,Also tweeting to show off
recently,Net friend"Wayne Zhao Daxiang"Said on a BBS,On January 18, 58 minutes at 9 o 'clock in the evening,Shishi He Mou one high school boys,Motor vehicle driving without a license by pedestrians,Later also tweeting to show off on the Internet.The accused He Mou behavior"Is social morality can stand now",He Mou in attached"What particularly not unintelligent"For net weibo of the original screenshots.
The next day,Reporters in the"What particularly not unintelligent"Weibo page,Couldn't see this weibo.but"Wayne Zhao Daxiang"Referred to in"Shishi those things"Weibo turned He Mou weibo in the picture.Reporter later on"Shishi those things"Found in the weibo of related images.After the microblog picture is forwarded,Was condemned by many Internet users."Sunny fat a little"According to the"No social sense of responsibility,Don't realize his own mistake",But also some netizens think,Maybe just He Mou weibo literally,And not in the show.
【交警证实】 [The traffic police confirmed]
确为无证驾驶,责任认定尚未出来 For driving without a license,Responsibility identification has not yet come out
For this,Shishi traffic police department confirmed,On 18 January night,Shishi under middle school, high school students He Mou night lessons home,Riding a motorcycle,Take a classmate,Through the shishi August 7th road emerging road intersection,Will walk on the zebra crossing Wu Mou knocked down,Wu Mou 21, died in hospital.
Wu Mou 50 years old this year,Sanming youxi county people,After retirement, with son to shishi,Before to do accounting in a trading company.Ms. Wu's family said,After they had learned this unfortunate news,Is very sad,But currently He Mou not only no apology,Also made such remarks,Let Ms. Wu's family was very angry.
While the policemen said,He Mou 17 years old this year,Not attended motor vehicle driving license,Indeed for driving without a license.At present,The blame for the accident that has not yet come out.In the process of investigation,He Mou had argued that,Because after the crossroads,Coming to the car on high beam,Light is very strong,In his eyes,Cause he didn't see Wu Mou walk on the zebra crossing,To lead to accidents.
【其父解释】 [His father explained]
学校禁驾,儿子赌气发微博 The driving school,Son anger tweeting
The policemen said,They sent the comments also heard He Mou weibo.For this,He Mou father explained to the traffic police department said,After the incident,He Mou forbidden in the high school students go to school ride a motor vehicle/School is over,The move caused dissatisfaction with students,Some classmates to shoot it into He Mou head,Accusing He Mou.He Mou in this case,This tweet just anger.
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