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邓飞:未来几年我会扎根到乡村 帮助乡村儿童--亲稳舆论引导监测室
》》》进入“向教育提问”2012搜狐教育年度盛典专题 ]]]To enter"Ask the education"2012, sohu education annual festival
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:大家好,这里是2012“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典现场,现在很高兴请到免费午餐和大病医保的项目发起人邓飞老师,欢迎您。今天教育盛典的主题是“向教育提问”,您对教育有没有疑惑,或者您最关注什么话题?
hello everybody,This is 2012"Ask the education"Sohu education annual festival scene,Now I'm very glad to please go to the project sponsor free lunch and major health care teacher deng fei,You are welcome.Today, education is the theme of the festival"Ask the education",Did you have for education,Or are you most concerned about what topic?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):对于中国教育出现的诸多问题,我最关心关注的是乡村儿童,尤其是5800万留守儿童教育公平的问题。
Many problems for Chinese education,I care about most of rural children,Especially the problem of 58 million left-behind children education fair.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您刚才也参加了留守儿童的论坛,您有什么感想?
You have just joined the BBS of left-behind children,What do you think?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):我觉得留守儿童他们面临的困境越来越多地被社会各界所关注,这是一个了不起的进步,这一方面的信息实现了大规模的流通,能够让更多的人看见留守儿童的种种困境,然后大家很焦虑,并且开始在讨论和试图去解决。我相信首先有了这么一个信息流通,我们就会有相应的改变,这种改变正在开始。
I think left-behind children, they face the plight of the more and more attention by the social from all walks of life,This is a great progress,This aspect information to realize the large-scale circulation,Can let more people see various predicaments of left-behind children,And then everybody is very anxious,And start discussing and trying to solve.I believe that have an information flow in the first place,We will have corresponding change,This change is beginning.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:今年除了免费午餐,您在重点推行农村孩子的大病医保,跟免费午餐这个项目相比,大病医保这个过程中是更顺利,还是困难更多?
This year, in addition to a free lunch,You in with emphasis the rural children's major health care,Compared with free lunch this project,A serious illness medical insurance the process is more smoothly,Is more difficult?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):去年2012年3月我们开始在推乡村儿童大病医保,距离免费午餐的发起是一年。为什么在免费午餐一年以后又迫不及待推大病医保,也是因为我们看到了乡村儿童另外一个困境。如果说没有饭吃,饥饿,他会伤害到孩子,但是不足以致命。但是如果他们生病了以后,没有钱去治疗,尤其大病的时候没有钱治疗的话,他们面临的可能就是一个残疾或者死亡,我们觉得这个问题更加的迫切重要。
Last year in March 2012, we began to push the rural children's major health care,Distance was launched a year free lunch.Why in the free lunch a year later and can't wait to push a serious illness insurance,Also because we see the village children another dilemma.If no food,hunger,He would harm the child,But not enough to deadly.But if they're sick later,No money to treatment,Especially when no money treatment of a serious illness,They may be facing a disability or death,We think this problem is more urgent.
So we launched a rural children's healthcare of a serious illness,This job than the free lunch is no doubt need to be more professional and professional ability,And we must do more hard than a free lunch.But we say after this desire and ideas,We got more warmly,Stronger social support,We get the field teams of volunteers to produce a solution quickly,We are now in hubei HeFengXian to pilot,The examples in yunnan/Zhejiang civilized/Hunan ancient culture has three counties do the corresponding preparation and measurement,Will soon have four counties across the country,The implementation of the rural children a serious illness insurance,We will also try to influence leverage and support countries adopt related activities,To ensure the welfare of the rural children normal growth.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您刚才说四个县,大概为多数孩子提供大病医保?
You just say that the four counties,Probably provide a serious illness insurance for most children?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):粗略算了一下累计了十万以上。
Roughly calculated accumulative total more than thousand.
搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:第一批就有十多万?
:The first has more than ten?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):第一批四个县,覆盖至少十万个孩子们能够得到一份免费的大病医疗保险,在他们生病的时候他们可以得到最少20万医疗补偿。然后能够配合新农合,和他们的家庭、家属一起去保护小朋友,免于生病,没有因为钱而出现的伤害。
The first batch of four counties,Covering at least thousands of children can get a free medical treatment of a serious illness insurance,When they are sick they can get at least 200000 medical compensation.Then will be able to cooperate with new farming,And their families/Family together to protect their children,From illness,Not appear damage because of the money.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这次大病医保资金来源跟免费午餐是不是有一些不同?除了普通民众网友捐款,还有一些商业项目的加入是吗?
This serious health care funding sources if there is some different with a free lunch?In addition to the ordinary people online donations,And some commercial projects join is?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):大病医保这个项目它更加的专业,我们的民众比较难以去理解它,它和免费午餐不一样。免费午餐是孩子没有饭吃很饿,吃饭会很开心,让人家可以看见迅速的改变。像大病医保有可能是我们投很多钱进去,我们看不到一个很明显的效果,但是他对孩子的帮助,安全的保护是非常的有价值。这样我们选择另外更多的一些筹款的创新,比如我们更多的去寻求企业的帮助,而不是像免费午餐面向所有的老百姓,我们降低了这个捐款门槛,我们是两种不同的筹款方法。
A serious illness it more professional health care this project,People more difficult for us to understand it,And it is not the same as the free lunch.Free lunch is the hungry children no food,Dinner will be very happy,Let people can see the changes quickly.Like a serious illness insurance may be we shot a lot of money in it,We don't see an obvious effect,But he told the children to help,Safety protection is very valuable.So we choose some more other ways and means of innovation,For example, we more to ask for help,Rather than the free lunch for all of the people,We reduce the threshold of donations,We are two different methods of fundraising.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:大病医保在推行过程中,地方政府态度是什么样的?
Major medical insurance in the process of implementation,What kind of the attitude of local government is?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):大病医保在推行过程中间我们得到了地方政府热情的支持和配合,第一个免费午餐已经推行了一年多了,我们得到了很好的声誉,得到一种信任。第二个所有的人明白保护孩子,他的身体健康,这件事很重要。能够得到一笔二十万医疗保险支持,对任何人来说也是一个很好的消息。这对当地我们没有任何的伤害,所以说很多县愿意跟我们合作,并且他们提出来一系列的优惠的条件,他们愿意来参与,一起来推动。
A serious illness medical insurance in the middle of the process we got the enthusiasm of local government's support and cooperation,The first free lunch has been carried out for over a year,We had a good reputation,Get a trust.The second all people understand that protect children,His body is healthy,This is very important.To get a medical insurance support two hundred thousand,Is a good news for anyone.We do not have any damage on the local area,Say so many counties are willing to cooperation with us,And they put forward a series of favorable conditions,They would like to participate in,Together to promote.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在这一年中,您觉得最难的一点是什么?
During the year,What do you think of the most difficult thing is what?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):2012年最难的一点是我们在做大病医保这个项目的时候,我们需要寻求一款保险产品,这个工作是大家以前没有碰过的事情,一个比较专业,第二个需要我们去摸索,我们怎么样平衡商业和公益,去平衡很多方面的关系。我们要做出很好的效果,要有不错的效率,并且还要说服捐款人信任和支持我们。这个过程中间我们感受非常艰苦的,因为需要去创立新的东西,经过不停的讨论、博弈,最后还是得到了一款比较好的保险产品,能够有效的去保护孩子。
In 2012, the most difficult thing is we are doing a serious illness of health care this project,We need to seek a insurance products,The work is we haven't met before,A more professional,Second we need to explore,How can we balance the business and the public,To balance the relations of many aspects.We are going to have to make very good effect,Want to have good efficiency,And to convince donors to trust and support us.The process we feel very hard in the middle,Because of the need to create new things,After discussion/game,Finally got a good insurance product,Effectively to protect their children.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:做这个事情之前是有一个参考样本或者参考模式吗?
Before to do this is to have a reference sample or reference model?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):我们几乎没有相关的积累,我们做这件事情主要是能够开放的去团结保险界这一帮精英,他们可能会去参考欧洲、美国的一些方法,然后我们和保险公司进行谈判博弈,非常艰苦的、曲折的前进。但是有一点我们能够和所有方面达成共识,我们做这件事,就是为了给乡村贫困孩子让他们找到救命的钱,在他们生病的时候,他们如何能够有快速的、稳定的能够拿到一笔钱,能够帮助他们看钱。有了这个共识以后,其他都可以去解决的。
We have almost no correlation accumulation,We can do it mainly open to unite the field that a group of elite,They may refer to Europe/Some methods in the United States,And then we negotiate game and insurance company,Is very hard/Tortuous advance.But one thing we can all aspects and reach a consensus,We do it,Just to give rural poor children let them find the money to help,When they get sick,How can they have fast/Stable to be able to get a sum of money,Can help them see the money.With this agreement,Everything else can go to solve.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:大家对农村医疗条件不是特别了解,每年有多少个孩子生比较严重的病,需要治疗用医疗保险?
Is not particularly understanding of rural medical conditions,Every year, how many children have serious disease,Need to be treated with medical insurance?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):我们不知道,我们首先不知道每个县会有多少孩子,会得这个病,但是保险界会去提取当地医院的这些相关的数据,他们能做出一个测算。对我们来说,这个地区多少个孩子得多少病不是我们最关心的,最关心的任何一个孩子在中国都有大病的时候,他应该可以得到稳定的医疗保障,而不管是家庭,还是一个政府,还是社会各界,对于这个孩子来说他就应该得到,这是他的权利。所以说我们做的这个工作,也是为了给一个地区,或者是整个中国的孩子们,他的成长提供一份保障,他生病以后,他不需要害怕,他不需要担心没有钱,我们不会放弃他,给他们这么一个保护伞。
We don't know,We don't know each county will have how many children in the first place,Get the disease,But the field will these related data to extract the local hospital,They will be able to make a measurement.For us,,How many children in this area have to what disease is not what we care most about,Most concerned about any of the children in China have a serious illness,He should be able to get stable health care,And whether it's family,Or a government,And the social from all walks of life,He should get for the child,This is his right.So we do the job,Also in order to a region,Or is the whole of China's children,He grew up to provide a guarantee,After his illness,He doesn't need to afraid,He doesn't need to worry about no money,We won't give up him,To give them such an umbrella.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:像这种民间公益不断推动公共政策出台这种方式,您觉得是正常的吗?
Like this kind of folk public welfare push public policies are put in this way,What do you think is normal?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):对于每一个人来说,我们做的所有的工作,我认为是怎么样去影响公共政策。以前作为记者做的工作是舆论监督,通过舆论监督的方法实现一个改变,这个改变小到改变一件事情,大到可以去改变一项公共政策。那是一个很大很大的改变,以前是通过批评、监督,但是后来我们发现,通过我们的公益行动,我们能够更加有效的去实现和改变,包括公共政策的最大改变,那是因为我们团结了社会各界,团结社会各界可以找到一个问题的解决方案,然后我们为政府他的决策提供参考。
For every one,We do all the work,I think it's about how to affect public policy.As a journalist before work is the supervision by public opinion,To implement a change by the method of supervision by public opinion,This change little to change a thing,Big enough to go to a public policy change.It was a big, big change,Used by criticism/supervision,But later we found,Through our public welfare action,We can be more effective to implement and change,Including the biggest change of public policy,That's because we solidarity, the social from all walks of life,Solidarity, the social from all walks of life can find a solution of the problem,Then we can provide a reference for the government of his decision-making.
We can also cooperate with the government to implement a,We seek to change together,Such words,The government is very willing to and folk public welfare organization to implement a joint,To solve this problem together.First of all solve this problem is also a local government,Or the entire central government they need to take a government job.So that we can find a good point,We'll go,Each contribute their own strength,Can solve our social problems.So this change is very efficient,We are happy to do more attempts and efforts,More public policy can influence and change,Could make the country a better place.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:2013年您主要的精力是不是放在继续推行大病医保上?
In 2013, the main focus is on you to continue major health care?
邓飞(免费午餐和大病医保的发起人): Deng fei(The sponsor of the free lunch and major medical insurance):现在上海富地集团给我捐了一间办公室,我做了一个中国乡村儿童联合公益办公室,我把现在做的微博打拐,免费午餐,大病医保,让候鸟飞,还有一个暖流计划,整合起来形成一个工作平台,能够推动它们顺利往前走。希望团结其他的乡村儿童公益组织,做好他们的服务,这样的话就会形成一股巨大的势力,我们能够更加全面的和有效率地帮助解决乡村儿童方方面面问题。这样的话,我们改变更加有效率,未来几年我会把自己扎根到乡村里面去,尽我们能力,我们的目标是有能力照顾、帮助乡村,尤其是5800万留守儿童,因为他才是我们的未来。
Now Shanghai rich group donated an office for me,I made a joint Chinese rural children of public office,I do now microblog DaGuai,A free lunch,A serious illness insurance,Let the birds fly,There is a warm current plan,Together to form a working platform,To push them go forward smoothly.Want to unite the other rural children's charity,Do their services,It will become a great power,We can a more comprehensive and efficient to help solve the problem of rural children's every aspect.Such words,We changed our more efficient,Takes root in the next few years I will myself to the country,Do our ability to,Our goal is to have the ability to take care of/To help the country,Especially 58 million left-behind children,Because he is our future.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢您。
Thank you for your.
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