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  据西班牙欧华网报道,春节对于背井离乡在西班牙生活的华人来说有着非凡的意义,几乎人人都渴望在春节期间可以放下眼前的一切,回到家乡与父母亲人重逢,吃上一顿和和美美的团圆饭,感受家的温暖。可是在你我身边,生活这样一群大龄男女,他们渴望过节,却又不敢回家,期盼着阖家团聚,却又顾虑重重。他们回国与不回过家的选择题中苦苦挣扎,因此还患上了“春节回国恐惧症”…… According to Spanish champions China website reported,The Spring Festival for Chinese displaced living in Spain has extraordinary significance,Almost everyone desire during the Spring Festival can put down everything in sight,Back to hometown family reunited with their parents,Eat a meal HeHeMeiMei feast of reunion,Feel the warmth of home.But in you my side,Life that a group of older men and women,They long for the holidays,The but again dare not go home,Looking forward to family reunion,Yet concerns.Them in return and not been home choice struggling,Therefore also suffers from"The Spring Festival to return phobia"……


回国过年相亲忙 Home New Year


The Spring Festival this year,O act work too busy to have an excuse,To stay in Spain.The Spring Festival can't and son reunion,O act parents the in the mind very not taste,Act and also a white lie for yourself and feel guilty."Home New Year's day is nothing,I really can't stand my parents forced marriage pressure.Every day with them no matter to do,Cannot leave the married and have children.A few years in a row,I was going to collapse."


O act from the ancient city of xi 'an,In a Chinese wholesale warehouse to do the accounting,At ordinary times life is monotonous,Rarely have the opportunity to meet a suitable girl.O act's philosophy is simple love,Very easygoing.As a man should be career more,Marriage and family can be dealt with later.But domestic parents don't think so,The old couple are now retired at home,Every day in addition to want to son,Just looking forward to embrace grandson on at an early date,Domestic cousin cousin are already married and have children,O only the screen is still single.A few years ago,Parents also verbally,Persuade his son to marry a daughter-in-law home soon.Can begin from the year before the Spring Festival,The old couple initiative,Began to secretly arrange dates for the act.Today go to aunt zhang home visits,Tomorrow go to uncle li guests,Spring Festival return home a few weeks,Over two-thirds of the time to visit friends and relatives,Similarities between the relatives and of course there is a surge in the best daughter.Before returning,O act told the mother heart displeasure,Don't hope for next year with his friends and relatives around,Feel like rotten apples sell out let people look down upon.


Don't want to return home New Year's day last year,O act suffered another"On a blind date"war.In addition to the New Year's eve and the first,O act trip are all lined with their parents,Almost every day have a blind date,Sometimes games in the afternoon/Field at night,See the two girls one day.He was unable to reject,Each position appointment parents booked well in advance,All the cost of the dating them.


"They have done for me too much too much,If I refuse,Don't go to the dinner,They will be very sad.The Spring Festival last year was a nightmare,Even back in Spain I often dreamed that he sat at the cafe,The girl runs through equally.The old man's mood I special understanding,Can love didn't come back it was time to come,Too insist there will be no good results.What's more,The domestic girl are all too real,Thought of going abroad are either rich or expensive.They are eager to go abroad,So you don't have to suffer to live a rich life,And ordinary migrant workers like me,For them,,Like a chicken ribs."Think twice about,O act dismissed the idea of Spring Festival return home,Domestic parents weren't so carefree,They throw in trouble for his son's marriage,It is said that mother's friend found a television director,She wants to act to sign up for TV dating shows.Hear the news,O act in distress situation:"My mother ah,Don't you want me to always hide in Spain,Dared not go home??"


Like big longed for life in Spain older male parents forced marriage pressure impetuously,So facing to the marriageable age Chinese woman family and public opinion pressure is bigger.


不结婚就会让父母伤心 Don't get married will let parents sad


Over the years,Feihong is 34 years old,Still all alone.Ten years ago,Just graduated from university she came to work in a foreign company in nanjing,Less than half a year,A promising young,Talented director was easily capture feihong rest assured.Under the director's honeyed words,She cheated on their parents,Underground lover secretly as a supervisor.At that time,Love and in front of the man who's family is all her life,She every time silly waiting for director to divorce his wife,Marry her the door.


Three years in the endless lies, and wait,Director's wife has finally found her husband's extramarital affair and get rich,To die after several companies to make again,In order to calm his wife's anger,Hold on to their fame and position,He give feihong shirk all the responsibility.


"All work of this false shameless woman,She in order to get the boss's heart,Several design.,Boss suddenly tears just fell into her trap.After the boss regret for his cheating behavior,Trying to put an end to this unethical relationships,Can a woman do publicity will stunt,Boss with threats.In this way,Boss surreptitiously make a year an extramarital affair with a woman."


This is the director and his wife/With the company leadership explaination of the beginning and end of the event,Stories that fox is feihong destroy others family.Of course,,Feihong ending as well as the vast majority of small three,Jilted head,Fired by the company,,Abandon by a colleague,By family misunderstanding……


After more than a year of treatment,Feihong just out of emotional intelligence,In order to forget everything before,In 2007,,She alone went to Spain.Since then,Feihong road has been a bad feelings,Young and older Chinese man/Spanish men are dated,Betrayal results are based on each other.now,Feihong in white-collar pay handsomely for a Chinese lawyer,Stable life,To outsiders,She is the only lack is a man can accompany her together life.


"To be honest,I have a dead heart to the man.Yourself a personal life is pretty good,Even if it alone,I had no regret."Her parents have been concerned about women's marriage.


Every year Spring Festival return home,Feihong parents were"Forced marriage".Mother always said,Women always want to get married,Want to have children,You live in a foreign country should have a stable family.otherwise,A few years later,Mom and dad are gone,How poor you alone a person?


A few years ago,Parents will also be working age some requirements for the future son-in-law,now,What is not important,As long as there is a man willing to marry feihong,They can immediately marry her off the ground as quickly as possible.In addition to the pressure from their parents,Relatives and friends and even classmates began pressuring feihong,Some good people also take the initiative to introduce boyfriend for her,Being single/Of the divorce/The death of a spouse/The older,All kinds of people,Wide world out there.Know you are kindness,Can they let feihong unmanageable.


"I can't tell my mother,My heart is dead,This lifetime don't marry.Every time I saw her eager eyes of anxiety,I was ashamed,As if oneself is the most unfilial daughter across the world.Every year New Year's day,They will talk to me about marriage,And this topic is always let me unable to parry,Pretty much,I don't have the courage to face them,Can only hide in Spain."


Feihong told reporters,She has few good friends and older women,Every time to call home,Parents are asked to find objects,Whenever at the feast,This urge marriage with the fire of the forced marriage is even more fierce.


缓兵之计:租个女友回家过年 SOP:Rent a girlfriend home New Year's day


If one day, curtain and feihong are met with loved ones,End the single life,So whether to return home New Year's day also won't bother them.While Chinese small rocks might never go out of this nightmare.


Different from ordinary people,Little rock is a gay,A love only gay men.


Little rock from a very wealthy family in fujian province.When I was at middle school,Little rock found their sexual orientation and different from ordinary people,After graduating from college,In order to avoid pressure from family and society,To study abroad after he went to Spain,A year later he fell in love with an Italian man,Two people begin the cohabitation,Now they have been living together for three years.Because is the only child,Little rock has long been regarded as eye. My parents and grandparents.Every year the Spring Festival,Dad will take the initiative to set good air tickets and other small rocks home New Year's day.With age increasing,Parents urge marriage frequency is higher and higher.Especially the love little rock's grandma,Always hold his hand meaningfully said:"To bring the girl come back to me,So even if grandma was dead,Also with open eyes!"And little rock have no courage and they admitted his gay identity.


today,Had to go home for the holiday, a small rock seal the family decided to rent a girlfriend on the mouth.By the end of 12 years,Friends give he introduced a female students in guangzhou,Each other after confirm the small rock gay decided to help.Two people together in early February back to fujian,Home to little rock to see their elders first,Live for two days,Then female students with family New Year's day back to guangzhou alone.Of course,,Spanish airline tickets shall be borne with small rocks back and forth,He will give female students 200 the euro as a reward.Before he left,Little rock told reporters,Rent a girlfriend had no other Chinese New Year,But do not how to reassure parents and grandmother?In order to clear local guide quietly family New Year's day,He can only out of the interview."Ms to rent for the holiday,Just a diversion,As long as I'm not getting married one day,They will as me.but,I really don't want to go to hurt other innocent women for the sake of the family.Not long ago,On the Internet to see an article specifically addressed to comrade[The Spring Festival,Gather outside like billions of annoyance],It enumerates the comrade of the Chinese New Year,I empathy,Empathy!."


When I was a child,We are always looking forward to Chinese New Year,Looking forward to a long vacation/The abundance of food/Beautiful dress and elder New Year's money.however,As the growth of the age,The meaning of Chinese New Year also become no longer pure.In fact,Year or the year,Only you I am not like so simple……However, no matter what,Parents and family for our love, never change,If you can,Please put down all the concerns,Summon up courage to return home with them,Because no matter when,Family is the real meaning of the Spring Festival.(Cham Lou)
